
Demon Slayer- Zenitsu

Them_Weed_Bitchz · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Test or Death, WAIT WHAT!?


"Just walking up a stupid mOuNTaIn! ALL ALONE!!!" "Shut up, your'e not even half way!" Said my old man. *I'm going to DIE idiot!* I thought as I slowly walked away. "HEY, hurry up you TURDAL!" I here as I walk. As I (slowly) walk up the mountain every things seems calm, maby.


Day 1: I'm shitting my pants right now! A fricken DEMON is chasing me! As I run around a corner and climb up a tree. I stay there until morning.

Day 2: As I walk around looking I realised that I GOING TO DIE WITH OUT FINDING A WIFE! So if I do get out of this mess I'm going to find one, and they will love me!

*Thats never going to happen*

Day 3-4:

"HOLY SHIT!" I say as I run because some stupid demon found me, AGAIN. The next thing I know is I'm falling. I wake up, I look around and see I'm standing over a pile of dead demons. Did someone save me?! I shall worship them. I then shout "Oh, thank you my lord. I will worship you for eternity!" As I walk away. I see a kid he was the one with the earrings (I think). As I see him walk around I think about who might have saved me probably not him I thought.

Day 5-6:

Compared to the other contestants I think I'm doing...teRRiblE! I've almost loss my sord 7 time, I've been attaked 200 times, SOMEONE is saving me every time, that peson is probebly NOT a girl, and I've almost shit myself 999,999,999,009 times! I wish I new what it would be like to be NORMAL for ones! "Well this is great." I say.

Day 7:

"ThE LAsT DAaaYy" I sing as I dance over dead body's. WAIT, DEAD BODY'S?! As I look down I see a corps flouting in a pool of blood. It's some of the other kids I started with! In the distance I here someone call out in a wavy voice "Help...please" and then a "ChOmP!" Then I look up and see that in north west side of were I am. A figure, a BIG figure! I run the opposite direction.

Zenitsu saved himself he just stupid though so he don't know.

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