
Demon slayer: Pendragon

A college student died while heroically saving a little girl from kidnappers. After his death, he met a goddess who offered him a chance to be reborn in a new world. He accepted her offer, ready to start anew. Demon slayer doesn't belong to me

NiS74 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Death, goddess, rebirth

Chapter 1: Death, goddess, rebirth



A void is typically described as a place in space where there is nothing but endless darkness, a realm where no living thing—be it humans, trees, insects, or any other organism—can survive.

At least, that's what it was supposed to be, if not for the two people sitting in the gardens, deep in conversation.

You might be wondering how on earth there is a garden in the void and, more intriguingly, how these people ended up there in the first place. Allow me to explain.

The first person is a boy with golden hair and deep ocean-blue eyes, standing at a height of 184 cm. His physique is slightly muscular, like that of an athlete.

The second person is a girl with silver-blue hair and golden eyes that seem to contain countless universes. Her skin is smooth and white, like freshly fallen snow, and her hair flows down to her waist.

She looks every bit a goddess, and indeed, she is one. She watches over the void to ensure nothing goes awry. It was during one of these moments that she noticed the boy, seemingly lost in the vast emptiness of the void.

"So, you're saying I died?" the boy asked, seeking confirmation from the goddess.

"Yes," she replied with a gentle smile, "you died while saving a little girl from being kidnapped. You have a kind heart."

Indeed, the boy had been on his way home from college when he saw a little girl being taken by kidnappers. Without a second thought, he jumped in to save her, fighting fiercely. He succeeded in rescuing her, but the cost of his bravery was his own life.

"So, what happens now?" he asked, uncertain of his fate. Would he go to heaven or hell based on his karma?

"I will give you a chance to start over," she said, her smile unwavering. "You will be reborn with your memories intact, though not in your original world."

"May I ask why you're giving me this chance?" the boy asked, curious about her motives. Did she have an agenda, or was this an act of pure kindness?

"Well, for two reasons," the goddess responded, lifting two fingers.

"First, because you saved a little girl from being kidnapped by sacrificing your own life," she explained.

He reflected on this. It wasn't really a sacrifice in his mind. He hadn't intended to give his life; he had simply wanted to save the girl.

"And second," she continued, "because I want you to have a chance at a happy life, something you didn't have in your previous one." Her smile now held a hint of pity and sadness.

She wasn't wrong. The boy had endured a sorrowful existence. His mother died the day he was born, and his father, consumed by grief and alcohol, blamed him for her death. His father's drinking eventually led to his own demise, leaving the boy alone at a young age.

Fortunately, his father had left some money behind, so he managed financially by taking on part-time jobs as he grew older. His intelligence earned him a scholarship, allowing him to attend college. But his life was cut short when he saved that little girl.

And now, standing in the void, he was being offered a chance to start anew.

"So, what do you say?" the goddess asked.

"Alright… I accept your offer," the boy replied.

It didn't seem like a bad deal. While he wasn't overly concerned about living a happy life, the prospect still intrigued him.

"Very well. I will arrange for you to be born into a new world," she said, standing up. She began chanting in a language he couldn't understand.

What is she saying? He wondered. Of course, there was no way a human could comprehend the language of the gods.

As she chanted, his body began to glow, and he started to lose consciousness.

Just before darkness claimed him, he saw the goddess smiling softly and heard her say, "Good luck."

After transporting the boy's soul to be reborn in a new world, the goddess stood alone. The smile she had worn during their conversation was now gone, replaced by a somber expression.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, "I did promise you a chance at a happy life, yet I've sent you to a world fraught with peril. A world where demons lurk in the darkness."

Her face reflected a deep sadness as she continued, "I hope you can forgive me for this. The future of that world is in grave danger. In the coming times, many who fight against these demons will fall."

She gazed into the void, her voice barely a whisper, "So please, save this world with your strength. My child."


In the room, a woman was in the midst of giving birth. Two women, perhaps nurses or doctors, stood beside her, offering encouragement.

"Push, push… you can do it!" they urged, trying to cheer her on. The woman, breathing heavily, summoned all her strength. After a strenuous effort, a cry finally pierced the air.

The baby had arrived, wailing loudly.

"Waaah, waaah!" the newborn cried.

The mother, exhausted but overjoyed, asked the nurses to place the baby in her arms. As they did, the baby, who had been crying so loudly, suddenly quieted and gazed up at her.

Seeing her child's eyes for the first time, the mother smiled gently and whispered, "Your name will be Arthur Pendragon."