

Being betrayed, tortured, backstabbed and haunted Steve tries his best on keeping a promise of no revenge but his sister thinks otherwise suddenly all his strongwill of staying off revenge is shattered after his sister was harmed What did he do? did he just toture the offender or totures the whole world

The_author3 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Far From Home

The scene opens with a teacher teaching his seemingly attentive students maths and some equations were solved on the board

Teacher:So when the equation is like this you use the almighty formula [The teacher explained]

As the teacher continued his teaching, some students were writing while others payed attention as they listened to understand their teacher. The students were sitting each, on a neatly arranged one-person desk and table; and at the last sit on the left, sitting beside a window was a boy who appeared to be absent minded as he looked out the window staring into space. He has a light Pink short hair and dark pink eyes, he was tall, fair skinned and seems lost in thought as he looked out the window while resting his chin on his right hand fist which was resting on his desk.his name is Steve Ember

(His picture in the paragraph comment)

Steve: *It's been two years since I left home I kinda feel relieved that they are not bothering me or lil sis. ~haaaa~ I'll still have to get to work after lesson*😔 (he reminded himself of the tiring fact before being interrupted by the school bell)


The school bell rings

Teacher: Well that's all for today folks, make sure to do your research properly, and remember that the magic skill test will be the practical form of your exam which is next week( he leaves the classroom)

Steve begins to pack all his school belongings into his bag

Steve: *Is it me or was today's lesson longer than usual?*

( he carries his bag and walks out of the class with his both hands in his side pockets. As he was walking a girl was stalking him, although he already noticed, he decided to just ignore her thinking she'd get tired but he was wrong, he was almost at his working site yet this person keeps stalking him)

Steve :*If I don't stop this girl she'll definitely follow me to my working place*( he thought to himself as he halts his steps )

Ok now you can come out! ( he said without turning back and didn't get a response) If you won't come then I'll come for you instead

Mystery stalker: (hides properly behind a tree) *He already noticed that I have been following him? but how?🤨 guess I'll have to proceed with precaution, any unnecessary move will all render my mission useless, gotta keep a close watch* ( she thought before looking back at where Steve was standing, but to her surprise he wasn't there) where could he have gone?

Steve: May I help you? ( he said with an expressionless look as his voice resounded behind the mystery stalker which startled her)

Mystery Stalker: eek...!😰 ( she was so shocked after hearing his voice from behind, her heart was already pounding so quickly like a thief who was just caught red-handed, she slowly turned and saw Steve's expressionless face)* but how? when did he get here without me even noticing him?* (She took some few breaths to calm herself and to stabilize her racing heartbeat)

~huff~huff~ She gasped for air

Mystery Stalker: I... I'm really sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I...I...(she stammered)

Steve:*Come on out with it already I've got work to get to. I just hope she isn't here to confess, that's becoming bothersome. I don't just know why, for two years now these girls haven't seem to give up on me, shouldn't they be tired? or am I not giving them the right impression of not wanting a girlfriend?🙄

Mystery Stalker: I'm Olivia Grandour {pronounced grand-our}, I have been wanting to talk to you alone for a long time now

Steve: So you think stalking me is the best?(he asked with an expressionless face but sounded displeased)😒

Olivia:(nod negatively while looking down in guilt) I'm really sorry ( she said sounding sad)🥺

Steve:*Now she's just making me feel bad* It's okay, really, so what is it you wanted to discuss with me?🙁

Olivia : Uhm...(she taps he two index finger together continuously as she hesitated to speak while her face turns a bit red)😣

Steve: *Good grief here we go, I know what's coming next*😓

Olivia: I...I really like you and I want you to be my boyfriend (she rushed her words as she faced downwards trying to cover her blushing and shy face)😖

Steve: I hate to break it to you but, sorry, I don't want a girlfriend plus I'm not your type

Olivia:(her expression turns sad) But why? why do you say so?😟

Steve:*do I really have to explain myself😞* It's just that I'm not the romantic type of guy, I'm really busy and I still have to focus on my studies* that's partly the truth but mostly I need to plan for my future not wasting them in meaningless romance*

Olivia:*Phew, I thought he didn't like me at all*( she seemed a little bit relieved) ok I understand, in that case, can we be friends☺️

Steve:*...* friends?🤔

Olivia: yeah like let's hangout sometime in the future

Steve: well if that's what you want then I guess we can be JUST friends (he said casually and also stressing the just) and I mean that you should have no attempt of trying to seduce me because honestly it's all gonna be a waste of your time

Olivia: (smiles really brightly) ok then, bye, see you tommorow (she waved a good bye at Steve as she ran home happily)😊

Steve:( turns to look at the excited girl) * Well, that was weird, usually when I turn girls down they cry and all but instead she still wanted us to be friends, Olivia huh ? gotta give it to her she's cute though* ( he ended his thoughts as he turns and keeps walking)

Olivia was a tall girl, just a few inches shorter than Steve, she had purple hair and violet eyes, her facial beauty was contrasting to her fair skin.

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Your handsome author: Henry

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