
Demon Lords can be weak too

When the world changes what it means to be human has to change as well. Given the option, Dakota chooses to be more than human.

William_Cummings · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Guild Halls

Dakota looked up the number to contact about joining a Guild.

The Guild or the Guilds was actually an association of five large guilds.

They had the power. The influence. The money. The contacts to compete with the governments. The Big Five kind of represented the smaller guilds. Nothing really got done without their approval.

The hundreds of smaller guilds operated with their aid and consent. That was why most people and even the media simply called them collectively, The Guild or the Guilds.

The only universal government condition was that if the Guilds were called to close a Rift they risked their rights to operate legally in a country if they refused.

The Big Five split the world up. Operating or influencing thousands of smaller guilds all over the world.

The Bastion guild watched over North America. It had grown a more powerful since the Florida incident too.

Their company logo was an eagle with its wings outstretched in front of a shield. This emblem was famous.

A guild badge from Bastion was generally more respected than a police officer badge in the U.S.

Dakota called the number and they sent him to an office. A small kind if local office. Maybe a couple dozen people stayed during work hours on the weekday

Nothing very impressive. Even though he was impressed by their professionalism and general competence in answering his many questions.

The Columbus, Ohio office was everything he could want from it.

They told him to sign some paperwork and he would become an Affiliate of the Guild. He would only be given the contract for this Rift after he passed the on site Mana Density measurement exam. They were not about to invest their time into a person who was not even Ascended.

It really spoke to how wealthy the Bastion guild was to have an on site Mana Density Measurement device . Those things required Mana crystals and were said to be worth a few hundred thousand dollars.

On his walk from the lobby to the waiting room outside the room with the Measuring

equipment he heard a Bell chime.

The Quest to join the guild had been completed! Well it really was then? He would certainly test as an Ascended. Even though He would likely test as a Rank E again.

The system prompted him with two windows. Apparently he could hold off and wait to accept his rewards.

While Dakota waited for his turn to be measured again. He quietly watched as three other younger men took turns fretting.

Each was called up and walked out looking at an official looking License. None looked too happy. They probably got graded E.

When he was alone in the waiting room Dakota accepted the Ability point rewards. He did not know what Skill Upgrade was, but felt instinctively that it was something that would be useful later.

He was determined not to wait two years to use it.

He dumped the 5 Ability points he received as a reward into Intelligence. Hoping more Mana meant a more obvious rise in Grade.

His Status read.

Name: Dakota Alain Tibor

HP: 100

MP: 130

SP: 270

Title: Demon Lord

Level 1

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 9

Charisma: 5

Skills: Devour Lvl 1

Items: Voidheart

As he had guessed. Even though he nearly doubled his Intelligence he did not feel smarter or suddenly remember every moment of his life.

He did feel a slight tingle in his finger and toes for a moment at first

He thought it may be the increased ambient Mana. Then thought maybe he just imagined it or it was tingles from sitting down for nearly twenty minutes.

He was called up and sent to the testing room shortly after this.

He was asked to stand inside three large rings.

One was eye level. on was around his knees and one around his torso.

While in the center he could not have reached out and touched the rings, they were so large.

He heard a whirring sound for a moment and saw the rings spin.

After less than a minute the test was done.

The time after was spent with the two well dressed professionals informing him he was a grade E Ascendant.

They gave him a little metal case with the shape of an Eagle with five stars around it. The case itself was vaguely in the shape of a shield.

It was kind of cool and Dakota really liked it.

His license looked a lot like his driver's license. The candid photo they had taken of him in the ring was even nicer than the one he had on his driver's license. He had noticed when they took it but it made him feel distinguished.

They informed him that some of his information would appear on the Guild website. They had smiled and told him if he wanted to share it on a stream or media app that he was sure to get more than a few likes.

He returned to the office portion of the building and signed his life away for this Rift.

The contract promised $500 dollars for attending the Raid from the start. This included at least the hour before for briefing.

It promised him he was allowed 60% of the money earned from the gems he collected personally.

He was quickly assured that if his standing in the guild improved so would his financial gains through Rift Hunting.

Dakota was informed of the various health and insurance benefits that would be provided and how they would improve if he improved his guild status.

It had all sounded a bit like a pitch until then. Like the middle aged man was going through a rehearsed speech.

When he got to order in the Rift he was all serious and gravity

"While inside the Rift on a Raid, The Raid leader was commander. His word was law. Arguing with the Raid leader in a Rift could result in his death or injury or another persons death or injury. The Raid Leader had right to confiscate the Guild Licence and end your very early career. The Raid Leader also reserves the right to offer testimony to the Bureau of Enhanced Creatures. Which may lead to criminal charges. Guy I promise. Just stay on the Raid leader's good side."

The man relaxed and continued in a more subdued and monotone state "if disagreements with the Raid Leader occur only address them after the Raid. For serious complaints or criticisms contact us here at your local Guild Hall.

A few more forms and Dakota was ready to leave.

The day came quickly and not quick enough for Dakota. On arrival at the site several armed men who looked like soldiers with Guild emblems halted him at the perimeter of the Rift near the bike path he knew so well.

His guild License was scanned and he was allowed through.

Inside, nearly twenty people loitered.

There was no type of person.

