
Demon Queen Reborn: As A Spirit?

"Can you believe it? I was nothing more than a normal village girl when at the early age of 9, the empire kidnapped me." "They experimented on me physically and mentally for 10 years." "That's all it took for them to me make me into a living weapon." "I became a general that slew countless demons alongside my disgusting human brethren." "I shoved my sword into the face demon king while the hero's party supported me from behind." "The world was about to crumble due to a missing demon lord so I changed my race to a demon. I helped keep a firm boundary between the demons and humans." "I brought about world peace but what did I get in exchange?" "The guns, swords, spears, and magic staffs of the hero party tearing me apart." "And now I'm here. Talking to the corpse of a rabbit that I just killed." ------------ After reading Nanomancer Reborn, this ignorant one realized that there were not enough, well-written tough female leads in the battle-action genre. So I will try my best. The first couple of chapters will be a bit similar to Nanomancer Reborn's - I've Become A Snow Girl?. Of course, I will be borrowing some elements from Nanomancer but I guarantee that this story will be going somewhere different but also interesting is please give it a go. The system and stuff related to it are also drastically different. I can't promise much but one thing for sure is my grammar and vocabulary are on point. This is only my second real attempt at writing a story so have mercy on this author. I would love for you guys to point out any mistakes and leave some constructive criticism if possible. Tags: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Demon, Ruthless MC, Beautiful Female Lead, Monsters, Dungeons, System The cover image is not mine, ask me to change it if it is yours.

Ri_Yen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

New Skills

[Name: Tina Rothcinth

Race: Human



'At least level 125 but probably more.' Nina tried looking at Tina's stats but she had already guessed by the first sight that she was probably at a very high level. High-level individuals give off an invisible pressure that is usually kept suppressed unless they fight.

Tina had kept it suppressed this whole time but that was useless against Nina since she had seen a variety of levels in past so could tell the difference of pressure even it was hidden.

Nina estimated that Tina had to be at least around level 300. That's probably why she could probably protect her as the system had said.

Nina then decided that was time she reviewed what the system had given her as compensation.

[ Name: Nina Rothcinth

Race: Inferior Spirit-(Real - Evolution Requirments Unmet), Human( Faked Using Special Skill)

Class: Spirit Mage, Demon Queen(LOCKED), Ethereal Weapon(LOCKED)

Level:13 > 25

HP: 300/300

MP: 970/970 > 1330/1330

STR: 20

AGI: 33 > 69

DEF: 6

INT: 93 > 129

VIT: 19

STM: 18

Assignable Points: 15 > 75

Currency: 1270 USD > 25600 USD ]

(Author's Note: I will not put a detailed explanation for skills that we've already seen explanations for are self-explanatory.


Magic Spells: Fireball, Ice Spike,

Holy Bullets - Shoots pea-sized bullets of holy mana.

Holy Splash- Sprinkles 10 gallons of holy water in a radius of 8 meters.

HOLY SCHLONG - Creates a holy spear from holy mana. It was created by Holy Cardinal Harvey Pastromo. He was a closet pervert.

HOLY BALLS - Creates a pair of blinding balls of light from holy mana. It was created by Holy Cardinal Harvey Pastromo. He was a closet pervert.

GODDESS MEGUMIN EXPLOSION - The bigger the explosion, the better it is. A skill created by Wizard and explosive expert Megumin who ascended to godhood after killing a demon lord with her friends.

Looted Skills: Meager Strength

Lettuce Spirit Blessing(Rare Skill) - Allows for levitation with a maximum height of 5 feet( Costs 1 MP per 5 minutes of use. No cooldown.

System Gifted Skills:

Blessings of the 13 Soreibus Goddesses ( Mythic Grade Unique Skill ) - Using the Authority of the system administrators, the system has extracted 13 skills from the 13 goddesses involved in the violation of balance codes. The skills will be unlocked as the user reaches certain levels.

Current progress: 2/13 skills.

Racial Transgression (Mythic Grade Skill) - A skill extracted from the Goddess Of Beauty. This skill allows one to change their physical appearance and hide their true race from onlookers.

Fateless Future ( Mythic Grade Skill) - A skill extracted from the Goddess of Fate. It allows one to see the future at times of need and danger. It can also be used by the user at wish. Skill can only be activated voluntarily or involuntarily 5 times a day.

Uses left for today: 5/5 Resets at 12 am.

