
Demon Shinobi

He was an orphan since childhood and had nobody to love him. Kicked out at the age of four, he had to fend for himself through all the unfairness. On one particular year on October 10th, he was hunted by his fellow villagers like some sort of prey. He was lashed, stomped, stoned and his skin was flayed from his from his flesh—yet no matter how much he screamed. Nobody came to help him. It didn't matter though, because eventually he got used to the pain. His loneliness festered and became pure undiluted hatred. Some may call him evil, but to him, he's just carrying out his justice. ...... I don't own Naruto except some original charecters created by me. If you're the owner of the cover page and want it taken down then please don't hesitate to tell me and I will swiftly do so. ........

Loxy_Matx · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

An Evil Naruto

He was an orphan since childhood and had nobody to love him. Kicked out at the age of four, he had to fend for himself through all the unfairness. On one particular year on October 10th, he was hunted by his fellow villagers like some sort of prey. He was lashed, stomped, stoned and his skin was flayed from his from his flesh—yet no matter how much he screamed. Nobody came to help him. It didn't matter though, because eventually he got used to the pain. His loneliness festered and became pure undiluted hatred. Some may call him evil, but to him, he's just carrying out his justice.



''Find him!! We have to kill that demon!!'' A young man bellowed in anger towards an equally angry mob of people holding all kinds of weapons.

The mob was currently partcpating in a yearly event known as the fox hunt, they would search for the demon and try to kill it in the worst way possible. This was the only day every year that its power would be weakened.

Below the streets which were bustling with a mob intent on bringing pain to the 'evil demon', deep inside the sewers. A young boy (draped in black clothes) sobbed silently as he listened to angry yells and hurried shuffling of the unreasonable people.

He didn't know why the hated him,as far as he knew he never did anything to earn their ire.He was always quiet, and never associated with anyone, he was confused and afraid.

It had all begun when he was four, he was kicked out of the orphanage by his caregiver as she yelled and called him a demon.

His friends started ignoring him, and a month after that—on his favorite day of the year. A day where the fourth Hokage (his hero) had killed a terrible demon. He was ambushed by an angry group of drunkards who beat him and left him to die.

Every year after that, an ever-increasing group (even ninja) would come after him and use all kinds of methods on him. From peeling off his skin, using thin needles to pierce the most sensitive areas of his body. This didn't affect the boy's body much since he always healed and when people noticed this, they resorted to using poisons.

Unlike with the beatings, the poison would plague him for days. He'd cough blood and lose all feeling to his body, this left him wishing for death. It was unbearable for the young boy, he didn't know why they did this to him, why was he the target of their ire every year on this particular day? Sadly, nobody could answer that question.

Six years went by, the young boy became desensitized to the pain, he started avoiding public places during the 10th month of the year. He'd hide in the sewers and cry himself to sleep in the reeking shithole.

The smell of feaces and piss was unbearable, but it was far better than being out there on the surface. Most of the people living here were sadistic scumbags who got off on hitting him and leaving him to die, although they claimed to want to kill him, they never did so. Always beating him to an inch of his life and patiently waiting another year to repeat the process.

Today was no different, his ninth birthday was celebrated by being hunted, but this year he'd break the circle.

[ You better start boy, it'll take a while for me to transfer my power.] A voice said to the boy who nodded and stood up, he ran deeper into the sewers.

''He isn't anywhere in the village.'' A man shouted in frustration.

''Check the sewers, he must be hiding there again!'' A woman shouted towards her companion who all quickly agreed and started looking for an entrance to the sewer.

''We can't all go in, three of us will look for him and bring him back to receive his punishment. The rest of you should prepare our 'gifts' for him.'' The leader suggested as he smiled sadistically.

He chose two young men and they descended below the village: into the deep dark system of pipes. They lit up some torches and advanced slowly as they searched every nook and cranny of the place.

''I can't wait till we find that thing, it'll be worth all this trouble.'' One of the men cheerfully said, the rest nodded in agreement.

'' I even bought a special poison just for him, this time he'll wish that he was dead for sure.'' The leader backed him, he took out I vail and looked at it as if it were the most valuable treasure in the world.

''We'll have to catch him first, our informant said he is only weak on this day and its only a few hours till midnight.'' The leader also warned in a serious tone, amongst all the others, he held a deep rage towards the fox for killing his wife , so he decided to take out the rage on the child even though at first, he was skeptical about the rumor about him being a demon, but since someone had offered him an outlet for all his anguish, he would be stupid to decline.

After the first demon hunt he felt guilty but the second time, pleasure started seeping in and blinding him to the point that he now believes Naruto truly is a demon that needs to be killed.

