
Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, an unassuming soul, Ace Walker, stumbles upon an extraordinary inheritance – a dimensionless library housing countless worlds. From futuristic galaxies to medieval realms, anime-inspired landscapes, and beyond, this library holds the keys to an infinite array of realities. His journey unfurls as he steps through the thresholds of these fictional worlds, each with its unique wonders and perils. With every tale he explores, the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and he finds himself on a quest to uncover his own origins. Delving deeper into the library's boundless collections, the very fabric of the multiverse becomes his playground. But can he discover the secret that lies beyond the veil, or will he succumb to its boundlessness like his predecessors? ********* Patreon link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 15: Death and Desire





"Argh, that hurts, Mitsuri," Ace complained as he fell for what seemed like the nth time, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Every inch of his body throbbed with pain.

"No pain, no gain, Ace-kun," Mitsuri said with a smile, her tone unyielding.

Ace let out a tired sigh. "You are really brutal."

As he began to gather his strength to rise and get back on the bamboo sticks, Mitsuri stopped him midway.

"That's enough for today, Ace-kun. We've been at it since morning, and you need some rest," Mitsuri said.

Exhausted, Ace let out a weary sigh of relief as he was almost completely drained of stamina. Making his way to a nearby stool to take a seat and catch his breath, he took a moment to reflect on the days since the start of his training..

It had been a month since he started living at the Butterfly Mansion, and twenty days since he began his training with Mitsuri. The rigorous training had taken a toll on his body, but he could feel the progress he was making.

Before their training, he struggled to dodge even a single strike from Mitsuri. However, after twenty days of rigorous training, he felt confident that he could dodge many of those strikes, of course with the premise that Mitsuri is holding back her strength.

During his training, Ace had reaped several benefits. One of them was the growing closeness of his relationship with Mitsuri. They had become close enough that he had stopped using her surname and now directly called her by her birth name.

The growing closeness between them also reminded Ace of a particular moment during their training. It was the time he had asked Mitsuri to address her by her name rather than her surname. He vividly recalled the blush that had crept onto her cheeks, making her look even more endearing. It was moments like these that made him appreciate the charm of anime characters and their exaggerated reactions.

He couldn't help but think, "Really, anime girls' reactions are the best." He wished he could have captured that blush on camera, but alas, it was a moment he could only treasure in his memory.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as he saw Shinobu and Yuki entering the room.

Shinobu still had her customary calm and bright expression, with a small smile on her lips.

But on the other hand, something felt odd about Yuki's expression, it was like she was distracted by something.

He made a mental note to approach her and inquire about it once they were alone.

"How is training going?" Shinobu asked.

"Shinobu, I have to say, Ace-kun's progress has been quite remarkable," Mitsuri beamed as she responded to Shinobu's question about Ace's training.

Shinobu raised an eyebrow, offering Ace a playful yet somewhat mocking glance. "Well, well, it seems you're skilled in something other than flirting."

Ace, quick-witted as always, retorted with a mischievous grin, "Kocho-san, you'd be surprised how many things I'm good at."

Shinobu, feeling a touch of annoyance at not having the upper hand in their playful exchange, huffed and shifted her focus back to chatting with Mitsuri.

'They make quite the pair,' Yuki thought with a slight frown.

Noticing Yuki's contemplative expression, Ace inquired, "Is something bothering you, Yuki?"

Yuki stammered hurriedly, "N-nothing!"

Ace couldn't shake the suspicion that something was amiss. He had noticed Yuki gazing at him in a trance on more than one occasion. 'Is her interest growing into something more?' he mused, a hint of anticipation in his thoughts. 'But then again, she always acts so shy. Would she actually make a move?'

Returning his attention to Shinobu, Ace observed her deep in conversation with Mitsuri, both wearing serious expressions. Eager to glean some information, he attempted to overhear their conversation.

Shinobu's voice grew solemn. "Two days ago, seven people were killed in the Yoshimi District."