More than half were younger guys though. After over hearing some of their rather loud conversations Dakota new they must have had a few Rifts under their belt. But were the kind of people to boast over reaching first base after a hit

A few middle aged men and women spoke among themselves.

An older dark skinned woman waved him over.

She seemed friendly. But she was kind of heavy. She asked him "First time?"

He only nodded. The nerves were getting to him.

She smiled kindly and walked him over to a table with some wrapped foods and a few different kind of drinks.

She insisted he eat something and chase it with coffee.

He really did not want to, but he barely ate breakfast and knew he should eat something to keep his strength up.

Dakota loved the smell of coffee as the woman poured two foam cups.

He did not want to drink it. As much as he loved the smell. he never liked the taste. This woman was kind and had an easy confidence that re-assured him. so he drank it as not to be rude or offend her.

She introduced herself as Hazel Booker. Most people called her Booker. "Only people who never met me call me Hazel."

She walked him around and introduced him to the regulars. She informed him of the general strategy of these things.

For a Grade D Rift it was common to have at least 3 rank C's leading.

Normally the physical Ascended rushed in. Supported by any ranged or magi type Ascended. With the healers and the weakest at the back.

Booker smiled on and on about how D grade Rifts were usually almost pleasant easy money for folk.

They usually resemble tunnels made from a kind of stone that was very sturdy. Most agreed it was some kind of lesser form of the mana crystals that could be found.

"Stick with the group and you'll be fine young man."

She kept saying that.

It would have been annoying. Except it really comforted him each time Booker said it.

Dakota had arrived a few minutes before an hour early.

Two men showed up about a quarter until the scheduled Raid time.

Both taller than Dakota who stood around 6 feet. Both broad shouldered. Then they seemed to contrast each other.

One of the men was clearly younger than him. His long blonde hair looked like he had used a straightener. He had tattoos of different cartoon characters on his arms and neck that peaked out from around his hoodie and had an easy grace about him.

Dakota thought of him as some kind of pot smoker who was too laid back for this kind of work. Who wears a hoodie in this summer heat, especially to a job.

The other was a picture of professionalism. Some army vet type wearing a black tank top and camo pants. His boots looks polished and his hair within regulation.

It took a moment but the dog tags were spotted eventually.

Booker said in a low voice "The wannabe hippie is Isaac and the sergeant there is Steven. They are two of the C rankers we need for the Raid today.

She smiled again as she said a bit louder, as if to be sure she was over heard by the others around us "Sergeant Steven prefers Sarge and can heal just about anything that doesn't take your limb or your life."

She began walking toward them and was still raising her voice to be heard "Pretty boy here is a Physical type who could break a boulder with his bare fist and give a horse a good race" She winked at him when she said it.

Isaac only grinned and lifted his head a little higher. If he had a bit of a swagger and an eye or two on some of the girls. Well, it seemed he was that kind of guy.

Booker had shook Sarges hand and patted Isaac on the shoulder by then.

She turned about with both on either side and in a clear and loud voice. That didn't feel like she was yelling she introduced herself as Hazel Booker "Call me Raid Leader or Booker"

"I'm a mage type and i have served the Guild in over 60 Raids." Booker declared as everyone gathered around her.

She explained how the Raid would function and how they would all stick together and work together. If it became necessary to retreat or pull an injured or unconscious person out. Then it would be her decision. Anybody who moved to leave or advance without her approval. Would not be invited back to Raid with the guild again.

She moved onto weaponry. "As most of you know. The Riftbeasts are resistant and often immune to mundane weaponry."

"Bastion is thoughtful enough to bring weapons to Raids to be rented and returned by freelancers. The exchange is for 20% of the value of the crystals they collect. If no crystals are collected then the amount is deducted from future Raids."

At that everyone moved to a table where some armed men were opening some rather impressive looking reinforced cases.

A couple dozen swords and daggers with some axes and spears were revealed.

"Can't expect anyone to be trusted with the really good stuff." Booker offered "This stuff could mean the difference between life and death. So don't try to go in barehanded" she looked over at Dakota then and nodded with her easy smile.

He looked the stuff over and grabbed a hammer as long as his forearm. It looked kind of heavy. Fortunately, for him it was not too bad.

These kind of weapons were the best for Ascended in a Rift. The weapons are produced with mana crystals and are imbued with their own mana density. This allowed them to damage Riftbeasts.

They were Incredibly expensive to produce. Weapons of this quality would sell from 40 thousand to 60 each. To think that a single bullet produced the same way would only be a little cheaper made reusable weapons indispensable.

Dakota wondered how many times he could level up in this D grade Rift. It was clearly very competitive to hunt the Riftbeasts.

He wondered if he should use his Skill upgrade reward on Devour. He shook his head. No. He had to at least see what his other options were before using it. That kind of upgrade could be very rare for all he knew.

Dakota was shaking as they all walked toward the shadowy pillar that was the Rift.

Isaac came from behind and whispered "Calm down kid".

When Dakota calmly looked over at this cocky younger guy calling him kid Isaac only shrugged and smiled.

Isaac had clearly thought Dakota was shaking from fear. He saw in his eyes it was excitement and anticipation.

"What's your name new blood?" Isaac asked. Surprised for the moment.

"Call me Kota." was all he said before Isaac leaped in to the Rift.

Some people were more energetic than others entering the Rift. Booker patted him on the back as they entered together. Just before Sarge and three of the loud younger guys.