

This is the tale of the descendant of a man who claimed that it was his destiny to end the era of demons: the origin of breathing techniques, the strongest demon slayer. In the end, he failed his quest. Will Nyūsen fulfill the quest his predecessor failed or leave a footprint in the sands of time? Find out. Disclaimer: Demon slayer and all of its characters do not belong to me. The pic on the title page does not belong to me but the design and all characters created by me belong to me.

PrinceB · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


"zzz....zzzz cool", a young boy of about four years turns to the warm side of the bed trying to avoid the deadly hands of the winter cold: as he clutches his blankets as if his life depended on it. Just then a woman who appeared to be in her 60s walked into his shed of a room and taps him "Nyūsen!, get up now". The little Nyūsen then turns the other way trying to avoid the inevitable( which is waking up to his duties). Seeing the antics of the kid the elderly woman laughs and then proceeded to threaten him "Brat you had better get up before the count of 5 or else no breakfast for you". "...leave me alone I don't care". " Oh really then I guess you are not having onigiri today. 1...". As if bitten by a snake or maybe stung by a bee Hyūsen sprung up and jumped toward the woman with a huge smile on his face "Good morning Nana, I trust you had a good night". 'Such a naughty boy: sometimes I wonder if he is just 4 years' nana thought, she sighed and looked at Nyūsen before turning to leave, she said "clean up and come to and join the others".

Nyūsen, excited over the prospect of having onigiri for breakfast got to cleaning himself and taking care of his bedroom. He laid his bed and went to the glowing stream near the shelter to take a bath. Seeing his reflection in the sparkling water he paused to study his features: He had a well-rounded face with long black wavy hair ending in red spikes that he had in a ponytail: on his forehead, towards the left side of his face he had a birthmark that seemed like spreading flames red in color coated with blue-ish hue outlines, with red eyes that had a blue-ish hue at the center(in fact it looked more like a small galaxy of stars). He was quite tall for his age having a height of 3'6, and quite well built. 'ahhhh' he sighed " I wonder what this birthmark is, it looks good though" he smiles and then goes about his business of taking a bath. He then goes to join his 'family' for a meal.