
Demon Slayer; Shugosha

Fujimori Denji has led a hard life. At a young age he lost those precious to him. Denji trained as a demon slayer to protect the innocent. I do not own demon slayer I only own the plot and the Oc’s

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Chapter 3

Denji walked around town for an hour or two. He was heading home when he spotted someone he recognized.

"Kanao!" The younger slayer glanced at him and smiled as she approached him. Her and Kanao were pretty close, their relationship was pretty close to that of brother and sister, though they would probably never admit that.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"Can't sleep…you?"

"Same. I decided to take a walk to calm my nerves…"

Kanao nods. For the next several moments they walked in silence.


Denji sighed. He knew a mission was coming soon he just didn't think it would be this soon. He at least wanted to see his girlfriend. He always made sure to see his Sister and girlfriend before heading out on a mission.

"Can't I at least see Shinobu-san before-"

"Fujimori Tsuki has encountered lower rank 6! She requests backup! CAAAW!

Denji widened his eyes. Tsuki….sorry Shinobu-san….' He turned to Kanao. "Tell Shinobu-san I love her."

Kanao nods. "Be safe…."

Denji ruffled her hair before disappearing in a burst of speed.


"Fujimori Tsuki is in hiding! CAAAW! Head northeast! The demon is killing the townsfolk!"

"Where is this town?"

"It's about a five hour distance from where we are now to Shigune Town! CAAAW! Hurry!"

Denji didn't need to be told twice as he began to pick up the pace


24 hours ago

Tsuki arrived in Shigune town with her teammate.

"Be on your guard Tsuki." Said Arashi with a serious expression on his face; Arashi was a young man who was closer to her brother in age and just like her he was pretty new to the demon slayer corps.

"Humans have been disappearing lately from this town haven't they?"

"That's right. Specifically little boys and girls ranging from ages 6-10." Arashi explained


Arashi widened his eyes before quickly unsheathing his sword evading a claw'd attack that was outlined with lightning


"Tsuki!" The slayer exclaimed to his partner

The demon grinned at Arashi evilly in one of the demons eyes was the kanji for lower rank 6

"Back me up, Tsuki!"


Tsuki's body glowed with a neon blue color before she vanished in a burst of speed.

"Neon breathing….!"


In the end Arashi couldn't keep up with Kanemi the Lower Rank 6 and eventually he was taken out, his throat being slashed, blood splashing onto Tsuki's being.

Tsuki knew very well that she wouldn't be able to handle this opponent. Arashi was stronger than her afterall. Tsuki made the smart decision of making her escape and making sure that she got some back up.


Some time later Tsuki could be seen with wounds all over her body, breathing heavily.

'Denji-Nii…JasonI don't know if I can win against him….I…I'm sorry…'

The demon grinned as it appeared in front of her and tried to sever her head with its claws however-

"Stay away from my little sister!"


Denji had his blade out, kicking the demon sending him a distance away he got in a stance.

'I can't lose here!' He told himself. Memories began to fill inside his mind. Memories…of his previous life as Jason Faith…Denji tensed. 'They're all gone….mom…Dante…Tanya….Maria…Nora…even Brad and Alex…they're all gone….and I have no one to blame but myself.' He thought


Denji glared at the Demon.

"I hope your a better challenge than her! Or that friend of hers!" The demon eyes the Slayer as his legs began to glow a neon blue color before he vanished leaving a trail of blue.

Kanemi widened his eyes as he appeared behind him, his blade swinging down, he moved out of the way just in time to evade a beheading move.

'He's faster than the girl! It's…as if he's moving at light speed!' The demon thought. 'I guess it'll be futile to go against someone so talented without going all out."

Denji looked at the demon as his body crackled with lightning before he grinned as they charged each other, his sword went through motions as he swung repeadily, Kanemi moved at a speed that told him this fight wasn't gonna be easy.

The swordsman appeared behind the demon and swung his sword bringing forth a fountain of blood. Denji jumped out of the way of what could've been a fatal blow,

Denji looked at Kanemi with an angry look. This man had killed one of his comrades and had attempted to kill his one and only sister.

