
Demon Queen Adventure

A powerful and strongest demon queen find herself bored with evil vs good rivalry in her world. Despite being appointed as the heiress of demon lord, she find it pointless to take a revenge to human nowadays. Indulge to anime, manga, etc then made her addicted and trying to go to another world. She fascinated and excited, trying to have fun and find someone she love or her dear waifus. Second novel and fanfic. I will update Demon Queen Adventure whenever I want. Please sometimes remind me about it, because I tend forgot about thing when too busy with real life. Look at the tag, harem hater. This is harem novel and not single pair. Beware of this, grammar nazi. This story has awful and worst grammar, so please find another story with high quality grammar and dont leave a bad reviews if you dont like the grammar; state the other reason for reviews. Patreon: www.patreon.com/tetekgede (for those who willingly support me)

TetekGede · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Walking around the streets, Alicia right now got the attention of many female around her. Most of them look at her with awe and a slight blush in their cheeks. It's like they enthralled by her appearance only, because to them she's beautiful and her clothes also quite daring to them. Of course it made the female a bit starled and turn to lesbian. For some, not all of them.

But the males didn't bat an eyes to her, as if they look at her with normal look and without any lust or anything that build within them. As if it's normal and nothing fascinating about her, normally it would be made a woman irritated because their charm doesn't work on men but Alicia different.

Instead of irritated, she rather glad that male not give her a lewd look and lecherous gaze. The former demon queen herself already conceal her entire body with a special spell she recently created. It's made an illusion to male only.

At first she nervous but when looking at their expression, she letting out a relieved sigh. It means she can walk around the Orario city streets without being bothered by the lecherous gaze that made by male and don't have to worry about pervert like them.

She despite men who are pervert, but okay with women who are pervert but if they're too pervert then she would feel dangerous and as much as she can, she want to avoid to encounter someone like that. One of them is Loki, the goddess of Loki's familia that being known so pushy and attracted a lot to girls. Especially Ais Wallenstein, her favorite child.

'If I meet her, I would give her a good beating…'

Is what inside her mind right now. She's pretty annoyed at Loki antics, so if there's a good chance that she meet Loki and in convience time, she would really give that happy go luck goddess, even if she's not useless like Aqua, Ishtar, or Ristarte. In anime world, those three is being considered as useless goddesses who do nothing but causing trouble or didn't help anyone.

She's useful and helpful but her behaviors are really getting someone in nerve. Well… she called goddess of mischievous not for nothing. She loves to prank and free from anything, doing something she like without being care about everything around.

But because she's new in Orario, she don't know where to look to the guild. That's why she ask people around her about the direction and she didn't afraid nor shy about it. Heck, she even didn't feel nervous while talk with them, maybe she will when talk with someone like Ais or others.

She maybe otaku but not that anti-social or NEET.


After a while trying to find the guild, she arrived at least in front of the building she knew from the anime. She watched it and know how its look but didn't where it is located, that's why she in confusion. It's common that people who first time arrived at new place didn't know about their surrounding, like what Alicia experience earlier.

But at least she finally arrived at the place she want to visit. Strangely, it made her a bit nervous, but nevertheless she has to make herself being used to it and quickly adapt to this world or she won't be survived. Or she can't enjoy her new life in this world. It will be a waste for her if that's really happen.

Though there is a thing that really bother her.

'Is it possible for someone to be adventurer without falna?'

Yes. That is the thing that really bother her. Because as far as she seen and knew, there's nothing that explain it. Maybe because the author itself didn't want to explain it in details? But just wondered and think alone about it won't help, that's why she decided to come to the guild and become adventurer, also to ask that kind of question.

When Alicia enter the building, just like earlier, many females look at her with enthralled and fascinated by her appearance alone but she didn't let it bother herself as she want to finish this matter fast so she can do another thing. But she just wondered, what timeline she currently in… maybe she will find out about it soon.

And as soon she reach the counter, a beautiful half elf girl with a slim body, pointy ears, shoulder length brown hair, and emerald colored eyes which wears a set of black vest and pants with a white collared long sleeve shirt underneath and a grey bow tie. The girl smiled at Alicia when their eyes meet and made the demon queen herself starled.

"Good morning. How can I help you, miss?"

She gulped down and clear her throat, made the girl in front of her a bit confused but trying to ignore it.

"I want to become an adventure. Is it possible without a falna…?"

"Ah. Becoming adventurer without falna? It's possible, but… it will be hard for them if didn't receive blessing from gods. Many won't get much pas the first few floors of dungeon."

The receptionist girl whisper that to Alicia, trying to not make a ruckuss and as possible not being heard by people around them. It's not like a taboo or anything, but becoming adventurer without falna is considered suicide and won't make them survived that long, also it will be harder since usually it made them alone.