The mention of the Yoshimi District brought to Ace's mind that Mitsuri had been responsible for its protection.

Mitsuri's countenance darkened, a rare display of anger. "What about the demon slayers who were there?" she inquired.

Shinobu's reply was delivered with her usual composure, but those who knew her well could detect the icy, stern undertone in her gaze. "It was a Lower Moon 6, and they could barely hold him off until sunrise after which he ran away. Thirteen slayers were injured during the battle."

Ace realised the gravity of the situation, and a sense of foreboding washed over him.

Ace noticed the tension in the room as Mitsuri and Shinobu discussed the recent demon attack. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, and it was clear that they were concerned about the safety of the Yoshimi District.

"I think I should go hunt the demon first," Mitsuri declared.

She then turned to Ace, a hint of apology in her eyes. "Can you wait for a week, Ace-kun?"

Ace nodded understandingly, "Of course, Mitsuri. I'll continue my training and be ready when you need me."

"There's no need for that," Shinobu informed them, "Uzui-san has already been dispatched by Oyakata-sama."

"And Ace's training is of more importance, for our future," Shinobu continued, her gaze uncharacteristically cold and stern.

Ace, Yuki, and Mitsuri exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by Shinobu's words, It was different from her usual behaviour.

Without a word, they exchanged glances once more, silently agreeing that it was best not to poke hornet nest.

After their discussion, both Mitsuri and Shinobu continued to converse for some time before eventually departing.

This left Ace and Yuki alone in the room.

Seeing the silence ,Ace tried to start the conversation.

"So, how's the training with Kanao going?" 

"It's tough, but I am getting better "

Ace smiled , happy that she is not losing her motivation early on and continuing the training. After all, even the training in the early stages is comparable to the military grade of his old world. 

"You're doing great, Yuki," he added with a warm smile.

"Thanks," Yuki replied, 

They continued their comfortable conversation until the sun began to set, casting a warm, fading glow in the room. Eventually, they decided it was time to leave.

Ace Dodge Count : 44

No. Of Falls : 4469


Ace was looking forward to a well-deserved good night's sleep. His daily training sessions had taken a toll on both his body and mind, and he longed for the restorative embrace of slumber. 

As he lay down to rest, anticipating the moment when he would drift into dreamland, but whether fortunate or unfortunate, this night was not meant for rest ,as he was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of knocking. Annoyance coursed through him. 

"Who the heck is waking me up at this hour?" Ace grumbled, his irritation palpable.

Rising from his bed, he quickly made his way to the door, fully prepared to give the intruder a piece of his mind. But as he swung the door open and took in the unexpected sight before him, all his annoyance dissipated like smoke.

"Yuki?" Ace asked in a confused voice.

He gazed at Yuki, who was dressed in a loose kimono, her hair flowing freely, and her eyes half-lidded with a seductive look as she slowly looked him up and down.

Ace couldn't help but feel a bit surprised at Yuki's early appearance. He had assumed that it would take more time for her desires to surface. It had become fairly obvious that she had developed a crush on him ever since he had saved her. After all, who would so suddenly travel with a person they had just met, even if they were their saviour?

He knew it wouldn't be long before her feelings and desires, born out of her liking for him, would drive her to make her intentions known.

"What's going on, Yuki?" Ace asks, trying to act surprised.

"Why are you acting surprised? I believe I've dropped enough hints for you to pick up on, and I know you're not a dense guy," she said with a hint of exasperation.

She is more perceptive than I thought.

Since she knew this , there was no need to play a dense guy.

Pulling Yuki close, wrapping his arms around her. He looked into her eyes and said, "Since you know what I want and I know what you want, there's no need for further words. Let's just have a wild night."

With an unspoken agreement, they shared a passionate embrace, allowing their desires to lead the way.


So, the next 2 chapters will be R18.

If we can get 100 power stones until tommorow, I will directly upload both the chapters at once.


Link: patreon.com/NexusPrimodius

For advance chapters.