
Demon of original sins

Warning:incest, gore, strong language,18+, torture By a twist of fate, Kael, a young demon, from a small and weak demon baron family chances Mark of Sins. With his newfound power, Kael's ambition and greed grew driving him to embark on a relentless journey of conquest With the power of the Mark of Sin coursing through his veins, Kael's thirst for power knows no bounds. Fuelled by ambition and greed, he schemes, betrays, and manipulates his way to the top, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in his wake. No territory is too vast, no riches too extravagant, as Kael seeks not only to expand his own dominion but to acquire the other Marks of Sin by all means As Kael's influence grows, so too does his ruthlessness and his enemies. He employs every tool at his disposal – Schemes, blackmail, war, assassination, and mind control – to crush any who dare stand in his path. Where will Kael's journey leads? Will his greed be satisfied or will he search for more??

jasonphlg · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 21

In the blink of an eye two weeks had passed.. During those past two weeks everyday Kael, would be cultivating using mana crystals in the morning and have sex with Alice during the night. His cultivation speed was so astonishing that it would leave the greatest geniuses green with envy.

He was already at the late stage of the demon vassals realm, only a small realm away from the demon baron realm.

In the past two weeks almost everything had been according to plan except some small hiccups..

But overall everything had been going fine. Alexia had returned with her small team of newly promoted demon baron

As for their mission to conquer the territories surrounding them, although it could have had better result it was still satisfactory..

Of the 21 territories in the surroundings, they had managed to subdue 14 of them in the shadows without anyone finding out..

Although only the leaders of these territories had sign Faustian contracts to ensure their loyalty, it can be counted as their territory's now.. They would gradually gain full control of these territories so as not to alert others against them.

For the remaining eight territories although they failed to subdue them, due to their allegiance to other powers who controlled barren city at they knew which powers had greater ambitions and they should watch out for.

They had also eliminated all the leaders of these small territories, which had destabilized their foundations as with their leaders dead, everyone would try to take their place. It will also cause their backers in barren city to be wary of each other and increase their hostility.

Another good news was that, Irina has emerge from seclusion the day before and had broken through to the demon viscount realm. She had spent all of yesterday resting but now was back to work. Everyone working at the manor was overjoyed by the news of Irina's break through and were eager for positive changes going forward. Although the news was only known to those working at the manor it won't be long before the news became public knowledge.

Irina was already working at the office, where Kael was currently going to right now.


While walking towards the office, Kael was pretty happy while greetings the maids along the way. In his mind he was thinking 'I couldn't meet mom yesterday to congratulate her on her breakthrough. It's alright, she must have been tired. I should congratulate her, then discuss some of the things I had in mind '

Entering the office, Kael was stunned for a second before returning to normal. When he looked at Irina, he saw that she had become more beautiful which he never though was possible. Her skin had become fairer and looked smoother. Her hair was more vivid red than it was before, ressembing lava cascading down her back. Her lips more luscious, Kael almost couldn't resist kissing them. Her aura had also changed becoming more commanding, making people want to kneel to her like an empress, but this made her more irresistible. While admiring her, Kael was interrupted from his reverie by her voice

"Good morning Kael. Do you like what you see? " she said

Blushing slightly, Kael relied "Good morning, mother and congratulations for your breakthrough, I'm very happy to see you become more powerful. As for whether I'm liking what I see…how could I not when such a beauty was standing right before me.. I almost got lost in your eyes"

Irina was stunned for a moment as Kael did not usually compliment, then she giggle "You're quite the sweet talker, aren't you? But I must admit, your sweet words are a pleasant surprise "then she changed the subject "thank you, if not for those mana circulation manual how could I break through so easily"

"Mother, you deserve every opportunity for all the love and care you've given me. It's the least I can do." Said Kael

"oooh, you've become so sweet with me.. Anyway, I'm very proud of you and you have not disappointed me in the time I was in seclusion. Not only have your cultivation increase more than I expected, you've also made us stronger than ever with the addition of those territories to ours."

"it's all for our family, but we are still weak "sighed Kael

"it's alright we just need time. Oh, in the reports I read I saw that you bought a manor in barren city, what your plan with that? " Asked Irina

"As you know, if we want more power our next step should be barren.. But we Need a foothold in barren city before we start to think about conquering it. This manor would be our family's residence in barren city for now.. I will be moving there shortly, with Alice and a few guards to prepare a proper foothold for us and get a few allies.. I would also be able to understand the situation in barren city and it's undercurrents as well as an understanding of the powers present in barren city " replied Kael

"what!! Are you planning to go there Alone. No, you can't, I should go instead. " said Irina in shock

"No, I should be the one going.. You should stay and manage the territory. They would be less wary of me as I'm pretty weak and young.. In the meantime you must work hard to make our territory stronger.. We should recruit more guards and soldiers. We also must increase the training regimes, so as our soldiers could become elites. With the training techniques we have it should be possible, as for resources for we have could last us more than a year, we should find a way to provide more in the meantime..you must also gain more control of the territories we just conquered discreetly"

"very well, I will let you go. But you should take some guards with you.. And promise me you won't do anything reckless. Always prioritize your safety first. I will take care of everything in our territory in the meantime. I have faith in you" said Irina

"don't worry mother, everything will be fine.i will be preparing for my departure in the meantime " replied Kael