"I won't let you get away with what you've done!" Denji's body glowed yet again while Kanemi'e body was cloaked in lightning

Slayer and Demon charged one another. Swing. Swipe. Dodge. Evade. Jump. Parry. All this happened in a span of a few seconds as they danced on the ground appearing everywhere around the battlefield in an instant.

"Your pretty good! Way better than any other slayer I've ever faced! More! Show me more!"

Denji narrowed his eyes as he evaded all of the demon's Lightning fast slashes.

"Denji-Nii!" Tsuki could tell while he was putting up a pretty good fight he was gonna end up hurt or worse.

The young demon slayer took a step forward and then another. She held her nichirin blade firmly in her hands with the idea of attacking.

"Don't come closer! Stay back Tanya!"

The young slayer widened her eyes. 'Denji-Nii…you…you remember the past? Our past?' He thought

The demon cackled. "Just give up why don't you? Even if you beat me there are still lower rank and even upper ranks you'll eventually have to face!

"Shut up!" Said Denji. "You won't take any more lives, least of all my little sister!"

Kanemi grinned before vanishing in a flash, Denji did the same his body glowing with neonic colors.

"I won't let you harm my sister!"

"Jason it's not your fault…."

"I'm sure we'll meet again…in the next life…"

"I love you…"

"Please listen to my final request…"

"Look after your nephew and niece…"

"Ok….I promise."

"I won't let anyone harm my family! Nothing will break the bond between me and my sister! Not you! Nor the other demons!" Denji flashed all around the battlefield inflicting damage all across his body. Suddenly appearing behind the demon he beheaded the demon.

Denji watched as Kanemi began to disintegrate. "You ingrate! Damn you! I may die here but just remember…you'll eventually die you and that…sister of yours…."

He watched as the demon disintegrated entirely, Tsuki walked to her brother aware of how much pain he seemed to be in.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save you or the others back then…"

"So you do remember the past then?"

Denji nods

"Like I said. It's not your fault, you were just a regular human spending time with his family, your not that weak man anymore, your a powerful Member of the Demon Slayer Corps. You can't blame yourself like that."

Denji frowned. "That aside I wonder if any of the others got reincarnated as we have."

"I don't know. While we look similar to what we did in our past life it isn't quite noticeable also I haven't met anyone who I thought could be someone from our past."

"Hm. We'll figure it out Tanya." Denji grinned

Tsuki frowned. She had known her brother all her life, she knew him almost more than he knew himself so she was more aware of when he was faking a smile.

"Are you ok? I know it must be rough receiving all of your memories from your past life. I know you can't help but blaming yourself but what happened wasn't your fault. You weren't the one who killed everyone. It was the demon."

Denji gritted his teeth. His sister was right. How could he not blame himself? He did nothing to protect his family nor his friends! He was weak! He watched as they were all brutally murdered

"It was my fault! Can't you see that Tanya?! I did nothing but watched as you all were killed! I was supposed to protect you! But you and the others died! Im the eldest son and yet I couldn't protect anything. Not my past family or our new one. I hate myself. I could never keep my promise to Maria. What kind of brother am I that I denied my own baby sister hee final request."

Tsuki opened her mouth. She figured he would blame himself to a certain but this was. "Wait. Promise? What promise?"

"I promised Maria I would look out for niece and nephew, she sounded so sure that I would survive the encounter with the demon. I failed her. I failed the entire family."

"No you didn't. You had a lot of faults back then, you still do. Even so it's clear how much you care about your family." Said Tsuki. "Your a demon slayer! You protect innocent people from demons."

"And yet I couldn't protect my own family. Some brother I am."

"Your a good brother. You've saved my life more times than I can count. You save others and ask for nothing in return. You have such a beautiful soul."

Denji frowned: before hugging his sister. "Thank you." He whispered

Tsuki smiled as she returned the hug, patting his back.

"We need to find our family Tanya."

"I know and believe me we will."

"Finding Maria might be a good first place to start. The others we can find later."

Tsuki nods. "Do you have any ideas?" She asked pulling away from the hug.

"Hm. Well shouldn't our mothers children have her last name? That's assuming she got reincarnated into the same family."

"That makes since I guess."

Denji nods. "We'll look like a total fool in front of the leader, but we need him to know everything so he can help us."

"I suppose that's for the best."

"It is. Fubuki That's the name we have to look into."



To be continued