
Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro

A familiar frail figure is standing at the door of the house. He is wearing a checkered haori of yellow and black, and his deep red hair is unusually tied up in a high ponytail. He is holding a katana in his hand that he has never seen before. That is the silhouette of his father - Kamado Tanjuro. And standing face to face with Tanjuro... Is a man in a black suit and a small top hat, whom Tanjiro has never seen before. Because Tanjiro fell in the snow, he couldn't see the expression of his father who was facing his side. But he could see the other side. The man in the black suit, the look of horror in his red pupils. That's an expression like seeing a ghost. *this is a translation* ======== read advanced chapters on patreon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 55: Changes.


"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Amane-sama, Caw!"

A slender arm stretched out from under the eaves, picking up the crow that had fallen in the corridor.

A beautiful woman with white hair like a waterfall, fair skin, and as beautiful as a birch tree fairy, sat in the veranda.

She slowly reached out and took off the rolled-up letter from the crow's foot.


Her fingers gently stroked the rolled-up letter, smoothing it out.

Her pupils, glowing with a light purple color in the sunlight, scanned the contents of the letter, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

Upon seeing certain contents in the letter, her pupils shrank.

"This is...!" Ubuyashiki Amane raised her head, she pinched the note, looking at Ubuyashiki Kagaya next to her with a slight surprise:


A gentle voice immediately responded:

"I'm here."

Ubuyashiki Kagaya slowly turned his head, the slanting sunlight fell on his face, making the still clean half of his face look extremely gentle.

He squinted and smiled, his tone gentle and slow:

"What does it say?"

Upon hearing this.

Amane who as about to hand him the letter froze in place.

Living with Kagaya day and night, she suddenly understood the meaning in his words.

Amane held the note in her hand, suspended in mid-air, she slightly opened her mouth, looking at Ubuyashiki Kagaya with some melancholy.

——The other eye, can't see either?

Ubuyashiki Kagaya's eyes have already turned white and blurry.

He stared at his wife, even though he could only see her expression vaguely now.

Kagaya smiled as if the disease had not happened to him, and nodded:

"...Thank you."

Amane was in a daze, she slowly retracted her hand.

In her purple eyes, hidden was a sad emotion, she lowered her head and began to read the contents of the paper for Ubuyashiki Kagaya:

"...This is what I should do."

She pursed her lips, the emotions on her face gradually converged, returning to the always calm birch tree fairy:

"I'm starting to read."

"This mission's location is in Tokyo..."

Although it was a mission report from Rengoku Kyojuro, the content of the writing did not match his usual speaking style, it seemed very formal.


"We encountered Lower Rank Two, I assisted Kamado Tanjuro in killing it..."

"...Soon, we encountered Upper Rank One."

As she spoke, Amane's speech slowed down, she even paused slightly, casting a glance at Kagaya:

"Kamado Tanjuro fought Upper Rank One, my own strength is weak, I am unable to participate in the fight..."

"...Then he cut off one of his arms, Upper Rank One retreated with a severed arm, his whereabouts unknown afterwards."


Amane looked at the last word on the letter, her fingers holding the letter exerted a slight force, the tone of her reading was also word by word.

After finishing, she raised her head and looked at Ubuyashiki Kagaya.

"Up...cough cough! Cough cough cough!"

Listening to this, Ubuyashiki Kagaya was slightly taken aback, he covered his mouth, inhaled into his lungs, and started coughing violently:

"Cough cough, so...they encountered Upper Rank One, and cut off his arm...cough!"

He said, the hopeful light flickered in his blurry eyes.

——Upper Rank One...

The strongest among the Twelve Demon Moons, and also the one from the Warring States period...

Although he had some feelings in his heart, he had also heard some strange rumors recently.

But when he really heard such news.

Ubuyashiki Kagaya couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, and started coughing violently.

"Kagaya!" Seeing this, Amane quickly leaned over and reached out to support the weakened Ubuyashiki Kagaya.

Ubuyashiki Kagaya sat on the edge of the sunlight, slightly raised his head, and felt the warm light with the numb feeling on his face:

"Well done." He smiled, his mouth slightly open, the excited mood broke the calm state of mind:

"Cough...cough haha..."

"...The situation that hasn't changed for a hundred years, has finally started to fluctuate again."

"It's a new change that has never been seen before."

"That's great."

Kagaya closed his eyes, he coughed softly:

"Upper Rank One...even that man will definitely care..."

Saying this, Ubuyashiki Kagaya turned his head and looked at Amane who was supporting him, he said:


"Here." Amane's expression was slightly moved, she responded softly.

"Who wrote the next letter...?"






Near the Tokito house.

The moon hung high in the sky, the clear light passed through the leaves and refracted on the ground.

A figure with a small braid and holding a wooden sword stood upright in front of a tree.

The tree in front of him, the middle position, has been battered by what looks like a blunt object constantly wheeling and smashing.

"Hiss——!" The man took a sharp breath, his arm muscles tensed, and his dark red pupils stared straight ahead!

[Moon Breathing·First Form]

[Dark Moon Evening Palace——Yoi no Miya]!


The wooden sword in his hand was swung forcefully!

A faint orange-yellow moon wheel appeared on the sword! It drew a perfect arc in mid-air!

Seeing this, the man's face lit up with joy.

The sword of the wooden sword, which had already become blunt, slightly stagnated for a moment when it came into contact with the tree!



With the contraction of the arm muscles, the blunt wooden sword almost unimpededly cut through a tree as thick as a person!


With a sound like the last cry of the tree, the tree that was cut horizontally from the middle crashed down.


A layer of dust was stirred up.



Two figures emerged from the shadows not far away, one of them, a child with a smiling face, quickly ran towards this side:

"You did it! Dad!" Tokito Muichiro shouted, his dirty face was full of smiles, and his hands were full of traces of friction:

"That's great!"

"Thank you!" Tadaichiro slightly bent down, conveniently picked up the running Muichiro:

"Once you learn this kind of swordsmanship, is really convenient for cutting trees! Haha!"

Yuichiro stood behind the two of them, he crossed his arms, and turned his head away.

"My swordsmanship..."

Tsugikuni Michikatsu choked slightly, he stood under a tree not far away, the only pair of eyes left on his face looked this way:

"It's not for cutting trees..."

Although he said so, in his eyes, Tsugikuni Michikatsu was full of approval for the Tokito father and sons.

In just a few days, the father and sons basically all know how to use the breathing method and the most basic First Form.

Except for——Muichiro.

Tsugikuni Michikatsu looked at Muichiro, who was held in Tadaichiro's arms, he was thoughtful.

Muichiro's physique seems to be more suitable for other breathing methods, he is still exploring.

"Haha, sorry." Tadaichiro heard Michikatsu's dissatisfaction, he scratched his head, smiled and nodded in the direction where the voice came from.

But Tsugikuni Michikatsu was no longer in that position.



Not far away.

In the dense forest of Shigeru.

At the top.


Tsugikuni Michikatsu, with a sword slung around his waist, stood on one foot on the treetop, with his back to the moonlight, his six eyes slowly opened in the shadow.

His golden eyes stared at a town not far away.

"The surrounding voices..."

"All are... coming from this town..."


In the town.

"Dang! Dang!"

People wearing Warding mask, bare-chested, kept swinging the hammers in their hands.


One after another, they struck the red-hot sword embryo in front of them.


Sparks flew everywhere.


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