Talentless Actor's Crutch ( Legendary Grade Unique Skill ) - Allows the user to give control of certain aspects of themselves to the system as it assists them to act like a certain character. Note: This skill was not taken from the goddesses as compensation but rather a direct compensation from the system. ]

"Overpowered yet somehow balanced." This is how Nina described her new skills. The skills that are given have very limited uses but are have the potential to be ridiculously good when used correctly.

The acting skill might not come in handy in large battles when everything is in chaos but it should be out of this world if Nina wanted to work in the entertainment industry.

It could even be taken a step farther since [ Racial Transgression ] that could give her a gorgeous body and face. She could become a world-famous entertainer without much effort.

Fateless future would be a battle-oriented skill as it could keep protecting the user from unexpected dangers but it can only be so many times in a day. She could use it for other trivial things but that would be a waste.

"Nina." called out Tina, breaking her away from her deep analysis of the new skills.

Nina turns her entire body and stares at Tina. "Yes big sis!' she said excitedly.

"What do you want for dinner?" Tina asked kindly.

"CAKE!" blurted out Nina loudly with a wide smile and bright eyes. 'Shit! I thought you were restricting me, system?'

[ I won't restrict your appetite though. When it comes to nourishing your body, do whatever you want. Plus, your mental image of a good diet is very screwed so I allowed this childish request through. ]

'Ugh,' Nina did not want to deal with this system. She hoped that she would get some cake as consolation for the system's torment.

She had been chomping on sweet treats this time and she found it could appeal to her taste buds. It felt like some sort of addiction that fired the dopamine like crazy in her brain.

She remembered seeing human children eating cake back on seriously whenever she would take a break from the battlefield.

Even demon children had yielded their everything to this sugar-based monstrosity.

So when Tina asked this girl who had been deprived of a childhood, the cake was the first food that came to her mind.

"No! You need a healthy and balanced meal today. You need serious nutrition so we will have pasta and sauteed vegetables."

"Huh? Nooooo! Nina wants cakeyyyy! Vegetables yucky..."Nina sounded like a spoiled brat who had been suddenly deprived of her favorite toy so she started throwing a tantrum.

Nina picked up the plush pillow from the couch she sat on and tossed them at Tina. For Tina, they aren't painful or hard to block but sure are annoying.

Even though it is annoying Tina found out rather fun and reminiscent of her own childhood. She used to always throw tantrums whenever she didn't get something she wanted.

Tina was far from obedient but she did understand that her parents only spoiled her because of their infinite love for her.

'She must have had loving parents as well.' That's what Tina thought made Nina so angsty. Unknown to her, this spoiled behavior was due to the rebellious nature of someone who fought in a war against an overbearing demon king.

You can't shed unending bloodshed without having even a shed of strong will.

"Bwig shish Tina is shoo mean. Nina does not like it." Nina continued her rage-induced, childish insults.

'How dare you not give this queen cake when she has been so cute to you. I will make you pay.' These were the internal thoughts of our little heroine as she promised herself that's he would not spare the mongrel in front of her.

Unfortunately, she isn't strong enough to hurt Tina.

"Ice spike! Ice spike! Ice spike! Ice spike! Ice spike! Ice spike! Ice spike!" 7 large ice spikes appeared simultaneously next to Nina and she hurled them towards Tina.

Tina's had a startled expression on her face as the ice spikes were approaching her.

"Fractal Sheild!" said Tina internally as a cocoon made from white crystals manifested without delay. The ice spikes crashed against the shield and shattered into countless pieces. The chunks dispersed a second later along with the shield.

"Uh oh!" said Nina as she had supercharged those ice spikes with all her mana. All her spells had no skull ranks next to them as they got stronger based on how much mana you put into them.

Now that she had exhausted every drop of MP, she felt a heavy earthquake come onto her as she could no stand up. She crashed don't the couch and then closed her eyes to take a rest.

"Oh no!' shouted Tina as she could feel how much mana was in those ice spikes. Even though it was nothing to her, to a low level like Nina, that much MP must have been her everything.

Tina knew the side effects of temporary man exhaustion are just fatigue and headaches but anyone would pain to see a little girl like Nina be hurt.

She ran up to the couch and sat next to Nina and held up her two, pudgy hands. Tina then took out a blue stone the size of a child's fist from her inventory. The stone was glowing dimly. The stone was placed in between their hands.

Tina proceeded to activate another one of her skills " Pure Mana Transference." The stone suddenly glowed a much deeper blue and specks of white light exited from to and entered Nina's abdomen.

