
Demon slayer: Re-life

The story revolves around a young man called Licht, he and his best friend as a warrior sacrificed themselves for their kingdom to end a heartbreaking war. After saying goodbye to each other, both of them passed away but fate had something different for Licht. As he reincarnates into a teenager body. But the world, he reincarnated in was not like his previous world, this world was more dangerous, not to mention there were powerful demons that were hiding in the shadows waiting for a time to dominate the world. Can Licht survive in this world? will his past life as a supreme warrior be of any use in this world? can he counter or fight the powerful demons of this world? can he marry a beautiful wife? or make a ha...... Note: This is just fanfiction and the original work doesn't belong to me, its original series name is Demon Slayer, if you hadn't watched this, go give it a try. I don't own anything except oc. And the cover is also not mine it was taken from Pinterest, the owner is @creampeachlily2020, if the honourable creator wants me to remove it, I will do it gladly. ( This is my first time writing fanfiction and I am a newbie, so the reader who wants godly fanfic pls lower their expectation. English is also not my native, though I am still trying to learn it ) Thanks.

Licht_Yagami_9163 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Seeing the demon approaching him at an inhuman speed Licht took a deep breath before muttering something

" 1st style: cyclone hail ".


___________________ ___________________ ____________________

As soon as the words fell, Licht launched himself toward the approaching demon before unleashing a single swift and concentrated slash.


As Licht and the demon approached each other, Licht was first to make his move, he swung his sword horizontally in the direction of the demon's neck but this time the slash was swift and more concentrated than before.

Seeing the sword coming at a rapid pace, the demon panicked a little and quickly stretched out his hand, hoping to catch the blade and stop it.


However, when the hand of the demon came in contact with a blade instead of stopping, the blade sliced through it and made its way to the neck but unfortunately, it stopped before reaching the shoulder.

" ha ",

The demon smirked as the blade came to a halt at his shoulder but his smirk didn't last long as he noticed Licht tightening his grip on the hilt of the sword before concentrating all his strength in his hands and before the demon could think of the anything else the sword had already cut through his shoulder and decapitated him, this impact caused a strong gust of wind to blow.

A rare silence fell over the battlefield before being broken by a dropping sound.


The stunning demon's head fell to the ground as blood coursed down from his body, dripping on the ground.

" Impossible...",

The demon muttered in disbelief before turning into nothing less and it's the same for his body.

Licht smiled relievedly before slumping on the ground, he was feeling tired now.

" hah~hah...finally he is gone...but to be honest he is weak compared to what I thought about them...guess he was the weakest of all ",

thought licht before looking up at the sky and resting for a while to regain some strength, he now needs to find a shelter or a place where he can sleep a little peacefully without being too concerned about the wild animals that lurk in the forest.


After resting he got up from the ground and began looking for a place to sleep.

After 10 minutes of searching, he found a fairly strong and large branch that could easily support his weight while also providing him with some breathing space to sleep.

Climbing the tree, Licht sat on the branch while leaning his back against the trunk and to store his sword, he stabbed a branch beside him as it will hold the sword until he pulled it out.

' Let's sleep now, I have to find many things about this world tomorrow ',

Licht thought before closing his eyes and fell asleep.

________________ ____________________ _________________

Early in the morning.

The ray of sunlight shone in the unknown forest and the pleasant tune of birds chirping rang throughout the forest awakening the sleeping animals.

In the forest, on a branch of a big tree, was a figure who was sleeping while leaning his back on the trunk, he had a smile on his face as if he was dreaming something adequate.

A cold breeze blew causing his hair to swing from side to side.


Another wave of air blew, fluttering his hair and the closed of the figure began to tremble. The eyes of the figure flickered and violet eyes appeared.

" it's already morning? ",

The figure half-opened his eyes as the Sunray fell on his face, flickering his eyes for a moment he fully opened his violet eyes.


After opening his eyes, Licht yawned before grabbing the hilt of the sword and pulling it out.


A gust of wind blew causing the leaves to flutter, while the weak ones got swayed by it.

"it's refreshing... ",

Licht took a deep breath and enjoyed the freshness of the air.

" it's time to get up! ",

Said Licht before standing up from the branch and jumping as he landed on the ground.


Suddenly Licht heard a sound, looking at the source he spotted some movements in the bushes a little far away from him causing him to become cautious.

' Could that be a demon?... ',

