
Demon system for the future demon king

Green_Wood_3759 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


After he got home he first greeted both of his parents then he went up to his room.The next day at school the gave me the prize it was a panel they said that I had to tell it what you wanted it's form to be but you should think hard before telling it because it would be the only form it would have.He passed Bell in the hall she had a devious smile on her this surprised him but it didn't bother him he new she couldn't do anything to him.Bell left early that day and he still was deciding on what to make the panel he decided to ask his parents when he gets home before he went home he decided to get something for his parents he chose to get the cinnamon buns. When he got home they weren't in there."Oh they must have gone out or something." I thought then I put the cinnamon buns into the oven and went up to my room to decided on what to make the panel into he chose a kind of pulse gun that could turn into gloves.After that he pulled the cinnamon buns out of the oven he heard a knock of the door."They're here " I thought then I opened the door only to find a note the said.

If you want your parents back come yo the wood factory if you don't then they will die.

What how could this happen Who did this. I grabbed my coat and shoes and ran towards the factory he got there in only a few minutes the one who was there was surprised they didn't expect him to get her so fast I saw my parents tied up and gagged there was fear in there eye that made me want to kill this person."Who are you and why did you do this ." "I think you know me pretty well Leaf my name is the one the only Bell." Bell so that was what the smiling was about I thought "But still why did you do this ?" I asked again she didn't answer "Well all you need to know is that you messed with the wrong person!" We both shouted she ran at me with two daggers I could easily doge them." Hey do you want to see something cool." She asked "sure "I said then pulled out a remote control "This is a remote two the bombs on their body's you can't heart me unless you want them dead." She said ."Would you like to see number 1 or number 2 " I said She chose number one that was the option were I show her that I am a demon."Okay as you wish." He stoped using his hide skill and all the demon parts were showing.after seeing this she was scared to the bone this was a demon." Do you want to see option 2 now" she nodded then his parents were untied and free he also pulled the bombs off them." Now that you know that I am a demon you have to be apart of my household." When he fine she's he out his hand over her body and she felt pain all over her body after it was done I told her about how was my family now and all that stuff.After we got home I sat them on the couch and heated up some cinnamon buns for them when he got back to the couch they took it and I explained all the demon stuff they took it perfectly in the end the said that I was there son no matter what.