"Damn...she has this skill. I was pretty sure you can only get it from a certain B rank dungeon. There were only 5 of those dungeons on the entire planet and the drop rate was also abysmally low. "

Nina could feel her man which read 'MP: 0/1330" was back up to 'MP: 95/1330 in a quick minute. Nina's skin tone that had turned from a normal to a ghastly pale quickly returned to its original state.

Tina also noticed that and let out a sigh of relief. The skill lasted until the Mana Stone in her hand had turned into a useless rock.

"Are you feeling better now?' asked Tina with fondness seeing that Nina had opened her eyes now.

"I...I'm sorry," said Nina as she took a pillow and covered her face in embarrassment.

Tina just smiled and said, "Don't ever do it again, okay!"

"Okay, big sis Tina," replied Nina sheepishly. She started to feel the constraints of the system's skill get looser because she said these words without slurring for the first time. She figured that it was because she had said these words voluntarily and from her heart.

It was quite foolish and disrespectful for her to toss ice spikes at someone who kindly brought her off of the streets.

"Good girl," said Tina as he gave a light had to pat to Nina. This caused Nina to blush.

"Does pasta and sauteed vegetables taste good?"

"It does when I make," Tina replied with absolute confidence in her cooking skills.


Tina did not lie as the food was actually good. The vegetables had a subtle harmony when mixed together There wasn't too much oil and just enough seasoning to make the vegetables come together.

Nina may have an adult soul but her child body and physically underdeveloped mind could not bear the pressure and level of thinking she had going on inside. She walked into Tina's room and fell asleep without asking Tina anything.

"Her personality is an exact copy of mine. How can there be so much of a coincidence? The speed she cast multiple ice spikes at once should be impossible for her level.

I could ask what her class is tomorrow but even the specialist of classes wouldn't allow those instant casts.

If I get her trained by the guys at headquarters, she may become an even bigger monster than me or even the director.

She has all the qualities I wanted in a little sister. Cute, willful, rebellious, and also obedient when needed. She even is a prodigious talent like me.

I can't wait to see where she goes. Tomorrow, I will start a new saga in her life." Tina laid down and thought about how much of a boon she had gotten from God, fate, or the ever-present system.

She didn't know who to thank but who cares anyway. She hates getting help from others and loves to do whatever she can on her own.


While the new pair of sisters were sleeping side by side, many miles away, in a forest on the very edge of the city, there were blurry figures moving past the trees.

All you could see were the black flashes of countless shadows and the sound of air being torn apart as their speed was outrageously fast.


The trees rustled and the wind picked.

The figures then stopped together as they had an unspoken agreement that it was time to end this silly goose chase.

4 people in black office suits looked ahead as they waited for their opponents. From the shade of the trees, two men stepped out.

Both wore red tracksuits and looked like they were about to go on a run. That is of course if they ignored the gleaming swords that they had unsheathed in their hands. Fresh blood was dripping from the blade.

The 1 man and 3 women in suits also had their swords out as they aimed the feel into a fighting stance.

The men in tracksuits had a relaxed expression as they kept their eyes trained on the one man in the other group. He may look like he was part of the female's team but unfortunately, he was an inexperienced newbie.

The women all had strong, unwavering expressions while the guy seemed like he would piss himself in fear. His hand couldn't even hold a proper grip of the longsword.

"There's no need to pretend ladies. The gig is up. Just hand us the senator's son and we will be on your way. We will not only spare you but also your colleagues that are still standing." said one of the men in tracksuits.

He had white hair that shone as bright as the full moon that hung over them at this moment. His Asian, handsome face was nothing short of a model's and went extremely well with his slim body.

"I don't think they will give up so easily. Shin-san, let's just kill them." suggested the other man who also has a face similar to Shin but a bit rounded side and his hair was just a regular black.

"It's fine Ken-Kun. Master said to minimize casualties. I'm pretty sure the only ones who died on their side are the mercenaries the senator hired." replied Shin.

Ken didn't say anything else and just nodded his head in agreement. He didn't want to waste time but at the same time, his master's orders are absolute.

"I will hold them while you cast the spell. I'll buy you those new sneakers you wanted if you cast it fast enough." Shin is a man of efficiency as well but master's orders always hold priority.

"Deal." Ken didn't hesitate and started chanting his head as mana started to gather visibly around him in specks of purple light.

"Then off I go." Shin flew off in a blur towards the suited ladies and the guy they were protecting.

Took a day off for thanksgivings.

Ri_Yencreators' thoughts