It was like any other night, peaceful and quiet. Nothing seem out of the ordinary, no suspicious activity that could of show any hints of what was to come.
This very same night saw a renowned family known for their unique breathing style, unusual culture and long line of geniuses become, almost completely eradicated. Thankfully, a baby, only birthed that night, was able to flee from the scene with the help of a family servant.
Hina Fugiwara, ran and ran without looking behind even the slightest. She was given an order, an order given by her Lady, Lady Ishikawa. To protect her child and support him, no matter, what would happen. There was no needed to rethink her decision, she would do anything to secure that her Ladies and Lord Ishikawa's first born will live through this day and for the foreseeable future until her last breath.
Had it not been for them, she would of probably died already by hunger and thirst. This is the best she could do for them.
She glanced down to her hands, despite her blurry vision, she saw the signature hair which only men and woman that are born into the Ishikawa family only had. Smooth, silky tuff of black hair many with the end of the strands being a mixture of gold and red tips.
There was no doubt in the servants mind that he'll grow up to be quite the looker when he's older. Of course he would be handsome, it was Lord Ishikawa's son, after all. The man himself had 3 wives due to.... Circumstances...
'Hopefully, he doesn't inherit his father's personality...' Smiling sadly, Hina tried to brighten the mood, however made it worst. Remembering what could of possibly happened to both parents.
She couldn't stop or prevent the tears from flowing without her eyes like a fountain. Hina so desperately wanted to blame herself despite not doing nothing, it broke her already flimsy heart at the thought of her lordship and mistresses possible demise.
With what was left of her heart, The servant of the boy in her hands, sucked in some air and wiped the stray tears. Now all which she kept precious was her new master. Fortunately, Lady Ishikawa had named her son, before having to push him away, shushing her away with her baby boy.
His name was Hijiri.
Hijiri Ishikawa, Great-Grandson of Hijiri Ishikawa, the Creator of Lava breathing, a breathing style passed down that would be widely know as the first breathing style to deprive from two different breathing styles. The name Hijiri Ishikawa would never be forgotten through history, from his unusual explosive temper to a highly renown strategist and master Swordsman, Hijiri Ishikawa, despite his unorthodox attitude gained respect by many.
His life fell short though unfortunately at the age of 32, through severe blood lose against an unknown attacker. Leaving his final words, to his love one's around him, Hijiri Ishikawa left the mortal plane with his most loved ones around him, cementing his legacy in one of the most powerful demon slayer to live. Till this day no one could find out who caused Hijiri to be in such a state.
Hina hoped, Hijiri won't grow up to be pressured by being bestowed by such a heavy name. She didn't want to see him distance himself from everyone else cause of it.
Hina walked and walked for days on end, even when she felt hungry she still kept on going with all her effort. It was a painful journey, there was blisters all over her uncovered feet, there was even small cuts that had started turning green from being exposed to dirt. Had she have proper footwear she would of most likely been at where she was heading already.
After 5 days, starving of hunger and barely walking, Hina somehow made it to her destination. A Village, Loads of houses with paths separating in-between them. Here and their would be shops either for food or shops for necessity such as water, coal, ingredients and any equipment to live.
Although she was barely on her two feet, Hina smiled down at the now awaken Kijiri, who looked around curiously, unaware of what happened to his family couple days prior.
"Young master... We are here..." Putting on her best smile, Hina whispered to Kijiri, her voice was barely auditable cause of fatigue.
It was morning, the sun was rising and the children ran around playing, businesses were opened with some locals eating food at food shops. Each step she took, Hina felt eyes on her and especially on Kijiri, she didn't have the time to analyse what was going off through people's heads. She had no time, she carried on walking down the path to arrive at the mansion.
Just 5 minutes and she was finally their, the biggest and more luxurious place in the whole village. House of the Rengoku family. If there was any place to take young master Kijiri, this was the best place.
The Rengoku and Ishikawa family had a history of intertwining house members with one another. This was mainly one of the reasons, especially since Kijiri's mother was the cousin of the current head of the Rengoku family, Shinjuro Rengoku. Their relationship was also especially close, both saw each as brother and sister.
"Lord Rengoku! Lady Rengoku! Something has happen to Lord and Lady Ishikawa! ... hah...hah....ah....hah..." Seeing no way to open the gate to the mansion, barely loud and clear, Hina shouted with desperation.
It didn't take long before, the gates opened wide open showing a man and woman. The man had long spiky, gold hair with red tips. The aura around him was calm but ferocious, unlike the aura around him, on his face showed a angry expression that hid barely the nervousness going off on in his head. It seemed quite weird on his broad and 182 cm build.
The woman alongside him, with a kid on her side holding her hand which look just like the man, had long black hair like night with a pair of mesmerising red eyes. Her complexion would make some of the most beautiful women envy her creamy white skin. The aura around her seemed peaceful like the night breeze. She unlike her husband beside her, had a reserved face expecting for the worst.
"What has happened." Stepping forward, Shinjuro asked, although seemingly calm, their was a hesitation at the start portraying his internal struggles.
Not knowing the best way to break it to Lord Shinjuro, she didn't want him to suddenly explode, after all she had heard many stories of his aggressive however protective behavior when it came to family.
"W-We were attacked.... Lord Ishikawa fought until the end, but no matter what he did, h-h-he *sob* died *sob* to protect us... By sacrificing themselves, and allowing time for me to escape with their child. ....L-Lady Ishikawa told me to head here as immediately as possible... For Kijiri sake..."
Hina didn't no what to say until, she started sobbing about all that happened at the Ishikawa, how Lord ishikawa died, the overwhelming smell of smoke and the cries of Lady Ishikawa to run as fast as possible. Listening to all this, and seeing the state of the servant of his sister and brother-in-law, Shinjuro was on the verge of crying, only thing stopping him from breaking down their was his appearance in front of his child and wife.
Beside him, Ruka eyes were closed. Taking in all the knowledge with a inhale. Despite only meeting her husbands cousin a few times, she couldn't understand how hurt her husband was however knew it was gonna hurt severely. Not aware of anything, the little replica of Shinjuro just simply look at Hina and Kijiri with confusion and childish joy of having new people.
Walking directly in front of Hina, Shinjuro looked at the girl than directly down to the curious child looking up to him with his arms wide, inviting him to pick him up. Shinjuro leaked a small tear that held all his pent up emotion and for once beside his wife, showed a small smile fueled with variety of emotions. The most was Sadness, Anger and Happiness.
"I-Is this their child...?" Only nodding subtle, Shinjuro took that as a yes and picked him up his sisters legacy in his hand. His eyes softened gazing at the child, he could see his sister in him. His tan complexion, eyes to his cheeks. Everything brung him back sad memories when he was younger training with her.
Holding him to his chest suddenly, Shinjuro felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his head immediately behind him to the person that put their hand on his shoulder and widened his eyes, his wife looked at him, eyes filled with endless love.
Straight away eyes going down to the child holding on his kimono, both child and adult gazed in one another eyes. Shinjuro than, made a decision.
'I will find out who caused this... And when I do. I'll get revenge! REVENGE FOR TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME! TAKING AWAY HER LIFE!'