
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 21: Mt. Natagumo

Sakura Garden, Shinobu State.

Two people were sitting near the sakura tree,

talking leisurely and laughing between their talks as they gazed at the falling Sakura leaves.

"So, How was I?"Ace asked with a charming smile.

Shinobu looked at me , amused, "Do you want me to praise you?"

"Ofcourse," Ace replied, in an exaggerated way. "Who wouldn't want the praise of an esteemed Hashira, especially one as lovely lady as yourself?".

Shinobu shook her head, amused by Ace's playful antics and while ignoring his flirting. She simply said, "You are undoubtedly more talented than anyone here, Ace. You'll undoubtedly surpass all of us in no time,You don't need anyone's praise"

However, she couldn't help but add, "And if you still want my praise," meeting Ace's gaze with sincerity, she declared, "You were amazing, Ace."

Ace displayed a confident smile hearing that while caught a little off guard by her sincerity.

"Thanks. It's all because of Mitsuri's training."

In a tone laced with exasperation, Shinobu pressed, "You're aware that Kanao has been training since childhood, yet you managed to defeat her in just a month's training."

Ace, with a casual grin, retorted, "Of course, it's just that I'm built different."

Shinobu interrupted him with a playful jab, "You switch between being humble and arrogant faster than you blink."

"Haha" Ace only laughed at that comment and proposed, "So, how about we, the two of us, go and give some motivation to her? and I can't do it alone, as she listens to you the most."

Shinobu sighed and shook her head, her voice filled with understanding. "Don't worry about her. She'll come out of this phase on her own. She's not that weak," she assured. Then, she added, "Everyone goes through moments like this in their life, and they have to face them on their own, or they'll remain trapped in those moments forever."

She knew how competitive Kanao is , and getting defeated by Ace, should have dealt a massive blow to her self confidence.

She was also in a complicated mood ,where on one hand , she was happy that Ace is very talented , but on the other it may cause Kanao to self doubt her hard work.

However, Shinobu realised that this was a hurdle Kanao had to face on her own, as one can't cease putting in effort simply because they encounter someone more talented.

While in thought, she couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating laugh, finding the situation quite ironic, considering her own moments of jealousy towards other Hashiras.

In contrast, Kanao's case was much better . Her doubts were centred on her own efforts, and she didn't harbour any jealousy towards Ace's rapid progress.

"Shinobu-san?"Shinobu broke off her thoughts as she heard Ace calling her.

"Are you…alright?" Ace asked her with a small frown in his face.

"Y-Yes, I was just lost in my thoughts" Shinobu said .

But Ace having seen her Emotion Body and her insecurities and knowing her future, he knew about her problem more than she herself knew.

Ace reassured her while gently placing a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, Shinobu-san. I'll help you with any grudge you may have, no matter who it's with."

"How do you..."




Before Shinobu could ask Ace more about this, the sound of her Kasugai crow interrupted them. She quickly turned serious, knowing that these crows were only sent when there was a mission that had resulted in the loss of many Demon Slayers.





Here are your orders.

Make way to the North-NorthEast and head towards Mount Natagumo steadfast.

Hundreds of demon slayers are missing here . Casualties are piling up.

Likely a Lower Moon.

As Shinobu read the urgent message, her thoughts raced.'"Lower Moon? They would have been massacred already if it was a Lower Moon. Ordinary members are not capable of handling them. Who sent them there?' she pondered.

Just then, Mitsuri came running towards her, calling out, "Shinobuuu-san "

Shinobu snapped into action, her actions hurried. "Let's go, Mitsuri. We don't have much time," she declared.

Mitsuri nodded in agreement, "Y-Yes, I've already gathered the necessities for the mission."

Shinobu nodded.

"Take me with you too. Since Kanao is absent due to injury, I can act as your assistant."Ace quickly asked because if he remembered correctly , it was during this mission that they encountered Rui of Lower Moon and Tanjiro fighting.

He sighed inwardly, thinking, 'We're already close to the second season? I could have tried saving Tanjiro's family or at least tried to relocate them. Since he can't face Muzan, and it would be literally suicide to confront him now.'

After giving it some thought, Shinobu nodded to Ace. "Okay, you can come with us, and bring Yuki along as well," she said. "It will be a good experience for Yuki." While thinking, perhaps it's a good opportunity for Yuki to witness the brutality of demon slaying early on."

Nodding in response, Ace swiftly departed to fetch Yuki. Meanwhile, Shinobu turned to Mitsuri and said, "Let me grab my medical equipment as well."

Mitsuri chimed in, "Let me help."

- x - X - x -

As the day was fading into twilight, four figures dashed through the forest, using the trees as stepping stones. Three of them gripped swords tightly, while one carried a long glaive.

Swiftly, they traversed the forest with a pace beyond the capabilities of ordinary individuals, effortlessly leaping from one tree to the next.

Ace broke the rhythm of their swift travel with a question, "So, how far is Mount Natagumo?"

Shinobu replied, "We'll reach it by midnight if we maintain our current speed."

Ace mused, looking back at Yuki, "So a eight-hour marathon with a full sprint, huh?" He couldn't help but think if she can keep up with their pace and navigate the dark forest with her limited vision during the night.

Yuki offered a feeble smile in response to Ace's comment, but her thoughts took a different path. She couldn't help but retort in her mind, 'It's only been a month of training guys, and why is an eight-hour sprint considered normal? I'm not like Ace; that guy is a monster with his talent.'

While Shinobu, looking at Ace's concerned face knew what he might be thinking, whispered in a low voice enough for only them to hear, "This is a test for her. If she can't keep up with this, it's better for her to give up now rather than risk becoming some demon's food."

Ace nodded in agreement, While he desired for Yuki to become strong, he knew that it was better to be alive than to risk becoming dead meat.

"Don't worry about them, Yuki-chan. I know you can do it if you keep your mind on it. I've seen how hard you train with Kanao," Mitsuri consoled softly, understanding the uncertainty in Yuki's expression.

Yuki shook her head after hearing Mitsuri's words and responded with newfound determination, "Don't worry, Mitsuri-san. I will keep up with it. I would be the worst Demon Slayer if I can't even reach the demon."

"That's the spirit, Yuki-chan," Mitsuri cheered.

Ace and Shinobu smiled, encouraged by Yuki's resolve.

{Eight Hours Later}

Yuki's earlier confidence had given way to exhaustion as she gasped for breath, her face flushed and her sweat-soaked dress clinging to her.

Ace, perhaps in an attempt to lighten the mood, teased, "Haha, you look quite good in that state, Yuki." Inwardly, he found her appearance oddly alluring with her disheved hair and her dress sticking to her skin.

Yuki lacked the energy to retort and simply shot him a dark look.

Mitsuri, attempting to stifle her laughter, failed and acknowledged, "You too, Mitsuri-san." Yuki appeared betrayed by their playful teasing.

Shinobu assured her, "We'll be out of the forest soon. Try to keep it up for a little while longer."

Their laughter swiftly turned to solemnity as they left behind the lush forest and approached the towering mountain ahead.

Entering the mountain's depths, they were met with a sight that would traumatise any normal person. Yet, the individuals present were no ordinary folk.

Well, except Yuki.


Link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius