
Demonic Berserker(dropped.)

Hello everyone this my first novel so, please be supportive and any good criticism is appreciated. ______________________________________ A man who had a big dream but lost his life before achieving it. Now,as the tool of amusement for a higher power he strives to achieve his goal of reaching the pick of martial arts. So, better be beware and don't come in his way or else face the demon of carnage, Rai kan.

ShreShan · Eastern
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

14:Claw of the crow.

As they closed in on their destination, the path became more rocky, with regular dust clouds obscuring their view.

One night, as Hi Ho was cooking over the fire, he glanced at Rai Kan. "Where did you go?"

Rai Kan approached, dragging something behind him. "I wanted to try something different tonight."

Hi Ho's eyes widened in shock as he saw the 3-foot-wide, 2-foot-tall spider. "Is that an iron talon spider? And it's in perfect condition!"

Rai Kan, noticing Hi Ho's expression, raised an eyebrow. "Why are you making that face? The monster was very weak."

Hi Ho shook his head in disbelief. "Individual spiders are weak, but all spider species always move in packs of 10 to 20 when outside of their nests. The fact that you brought one without damaging its corpse is shocking."

Rai Kan shrugged. "I found it alone."

Hi Ho's shock deepened. "Alone? That's the first time I've ever heard of that."

Rai Kan quickly flipped through the pages of his book. "There's nothing written about this either."

Hi Ho scratched his head. "Strange. Maybe it's an outlier or something happened to its pack."

Rai Kan nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps. It's worth keeping an eye out for more."

As they sat down to eat, Hi Ho poked at the spider's meat with his cooking utensils. "Well, at least we have a unique dinner tonight."

Rai Kan took a bite, chewing thoughtfully. "It's not bad. Different, but not bad."

Hi Ho laughed. "You have a strange palate, my friend. But I suppose it's good to have variety."

After some more discussion while eating, Hi Ho stretched and looked at the sky. "We should depart first thing in the morning. One of the outer cities of Claw of Crow is not far from here."

Rai Kan nodded in agreement. "Agreed. The sooner we reach there, the better."

As they settled down for the night, Hi Ho glanced at Rai Kan. "You're sure you're okay with standing guard again?"

Rai Kan nodded. "Meditation is enough for me. You rest."

Hi Ho sighed, rolling into his bedroll. "Alright. Goodnight, Rai Kan."

"Goodnight, Hi Ho," Rai Kan replied, his eyes scanning the darkness, always vigilant.

With the morning light, they packed up their camp and mounted the carriage, ready to tackle the rocky path that lay ahead.

As they moved towards their destination, Hi Ho spoke up. "I wonder what other surprises we'll find on this journey."

Rai Kan's eyes twinkled with anticipation. "We will find many, that is all I can say."

As morning came, Rai Kan and Hi Ho packed up their camp and departed. The sun was just peeking over the horizon as they made their way towards their destination.

Upon reaching the city gates, they were greeted by the city guards. "Identification and carriage inspection," one of the guards commanded, stepping forward.

Rai Kan and Hi Ho handed over their identification slates. There was immediate commotion among the guards when they saw Rai Kan's age written on his slate. "Seventeen? This can't be right," one guard muttered, eyeing Rai Kan's imposing figure and fearsome face.

The head guard stepped forward, holding an age crystal. "Let's confirm this."

Rai Kan stood calmly as the crystal was placed against his hand. It glowed softly, confirming his age. The guards stared at him with shocked expressions.

"He's really seventeen..." one guard whispered in disbelief.

Hi Ho couldn't help but laugh. "Told you he's young."

After the confirmation, the guards let them pass, still murmuring among themselves in amazement.

Inside the city, the environment was a stark contrast to the Bed of Flowers. The air was filled with the sound of hammers striking anvils and the scent of grain and metal. Blacksmith shops and grain traders lined the streets, creating a serious and competent atmosphere.

Hi Ho glanced around. "Quite different from the Bed of Flowers, isn't it?"

Rai Kan nodded. "Indeed. Let's check into an inn first."

They found a modest inn and secured a room. After settling in, they discussed their plan. "We need to explore the city and find merchants willing to buy our stuff," Hi Ho suggested.

Rai Kan agreed. "We'll divide the tasks. You handle selling the meat and herbs."

"And you take care of selling the spider's claws and Bi Ji's milk after buying some containers," Hi Ho finished.

They set out, Hi Ho heading towards the markets while Rai Kan made his way to the blacksmith district.

Rai Kan approached a blacksmith shop, presenting the spider's claws. "I have iron talon spider claws for sale. Interested?"

The blacksmith, a burly man with soot-stained hands, examined the claws. "These are in excellent condition. I'll give you 5000 ning for the lot."

Rai Kan shook his head. "These claws are rare and in perfect condition. 8000 ning."

The blacksmith scratched his beard. "Alright, 7000 ning. Final offer."

Rai Kan nodded. "Deal."

After securing the payment, Rai Kan proceeded to a general goods store to purchase containers for Bi Ji's milk. The shopkeeper, an elderly woman, handed over several sturdy containers in exchange for a reasonable sum.

Meanwhile, Hi Ho had found a butcher willing to buy the spider meat. "This is some rare stuff," the butcher said, weighing the meat. "I'll give you 3000 ning for it."

"Deal," Hi Ho agreed. He then moved on to an apothecary to sell the herbs. The apothecary, a thin man with spectacles, inspected the herbs carefully.

"These are high quality. I'll offer 4000 ning for the lot."

"Make it 4500, and you have a deal," Hi Ho countered.

The apothecary nodded. "Alright, 4500 ning it is."

By midday, both Rai Kan and Hi Ho had completed their tasks and met back at the inn.

"How did it go?" Hi Ho asked, taking a seat.

"Sold the claws for 7000 ning and bought the containers, alongside some new dismantling tools.What about you?" Rai Kan replied.

"Sold the meat for 3000 ning and the herbs for 4500 ning," Hi Ho said with a satisfied smile.

"Not bad," Rai Kan acknowledged.

Hi Ho leaned back. "We did well today. Let's see what tomorrow brings."

As night fell, they prepared for another day's work, each contemplating the next steps in their journey.

"Rest well," Rai Kan said, settling into his meditation.

Hi Ho nodded, stretching out on his bed. "You too, Rai Kan. We'll need our strength for whatever comes next."

With that, they turned in for the night, ready to face the challenges and opportunities the Claw of Crow had to offer.


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 Dismantling tools(bought in the outer city of crow of claw(off-screen))

2 The book given to him by the gods.

3 Red ginsing(that he bought from auction.)