
Demon Slayer : Me Muzan

Reborn as Muzan, the new demon king rules the world. Smart MC Genius Mc Villian MC

ImagineMaker · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Muzan looked around the tavern; his red demon eyes were searching for a place to sit.

He wanted a place that was close to the sun, but it should also have plenty of shadows for him to hide in.

"A window seat should do the job."

Muzan thought with a hand on his chin, and he soon found the perfect spot.


Walking up to his chosen table, Muzan pulled a chair out and sat down. 

He didn't do anything immediately; he was still mentally preparing for the task.

"Hello, Mr., can I take your order?"

Just when Muzan was lost in thought, a sweet girl came to his table and asked for his order.

"You want my order? Do you work here?"

Muzan looked at the girl and asked curiously; she didn't have anything to show that she was working here.

"I do work here! This is my father's tavern. Sorry, I am not in my work clothes; it's still early morning; I didn't get the time."

The girl seemed embarrassed when Muzan checked her clothes. This was something Muzan noticed.

Muzan was very sharp; he had millenia of experience with people. Throughout the years he had lived as a child, a man, a woman, an old person—you name it—Muzan had lived that life.

He has had so many families and so many wives that he has lost count.

So reading about such an inexperienced girl was instinctive for him at this point. 

"You didn't have to come running to get my order; I can wait for you to get ready."

Muzan opened his mouth and exposed the waitress. It turns out she was still resting, but Muzan had come as a guest already, so she came out running to take his order.

"No no! It's fine! This tavern is my home anyway; I will get ready after I serve you food."

The girl quickly shook her hands, then lowered her head and spoke softly.

"You came here so early in the morning; you are also dressed nicely. I thought you had somewhere important to go."

"I didn't want to waste your time just because I had to get ready."

The girl smiled sweetly at Muzan. But Muzan fell silent. He wasn't dressed for anything important; he just liked to wear expensive clothes.

"Thank you for your concern, but I don't think you can serve me food. You shouldn't have what I usually eat."

Muzan struggled for a bit, then politely refused the waitress. But the waitress's eyes widened; she looked like Muzan had insulted her work ethics.

"How can we not feed you? Tell me what you want to eat, and we will serve it to you! It is our duty to serve every guest."

The waitress balled her hands and defended her tavern excitedly. Muzan could clearly see that she was very passionate about her tavern.

And she would not leave him alone unless he gave her a food order or killed her. Both of these things would get her to leave. One temporarily, and the other permanently.

"I see. What is your name?"

Muzan folded his hands and asked the girl. 

"My name? My name is Ozaki."

The waitress blinked and replied to Muzan. Muzan nodded gently and looked at Ozaki.

His deep red demon eyes were looking directly at Ozaki's black eyes.

"The dish I want to order is named Ozaki. I wonder if you can serve it to me."

The tavern suddenly became silent. Ozaki was still trying to process what Muzan had said. And after a few more seconds, she seemed to have understood.

Ozaki's eyes turned wide and she shrunk a little.

"Me-me? I am not."

Ozaki stumbled back; her head was down, and her ears were red. But sadly for Muzan, she still didn't leave, even after he expressed his desire to kill her.

Before Muzan could ask if she had a death wish, and that's why she wasn't leaving yet, Ozaki looked up and yelled in an embarrassed voice.

"Guest! We don't do that kind of business here! You can't just say that you want to eat me!"

Ozaki was blushing and yelling at Muzan. Muzan himself was blankly staring at her.

'I see; she is the type who is delusional about love. I know how to handle these types.'

Muzan's empty face suddenly changed. He now had a warm smile on his face.

"Hahaha! Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing you. My bad, Ozaki."

"Can you tell me what food your tavern specializes in, please?"

Muzan said it gently. When seeing his face now, nobody will be able to tell what he was truly thinking behind those red demon eyes.

"Guest! Your teasing is too much!"

Ozaki puffed up her cheeks and then breathed out. She patted her face and tried to get into character again.

"We specialize in tempura. We also have very good miso soup and sweet potatoes."

Ozaki bragged about her tavern's best food. Muzan nodded. As long as she leaves him alone, he doesn't mind ordering food.

But now that he was ordering food after so many years, he was curious about something.

Can he taste normal food? The real Muzan didn't bother eating food after realizing he could only eat human flesh.

So Muzan knew for sure that he couldn't digest normal food, but what about taste?

If he can taste food, it doesn't matter if he can digest it. He can tear open his stomach and throw it out later.

"Sounds delicious to me. Please give me a serving of miso soup, some tempura, and a whole sweet potato."

Muzan gave his order, and Ozaki smiled happily. She pulled up her sleeves and showed that she was ready to work.

"I will get it done. My mom normally cooks but has fallen sick. You won't be disappointed with my cooking."

Ozaki cheered herself up and went into the kitchen. Meanwhile Muzan shook his head.

"So that's why she was eager to prove herself; her mom can't work, and she has to take all the burden."

Muzan understood her family situation, then ignored it. He had more important things to do.


Like burning his hand in the morning sun.

"This hurts so bad!"

Muzan pulled back his burned hand. Then, as soon as he regenerated, he put his hand outside the window again, like the total maniac he was. 


"This is going to take a while."

The demon king grumbled, but he continued ruthlessly. In an effort to ignore this harsh pain, his thoughts flew all over the place.

In his distracted state of mind, Muzan seemed to remember hearing the name of this tavern waitress somewhere.

"Ozaki, where have I heard this name before?"