
Demon of original sins

Warning:incest, gore, strong language,18+, torture By a twist of fate, Kael, a young demon, from a small and weak demon baron family chances Mark of Sins. With his newfound power, Kael's ambition and greed grew driving him to embark on a relentless journey of conquest With the power of the Mark of Sin coursing through his veins, Kael's thirst for power knows no bounds. Fuelled by ambition and greed, he schemes, betrays, and manipulates his way to the top, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in his wake. No territory is too vast, no riches too extravagant, as Kael seeks not only to expand his own dominion but to acquire the other Marks of Sin by all means As Kael's influence grows, so too does his ruthlessness and his enemies. He employs every tool at his disposal – Schemes, blackmail, war, assassination, and mind control – to crush any who dare stand in his path. Where will Kael's journey leads? Will his greed be satisfied or will he search for more??

jasonphlg · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 23:Barren city

In the blink of an eye 4 days had passed since they began their journey. During those 4 days everything was fine without any hiccups. They traveled in the morning and camped during the night. During those days apart from cultivating, the only thing Kael did was eating and having sex with Alice.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, finally Barren city was in sight. As Carriage approached the city , the landscape around them transitioned from the untamed wilderness of the demon realm to the bustling outskirts of the city. The carriage rattled along the well-worn road.

The air hummed with the energy of the city, a cacophony of sounds filling the air as merchants hawked their wares and travelers bustled about in the crowded streets. Kael peered out of the carriage window, taking in the sights and sounds of the vibrant city as it loomed ever closer.

As they neared the city gate, the imposing structure came into view, its massive doors towering overhead like the jaws of some ancient beast. Guards clad in dark armor stood watch, their eyes sharp and alert as they scrutinized all who sought entry into the city. With a rumble of wheels on cobblestones, the carriage rolled to a stop before the city gate, its presence drawing the attention of the guards and passersby alike

As Kael 's carriage rolled through the massive city gates, the bustling streets of the sprawling metropolis stretched out before them, teeming with life and activity. Towering buildings loomed overhead, their architecture a mix of grandeur and sinister elegance, adorned with intricate carvings and dark banners fluttering in the breeze.

"Halt, traveler," one of the city gate keepers called out, his voice echoing off the stone walls. "State your business in the city." He was neither servile nor overbearing but from his eyes they knew he didn't really care that much about them.

Xaphan took charge of the interaction with the city gatekeepers.

He stepped forward with his mount and he addressed the gatekeepers.

"We are from house Blaze of viscountess blaze, Our young has come to stay in the residence we just bought in barren city. Our mistress has just broke through to the demon viscount realm and would like to have a foothold in the city and has sent young master Kael to carry some business and get acquainted to some nobles "

The guard eyed Xaphan and the carriage with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity, but after a moment's consideration, he nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well. may enter the city after you pay the toll "

Xaphan furrowed his brow, taken aback by the unexpected demand. "A toll? We were not informed of any such fee."

The guard nodded , crossing his arms over his chest. "Indeed, there is a fee for passage through the city gate. It is a new rule proposed by the eldest son of demon marquis , the city lord. All travelers must pay the toll before entering. He has started to manage some of his Family's business and proposed implementing the toll which the marquis accepted "

Xaphan Sighed and went toward the carriage informing Kael of the situation. Kael realized that they had little choice but to comply with the guard's demands as it seems it was the new rules. He also didn't want to create a scene before even entering the city.

He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small pouch, extracting a handful of low grade mana crystals and giving to Xaphan. Xaphan proceeded to pay the toll before returning to the side of the carriage with his mount.

The demon accepted the toll, then gestured toward the city gates showing them that they can proceed. As the carriage made its way through the bustling streets of the massive city, the vibrant energy of urban life surrounded them. Kael who was looking through the carriage windows marveled at the sights and sounds that surrounded them.

Towering buildings adorned with intricate architectural details loomed overhead, their facades a testament to centuries of history and culture. The streets were alive with activity, filled with merchants peddling their wares, craftsmen honing their skills, and performers entertaining the crowds with music and dance.

People of all walks of life bustled about, their voices mingling in a symphony of languages . Nobles in elaborate finery strode confidently alongside commoners clad in simple attire, while children played games in the cobblestone squares and alleyways.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Kael caught glimpses of landmarks and points of interest that hinted at the city's rich history and cultural heritage. As Kael 's carriage traversed the bustling streets of the massive city. They passed by a myriad of stores and shops, each bustling with activity and commerce. From the elegant boutiques of high-end fashion to the humble stalls of local artisans

At the heart of the city, sprawling marketplaces teemed with merchants peddling their wares, their voices rising above the din of the crowd as they extolled the virtues of their goods. Exotic fabrics from distant lands hung from wooden beams, their vibrant colors and intricate patterns drawing the eye of passersby.

In the artisan quarter, skilled craftsmen plied their trades with precision and expertise, their workshops alive with the rhythmic clanging of hammers and the hiss of hot metal.

Blacksmiths forged weapons and armor of exquisite quality, while jewelers delicately set precious gemstones into ornate settings of gold and silver.

Beyond the marketplaces and artisan workshops, Kael caught glimpses of specialty stores catering to every conceivable need and desire. There were Apothecaries shops, Auction houses and even a bustling red light district

Despite the chaos of the city, there was an undeniable sense of order and harmony that permeated the streets. Guards patrolled the thoroughfares, their presence a reassuring presence to the city's inhabitants, while city officials worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth operation of commerce and governance But Kael knew that their was more than meet the eyes.

As Kael 's carriage made its way through the streets, he couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant tapestry of life unfolding around them. And as they neared the mansion nestled amidst the bustling cityscape, Kael knew that he was at his new home at last, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that awaited him this extraordinary city and it's undercurrents