Honing their skills and level without falna is practically takes a longer time. It would take years for ordinary people, a year or months for genius, and a month or weeks for lucky one. The later is uncommon and never being seen there is someone like that, because it's something impossible to become stronger fast within weeks.

And that kind of person never exist in the whole history and world. Only gods that can doing such thing, since they're higher being that adventurer hard to defeats. That would take a lot of effort to defeat a single god.

Of course this information is new to Alicia and really useful for her. If she want, she can join a small familia like Hestia that don't need any higher requirements and maybe don't have any since from what she knew that Hestia is practically kind to those who want to be her child in canon. She even willingly to do whatever for her familia members.

Nonetheless, Alicia nod her head even if she being informed about it. She understood about all of it, being adventurer without falna is giving someone get a lot of flaws. Human is weak mortal and being, so it will be like suicide if they didn't have the gods blessing, also it will easy for them to level up. The possible choice for her is Loki, Freya, Hephaestus, and Takemikazuchi. But the one she want to join is between those three; Loki, Freya, and Hephaestus. Loki since she can being close to Ais and considered big also strong familia with many members. They're famous around Orario. Freya for being known as the strongest amongst the familia in the Orario and have the strongest adventurer which is level 7. Hephaestus for well known about her blacksmithing and has only two members if she right about it.

Though, choosing is something that been hard for Alicia in her entire life.

"And what all the flaws aside from not receiveing gods blessing? Maybe I can change my mind if hear that…?"

The woman in front of Alicia then wondering.

"Hm… aside from not receiveing blessing of gods, you also won't be recognized as an adventurer, can't accumulate excelia from monsters to grow strong, cannot take missions and can only sell drop items and magic stones to the guild. The guild also won't be held responsible if you end up dying or in an accident. We're also won't give you any medical treatment and yep… that's it."

When hearing that, Alicia just nod her head in understanding. It pretty much very bad deal from what she heard and if it not for the fact that Alicia's [Creation], anyone who is ordinary people won't survive on their owns as adventurer without the guild support. Luckyly for Alicia, she can survive alone but this would give her any disadvantages and of course for those soon-to-be adventurer. They being forced to become gods 'child' and take their blessing.

She just sigh in annoyance.

'I think joining familia is necessary. Maybe I could alter or change the course of events but it possible this is another or alternate realities of DanMachi… so I don't have to feel sorry for Bell and his fate if it changed due me because this is can be considered alternate route and only exist for me.'

Right now, her only choice to get closer to Ais is to join Loki's familia and becomes her child. But it's possible to enter another one aside from Loki and become like Bell Cranel. Although he's in different familia and weak, Bell able to form a relationship with several girls and make a harem without he knowing about it.

It's given since the existence of Bell Cranel is important and necessary, he has that harem king aura around his body without he realize it himself. It made Alicia became unsure about herself that she can make Ais fell in love with her or not. That would be easy if she create a magic or skill to increase the affection of girls around her but she do not want that because it would be too easy for her.

Then, after think hard through of it and the situation demand her to do that, she then decided to join a familia. This world of Danmachi really won't give her any mercy if she not join any familia and made someone's adventurer miserable and lead to despair if they didn't obey the gods that descend to have fun with mortals.

Also, this is to make sure she has a disguise and excuse to anyone around her. It would raise any suspicious and weird rumour if someone find it strange for her to able become strong without falna and gods help while not joining any familia.

"Alright, I'd like to join a familia to become adventurer. I don't think will survive without receiving the blessing of gods and have falna."

The woman guild's staff in front of her just giggle and nod her head in respond.

"Yes. Sorry for the late introduction, my name is Eina Tulle and then I'll be your dungeon advisor. For the first step is to write this 'Adventurer Registration' form. Just fill in some basic information on here. We don't need anything personal like status or anything, so just write name, familia name—that can be filled later when you find one—and level."

"Asides from my own name, don't the other two need me to join familia first? I don't think it would be efficient to write it again."

Eina laugh nervously when heard that and scratch her cheeks with a slight blush of embarassment.

"E-Eh… it's right. Then, would you join familia first? If you don't know any, I'd like to give you some recommendations. Though, you have some developments ability? It would be great if you have and if it at least at D-rank, then that would be more great."

"I have. Just a few though…"

A beaming smile adore her face when hear Alicia's word.

"Then, there are a few of familia that maybe let you to join. For start, if you like to hardwork and diligent person, you should join Hephaestus familia. Although its speciality is for blacksmithing and dealing with hot iron, they still able to accept you."

"Is that so…? Well, I'm never doing forging or anything related to that, but it worth to try. Anything else?"

"If you looking for a famous and big family, maybe you should join Loki familia. Although… ahem, Loki-sama is a bit weird towards women but I assure you she really great and love her child and family. There's also a famous 'Sword Princess' Ais Wallenstein in there."

"Well… I think Hephaestus familia is good."

