


BLUE: Smart, Rule follower. quite common.

ORANGE: Self absorbed.

YELLOW/PINK: Happy, enthusiastic.

most common.

DARK PURPLE: Lonely, music lover, (need sleep). quite common

LIGHT PURPLE: Perverted, low life, sad. quite rare.

GREEN: Jealousy, bored, flirtatious. moderately rare.

RED: Dominance, anger, loyalty. very rare.

BLACK: Bloodlust, powerful, calm (unless annoyed). They are related to Satan. Extremely rare!


The bigger and sharper the horns the more powerful they are.


They don't mean anything but they are always the same colour as your wings apart from Izuku's.

Izuku is the direct son of Satan and it is his first ever year at Yuuei academy when this starts and he's in the same class as in the real show.