
Demon Slayer: I love Stars

An astronomer obsessed with stars is reborn in the demon slayer world. How will he change the fate of this world with a little outside help from a ROB? I don’t own anything from demon slayer all credits go to the author also the cover isn’t mine all credits go to the artist if he wants me to take it down do tell me

Joanjudo · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 1

{Kusakabe Mansion}

As I woke up from my sleep I went to the bathroom to wash myself a bit and while splashing my face I looked up to the mirror and saw my face a 6 year old stared back at me obscenely cute with brown hair and red hair tips, sharp eyebrows and fair skin. But the most notable thing were my eyes completely golden even the irises themselves.

I left the bathroom with fast yet steady steps and descended the staircase to go have breakfast with my family in this world.As I approached the wooden rectangular table, I could see five individuals seated around it. To the end of it, occupying a large, ornate wooden chair, was my paternal grandfather, Kusakabe Hajime, a venerable 71-year-old man whose short white hair bore traces of brown at the tips, a testament to the years he had gracefully carried. Beside him on his left were the grandparents from my mother's side. My grandmother, Mononobe Kaoru, a 67-year-old woman, displayed long, flowing white hair that framed her wrinkled yet kind face, embodying the wisdom of age. Mononobe Yamato, a 69-year-old man with a gleaming bald head, exuded a sense of stoic strength.

On the opposite side of the table, my parents sat. My father, Kusakabe Takashi, positioned closer to my grandfather, was a rugged 35-year-old with brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He bore the countenance of a man who had weathered life's challenges with resilience. To his left, my mother, Kusakabe Aki, a stunning 34-year-old woman, graced the scene with her presence. She possessed vibrant red hair and eyes that shone like pools of liquid gold, a reflection of the love and warmth that emanated from her.

"Come sit next to me," my mother said with an endearing tone, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Sure," I replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I carefully maneuvered the chair, its size a slight challenge for my six-year-old frame, but eventually settled into it.

"Well, Hoshi, since you're already six years old," Grandpa Hajime began, his voice carrying a weight of responsibility, "we've decided it's time to initiate your education for the family business." His eyes bore into mine, filled with the wisdom of generations.

"Yes, you also need to start practicing with the sword," chimed in Grandmother Kaoru, her voice brimming with enthusiasm, "in case of demon attacks. You must be able to defend yourself." Her hands gestured animatedly, as if demonstrating a sword technique.

"But I don't like swords, or the silk shops. I just want to study the stars," I pleaded, my eyes wide with earnestness, a hint of longing evident in my voice. The night sky had always held a special allure for me, its mysteries beckoning.

"You will do as you're told, and that is final!" Yamato interjected, his tone firm and unyielding, a reflection of his unwavering dedication to tradition and duty.

"Dad, don't speak to Hoshi like that," my mother interjected, her voice calm yet filled with a quiet authority, "and Hoshi, you will do it because it's for your own safety. We, nor your bodyguards, can be there to protect you at all times. The family needs to continue to thrive under your leadership, just as it has under your father," she concluded, her gaze fixed on me, a mixture of maternal concern and pride in her eyes.

Okay, I agree, but I still want to study the night sky whenever I want," I said firmly.

"Sure, we can agree to that, but you can't let stargazing affect your daytime duties," my dad replied.

"Starting today, after breakfast, you'll learn economics with me till lunch. After lunch, you get an hour break, then you'll train in swordsmanship with Grandpa Yamato and Grandma Aki for three hours. Next, your mom will teach you manners and history for an hour and a half, and after that, you'll study politics and relationships with your dad," Grandpa Hajime explained eagerly.

"When would I finish all this?" I asked.

"Well, if you wake up at 8 am and start studying at 9, you'll finish dinner around 11 pm. Then, you can stay up to stargaze, but remember to keep waking up at 8 am," my father clarified.

"We'll see how you do in each subject. If you do really well, you might get even more free time," Grandma Kaoru said, looking hopeful.

{9:00 AM Study in Kusakabe Mansion}

"Alright, let's begin with history. Understanding our past is crucial to avoid repeating mistakes. You'll start with History of the Kusakabe clan, History of Silk, and History of Japan." Once you've finished those, we'll move on to economics," Hajime explained.