Alicia said that while stroke her chin and made Eina the advisor of her nod in agreement about her statement. Although Alicia love Ais, with how clingy and annoying Loki is, she absolutely doesn't want that and from what she remembers that the familia members of Hephaestus numbers is not too bad.

'I think it's thirty one or thirty two. I'm not good at remember that.'

"Good! Then, did you want to go to where is Hephaestus-sama live? I can give you the direction through map. How's that?"

"Ah, please do. I don't know where the location is."

She nodded and quickly take out a map which has the location of Hephaestus live and her familia members. The former demon queen that turned otaku don't know where the exact location of Hephaestus live and she only knew the building. Although it's unclear, in the anime it shown only from top view and didn't get the full front of the entire building.

Of course this made Alicia happy and relieved, or she would lost. It's embarrassing if someone lost when she already an adult, a young adult though. Still virgin and trying to find her love partner that may give her a happiness.

After giving her a map, Eina give Alicia a reassuring smile.

"I hope you accepted by Hephaestus-sama and become her familia members."

Alicia just nodded in agreement. She also hoping so or she would choose Loki or maybe Hestia. Joining in Freya familia is a no go for her, even if they have a level 7 adventurer and the strongest familia despite dominant in male. The members is almost 90% males and very few of females.

"Thank you, Eina-san. Just call me Alicia and see you again."

"Ah. Yep, see you again, Alicia."

Both waved their hands while Alicia leave the guild building, going to the location that according the map given to her by Alicia's advisor. Because she's soon-to-be adventurer of Orario and spent her time in this world to enjoy the fun. Although it's not that very fun because it's a world where the law of jungle; the weak lose and the strong survive.

Alicia didn't aware of that though, still think that this world she currently in will be full of peaceful and slice of life moment. Just hope things doesn't get ugly or it would left a bad impression and taste to her. Just hoping for the best outcome she always think.


A few minutes later after walked towards the direction that the map she held and sometimes asking the local, she already arrived at the place she need and want. The workplaces of Hephaestus familia which also their home, base, or anything that it been called.

It's an ordinary-looking building like you've ever see in Shingeki no Kyojin or medieval era. But the most notable thing is the chinmey, the area that covered by the chinmey is how big the workplace of her familia. It's a proof of good familia have and not some small building, it's big and large.

With curiosity deep inside her, Alicia then knocking the building entrance door gently yet not too low. It sounds might can be heard by someone close around the area and look, it became true, since there's a woman who has brown skin, long black hair, red eyes, and wears an eyepatch over her left eye that wears sarashi, red hakama and sandals.

Without thinking too long, Alicia already knew who is she.

"Oh. Who was that? Ah… a guest?"

The woman asked Alicia with curiosity and friendly tone while flashing a friendly smile on her face right now. Knowing that, the soon-to-be adventurer that came from another world starled but quickly calm herself and clear her throat to respond it.

"A-Ah. Yes. I'm currently looking for Hephaestus-sama… is she there?"

But the answer she got made her a bit disappointed when that woman shake her head.

"Sorry, Hephaestus-sama currently out to do something important. Maybe at evening she back. What kind of business you have anyway?"

She ask that with curiosity filled in her.

"I just want to join Hephaestus-sama familia and become adventurer. I hope it's okay…"

She blinked and chuckled when heard it.

"It's okay and Hephaestus-sama would accept you, however if you had the thing that needed to be in this familia. As you know, this familia specializing in blacksmithing because it's the mainline of this familia and Hephaestus-sama is the god whose domain is in blacksmithing. She herself is one though."

Alicia just nod her head.

"Yes. I'm already aware of that and already have what's needed to be here."

"Oooh…! So you're interested in blacksmithing? Did you have any liking to it?"

"Erm… not that much but forging a weapon, moreover my own, is can be called fun. Also it letting me to know about what and how I want to forge a weapon and equipment. I can decide it myself and have fun with it."

"That's so? Good then. I'm pretty sure if Hephaeustus-sama look at you herself will know about your own quality in this matter. There's no many females blacksmith out there and mostly it's males job, leaving the females just buying it from the blacksmith. It's rare for woman to decided to become blacksmith."

"It's true, since the majority of female won't do any job that involve sweat or potentially ruin their own appearance. To them it look unsightly, but without blacksmith, adventurer; male or females, won't be able survive in dungeon with their abilities alone. Not all of them is strong or powerful enough to do anything without weapon or equipment."

"You got that right! Oh right, my name is Tsubaki, it's Tsubaki Collbrande. Nice to meet you, my soon-to-be comrade."

She said that while stretch her hand to Alicia, which make the former demon queen nod and shake Tsubaki's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Tsubaki-san. You can call me Alicia Sevaria."

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, SORRY FOR THE LONG UPDATE! I got caugh up and hooked to Yugioh Duel Links, sorry for those who waiting for long.

Here the chapter, enjoy and don't forget to leave a review, comments, share, and power stones to vote.

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