
Demonic berserker

Hello everyone this my first novel so, please be supportive and any good criticism is appreciated. ______________________________________ A man who had a big dream but lost his life before achieving it. Now,as the tool of amusement for a higher power he strives to achieve his goal of reaching the pick of martial arts. So, better be beware and don't come in his way or else face the demon of carnage, Rai kan.

ShreShan · Eastern
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

25: Amazing Bi ji.

As the snows melted and flowers began to bloom, Rai Kan and Hi Ho prepared to leave the Valley of Eternity. The two men stood outside the inn where they had spent many months, their belongings packed and ready for the journey ahead.

Hi Ho: "Spring is finally here. It's time to move on."

Rai Kan, nodded his eyes scanning the horizon. "Yes, we've spent enough time here. It's been good for training and reflection, but we have more to see and do."

As they made their way to the gates, they were met by Li Feng, the sect master, and a few monks who had come to see them off.

**Li Feng**: *Bowing slightly.* "Rai Kan, Hi Ho, your presence here has been enlightening. We wish you safe travels and good fortune."

**Rai Kan**: *Bowing in return.* "Thank you, Master Li Feng. Your hospitality and wisdom have been greatly appreciated."

**Hi Ho**: *Smiling warmly.* "We will carry the lessons learned here with us."

They passed through the gates and onto the path that would take them away from the valley. The monks and sect members watched them go, their figures growing smaller until they were just a part of the landscape.

As they walked, Rai Kan looked at the road ahead.

Rai Kan: "Where do you suggest we go next, Hi Ho?"

Hi Ho, Thought for a moment."I've heard of a place called the Whispering Forest. It's said to be a land of mystery and ancient power. Perhaps we can find something there that will help us on our journey."

Rai Kan "The Whispering Forest, huh? Sounds intriguing."

The two continued on, their spirits high and their minds focused on the adventures that awaited them. The Valley of Eternity had been a place of growth and learning, but now they were ready to face new challenges and uncover new mysteries.

The road stretched out before them, a path of endless possibilities. And so, with the warmth of spring in the air and the promise of new beginnings, Rai Kan and Hi Ho set off into the world once more.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho traveled along the winding path, they eventually came across a group of carts traveling in the same direction. The travelers, mostly merchants and families, eyed Rai Kan warily due to his imposing and animalistic appearance.

Hi Ho noticed the tension and approached one of the merchants, a middle-aged man named Chen Wei.

Smiling warmly,Hi ho extends a hand."Greetings. We mean no harm and would like to join your group for the journey. My name is Hi Ho, and this is Rai Kan."

Chen Wei, hesitated but then replies while shaking Hi Ho's hand. "I am Chen Wei. We've had some trouble with bandits recently, so you'll understand our caution."

Hi Ho,nodes "Of course. Rai Kan may look fierce, but he's a good man. Besides, with us traveling together, we can offer protection should any bandits attack."

A young woman, Mei Lin, approached, curiosity overcoming her initial fear.

Looking up at Rai Kan,she speaks "Is it true you fought in the Claw of Crow? We've heard stories about a fierce warrior who took down mercenaries there."

Rai Kan, replies "Yes, that was me. But those stories often exaggerate things."

**Mei Lin**: *Smiling brightly.* "Well, I'm glad you're with us then. Maybe you can keep us safe."

**Chen Wei**: *Relaxing a bit.* "Alright then, you can travel with us. But please, try not to scare the children."

**Hi Ho**: *Laughing lightly.* "We'll do our best."

As they continued their journey, the initial fear and tension among the group eased. Rai Kan and Hi Ho shared stories and offered assistance when needed, gradually earning the trust of their new companions. In the evenings, they gathered around campfires, exchanging tales and laughter.

One night, as they sat around the fire, a young boy named Xiao Li approached Rai Kan, his eyes wide with awe.

**Xiao Li**: *Tentatively.* "Mister Rai Kan, can you show me some martial arts?"

Rai Kan, replies "Of course, Xiao Li. But remember, martial arts are not just about fighting. They're about discipline and protecting those you care about."

Xiao Li,nodes eager to see what Rai kan had in store for him "I understand!"

Hi Ho,watched the interaction with a smile, knowing that despite Rai Kan's fearsome appearance, his heart was kind and just.

**Hi Ho**: *Thought* "It's good to see him like this. The journey is changing him, and perhaps it's changing me too."

Just as Rai Kan was about to demonstrate a martial arts technique to young Xiao Li, shouts of help erupted from one side of the camp. The group turned towards the commotion, their faces filled with alarm.

Chen Wei, pointed frantically. "Over there! Someone's in trouble!"

Rai Kan and Hi Ho dashed towards the source of the noise, with the rest of the camp following behind. They arrived to find Bi Ji, their trusty bull, tossing a group of thieves around like ragdolls. The powerful bull had already incapacitated several of the would-be thieves, who now lay groaning on the ground.

Hi Ho, spoke first his eyes wide with shock."Bi Ji's really handling them well. Look at her go!"

**Rai Kan**: *moved swiftly to Bi Ji's side.* "Easy, girl. It's alright now." *He placed a calming hand on her, whispering soothing words until the bull's wild eyes softened, and she stopped her rampage.*

One of the thieves, tried to scramble away but was quickly caught by Hi Ho.

Hi Ho and Chen Wei tied the thieves hands with rope. "You're not going anywhere. You picked the wrong camp to rob tonight."

The other camp members gathered around, their fear replaced with awe and gratitude. Mei Lin approached cautiously, looking at the subdued thieves with a mix of relief and anger.

**Mei Lin**: "Thank you both. We wouldn't have been able to stop them without you."

**Xiao Li**: *Clutching Rai Kan's sleeve.* "You were amazing! Can you teach me how to be strong like you?"

**Rai Kan**: "Strength isn't just about fighting, Xiao Li. It's about protecting those who need it. And tonight, you were all very brave."

Chen Wei, nodded in agreement. "We owe you our thanks. These men could have caused a lot more damage if it weren't for you and Bi Ji."

As the camp settled down from the excitement, Rai Kan and Hi Ho interrogated the surviving thieves. They learned that the group was part of a larger band of marauders preying on travelers in the area.

Hi Ho, turned to address the group."We'll need to stay vigilant. There might be more of them out there. For now, let's get some rest and keep watch in shifts."

The camp members agreed, their gratitude towards Rai Kan and Hi Ho evident in their expressions. As the night wore on, a sense of camaraderie settled over the camp, stronger than before.

Hi Ho,sat by the fire, with Rai Kan, while chatting"You handled that well. And Bi Ji was incredible."

Rai Kan,smiled "Bi Ji's always been special. And it seems we're always running into trouble, don't we?"

Hi Ho,laughs "It keeps things interesting. But for now, let's hope for a quiet night."

The group settled back into their routines, more united than ever. The events of the night had forged a stronger bond between them, and as they continued their journey, they did so with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.


Contents of Rai kan box:-

1 Dismantling tools(bought in the outer city of crow of claw(off-screen))

2 The book given to him by the gods.

3 Red ginsing(that he bought from auction.)