"Okay, Grandpa, I can do that," I replied. So, I delved into those books with determination, eager to absorb the knowledge and make time pass swiftly, anticipating my stargazing session later. Grandpa Hajime watched me closely, quizzing me after each chapter to ensure I grasped the content.

A knock on the door interrupted us, prompting Grandpa Hajime to answer it. It was my mother. "Let's go, you've finished your study time, and you need to eat to regain your strength." "Alright, get up, kid, let's go," Grandpa Hajime added. I got up and followed my grandfather and mother back to the dinner table. After a satisfying lunch of ramen, I enjoyed an hour of rest, lying in the grass and recalling the night sky's constellations from memory.

Suddenly, with palpable excitement, Grandma Kaoru took hold of my arm and whisked me away to the dojo, with Grandpa Yamato following gracefully and silently behind us.

{3:00PM Dojo of Kusakabe Mansion}

"Today marks the beginning of your swordsmanship lessons, starting with the fundamentals. There are five foundational drills: thrust, slash, block, parry, and dodge. Today's focus will be on perfecting the art of slashing," Grandma Kaoru explained.

"And for today's training, we'll concentrate solely on mastering the slashing technique. Within sword fighting, there are eight distinct basic attacking angles,these are straight down from the top, straight up from the bottom, diagonally down to the left, diagonally down to the right, diagonally up from the left, diagonally up from the right, and left and right strikes horizontally," added Grandpa Yamato.

"Understood," I acknowledged.

"Grab a wooden sword and begin your practice. We'll provide guidance and corrections as needed to refine your posture and form," Grandpa Yamato instructed.

I approached the rack of swords and selected a wooden one. It appeared slightly too long for my petite frame, yet it wasn't too heavy. As I held it, I sensed a peculiar absence, as if I were missing something vital to my very essence.

"Come on dear don't just stand there start practicing" grandma Kaoru said snapping me out of my daze."Yes sorry grandma" I replied, and so I spent the next three hours just slashing the sword in the air and each time I made an error in my posture either my grandpa or grandma would hit me with a wooden sword in the place where I failed and told me what to fix. After finishing I was dripping with sweat and just fell to the floor in exhaustion. "Come on little one don't be so weak willed this is nothing come on stand up you need to go for your next lesson and don't worry you will be sitting for most of it this time." Grandpa Yamato said with a cheeky grin on his face. "Oh thank Kami" I replied in a theatrical manner.

Grandma Kaoru gently took my arm, guiding me back to the study. This time, as I entered, it was not my imposing grandfather waiting for me, but instead, my mother.

{6:00PM Study in Kusakabe Mansion}

"Hi Mom," I greeted, my voice carrying the weight of exhaustion.

"Hello, my little Hoshi. Considering your demanding day, we'll focus today's session solely on refining your mannerisms when interacting with clients," she explained.

And so, we delved into the practice, refining every nuance until it became second nature. The session passed, with dedicated attention to even the tiniest of details.

After our session, I remained in the study, where my father later joined me. As my mother departed, he began to elaborate on the various shops and individuals we conducted business with across Japan. He shared insights, stories, and the intricate web of connections that defined our trade. It was a comprehensive lesson, shedding light on the breadth and depth of our family's commercial endeavors.

As the first day of my education drew to a close, I gathered with my family for a satisfying dinner. Afterwards, I made my way to the backyard, eager to indulge in some stargazing. However, tonight was different. The twelve primary constellations, though familiar, exuded an inexplicable aura of novelty. I couldn't pinpoint the exact shift, but it was undeniably there.

As time slipped away, I eventually chose to retire for the night, seeking a well-deserved rest to prepare for the challenges of my second day. While making my way back indoors, I failed to notice the subtle movement of the Taurus constellation. It was a momentary oversight, yet it was something that would change my destiny in this new world.

Welp second chapter down I hope you liked it and figure out what TRUTH gave to our MC Hoshi. Just in case you didn’t get it Hoshi(MC) was born into a rich family I know I could have done it better but you will get POV from different characters in the next chapter. I know it is a bit boring we will get into the fighting in two chapters hope you like it.

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