*Patter* *Patter*

''What's that?'' The leader asked as he listened to the sound of footsteps on the path to his left. They flashed their lights towards that direction and saw a small child; about seven years old judging from his short stature and thin body.

''There he is! Get him!'' One of the men shouted angrily and ran after the boy, the youngling made a hasty retreat deeper inside the sewers.

''Wait up!'' His companions tried to ask him to slow down, but he was too absorbed in capturing the 'demon' to hear them. The echoing sound of footsteps caused the other three man to lose them.

''Damn we lost them!'' The leader angrily waved his torch around, trying to find them.

''AAAAHHHHH.'' A sudden scream of pain from their friend scared the trio who jumped back in fright.

''W-we should turn back, the demon will kill us!'' One of them said fearfully.

''Don't be stupid! He isn't a demon, he's just a weak helpless kid.'' The leader said without hesitation or any sort of guilt from his statement.

''This weak child you speak of shrugs off mortal injuries within days, and his powers are growing don't let your desires blind you.'' The first man interjected, although he knew that he had done pretty terrible things to the child, their leader was by far the worst. He went much further than any of them had.

''Shut up Akifumi! That bastard killed my wife. He deserves every minute of pain I bring him.'' The leader said towards Akifumi. He was so far gone that he truly believed that Naruto was a demon.

''Daishi, I also lost my two twins that day. Don't you dare act like I didn't lose something that day!'' Akifumi angrily replied.

''I- let's just drop it and find Arata, the kid must've done something to him.'' Knowing he was out of line, Daishi decided to end the argument.

''Alright, let's be quick. Midnight is approaching.'' Akifumi agreed, they started their search again. After entering one of the many other pipes. Unlike the others, the iron smell of blood was thick in this passage.

'' I have a bad feeling, you think Arata's fine?'' Akifumi asked as he looked around wearily.

''Yeah, he's probably just began without us after that kid bit him or something.'' Daishi assured, he didn't believe a starved weak child could hurt a fully grown adult.

The saw a saw light ahead in the tunnel. Not ones to waste valuable time. They ran towards it, what they saw caused both men to freeze in shock.

An amputated and headless corpse lay below their feet. On the walls were signs of strange claw marks which were also present of their companions body.

''Shit, we should leave.'' Akifumi woke up from his shock, his immediate reaction was to run.

Too bad, before he could shake his friend awake, a bloody hand pierced his back and a deadly killing intent fell on them.

Paralyzed and scared shitless, Daishi could only watch as Akifumi foamed blood and fell slowly to the ground.

''Ahhhhh!!!'' He screamed in terror, his body shaking uncontrollably but refusing to move, his only reaction was a scream and his pupils dilated as those red eyes glared at him.

''Why are you screaming, only humans have the privilege to speak.'' The boy spoke in a deep and primal voice, an evil red boiling aura enveloping him.

Daishi couldn't help but remember those words, those were the exact words he had said to the boy over and over again. He would lash him like an animal, kick him around and use all other kinds of methods to amplify the boy's pain.

''Isn't that what you said to me?'' The child patiently asked, as he approached, the blood on his hand dripping rhythmically in the water.

Daishi could only watch, his heart beating a thousand times faster, his instincts screaming at him to run. All that didn't matter though, the boy's gaze was enough to keep him rooted down and watch with unbelievable fear.His bladder couldn't take it anymore, and he pissed his pants.

''Heh.'' The boy just smirked, his eyes reducing Daishi's position from human scum to animal shit.

''Your friends died quick deaths, I can't promise the same for you though.'' The boy cheerfully informed. He suddenly disappeared and appeared right before Daishi and struck him.

''AAAAAAAHHHHH.'' That night, the sewers were filled with painful screams as Daishi was totured until his sanity let out and died soon after.

The boy looked at the corps below him, he spat on him with contempt and an evil smirk as his red eyes caught a certain glow.


[Get it over with boy.] A deep and primal voice grumbled inside the boy's head.

''I know. I just wanted to take it all in.'' He said with a weak voice and slowly left the place.

[Don't tell me you're having regrets.] The voice mocked the youngling.

''Its too late for that, I can only go forward from here on out.'' The boy said in a small and tired voice.

[Atleast your will isn't broken by this.] The voice commended the boy.

''Just….just keep quiet.'' The boy asked with a half begging voice.

[Fine~.] The voice drawled out but still complied. The boy's visage disappeared deep into the sewer system.

...….Here's my first chap thanks for reading.

First chapter of what I've been working on. Feel free to give me some pointers on any grammatical mistakes I may have made since I'm using a phone to write this.

Loxy_Matxcreators' thoughts