
Demon Lord Teleported From Another World

[Don't expect MWUAH kind of writing(as in good quality) I do this as a side hobby when bored and do it when I can. I might release a couple a day, I might do one everyday. I just do the bare minimum needed to make things make sense. I have written other works(although one more than the other to be honest) and this is just another one that pops in my head recently. To the synopsis!] Daniel Wu is a 16 year old student at Coridale High School and was stricken with Kaden's Degenerative Disease. A Disease which appeared relatively 30 years ago, and since then has no cure. It causes a specific part of the human body to degenerate and rot away over time varying from years, to months, to days. As a result of this uncurable disease, many of those who are stricken with it get posterized by their peers. Called "Kadies" named after the first case Kaden Ross. There is no indication of whether it is hereditary, as it is still new Could it be the result of a weapon, or old disease that had been dormant. But it didn't matter where it came from, since being stricken at age 13, he has endured 3 years of mistreatment and discrimination by former friends and commoners. He with only a short time left of his life, has given up on hoping for a future. His father, a brilliant man, is busy with another project to focus on finding a cure, and him, slowly loosing his mind decides to volunteer for Project Protokin, a project with the intention of developing teleportation. As if he dies in the testing, so be it, if he lives, then he contributed to the future of technology. The project in hopes of cutting the cost of time and even resources needed for transporting goods across the world. However, a incident occurs, and now Daniel is unsure where he has been teleported. Also has an AI in his head. She will never shut up. Character in the cover is Kuklo from Attack on Titan Before the Fall. Basically the first Eren Yeager. I only recently re-read the manga(should be adapted into a anime in my opinion *cough*) and decided to use his face as the character.

DekayNihilus · Fantasy
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32 Chs

This the mother's wrath?

"Uh…Uhm hey uh, ma'am. It is not what it looks like I got in a bit of entanglement and she and I fell and-"

"I don't want to hear it. Why are you both still in that position? Seconds have passed and both of you didn't attempt to get away."

"Oh I uh, I just didn't want to risk hurting her. My gloves are weaponized and I didn't want to risk it."

"I…uhm…I will just get off you." Gizzele says trying to hold her composure

She takes both arms off of me and for a brief moment, I feel the full weight of her chest on me and I suddenly feel like my chest wants to explode.

[Wow…you are so-] 

Don't….Just let me enjoy this moment of bliss before her mother kills me on the ground.

She gets off of me, and the bliss fades as quickly as it began. And I am just on the dirt looking up at her mother walking right up to me.

"I know that face and reaction…" she declares with her arms crossed. Her left hoof stomps next to my head kicking a bit of dirt into my face.

I quickly get back up and try to calm her down.

"Wait ma'am I didn't-I uh! I don't know what you mean!" I show my hand but forget the blades.

I begin unstrapping the gauntlet and let them fall on the ground.

"Really? I have been active in the Honor Guard for years. I have done interrogations, combat, and rigorous physical training. I know a face of lewd enjoyment when I see it." She finishes.

She begins to stomp closer to me, arms still crossed and somehow she seems even taller than before. I back up as well and Gizzele doesn't do anything to help.

[These hoes ain't loyal?]

Shut the fuck up, she isn't a hoe, and she lives in a hierarchy of beastmen family society. Her mother is a strict and protective one. Sadly it is against me at the moment.

"I saw the way you looked at my daughter when you pressed your arm against her cleavage" she declares 


I was caught!

I look at Gizzele for a bit of support and she is just holding both her hands locked in front of her with her head tilted forward. Is she ashamed?

"Okay, I admit it I did feel something twice when your daughter's chest was against me! Like my heartbeat felt more powerful or something. But it was not on purpose! I am a male I still have these feelings and urges but I had no malicious intentions!"

She turns her head briefly and asks Gizzele a question. 

"Do you believe him Gizzele?" Her mother asks

"I uhm…I-I also felt something similar to what he said I felt, something that, made my chest. Feel like it was aching and I felt hot a bit…" I notice her tail flicking behind her, and she begins to noticeably fidget. Her thighs are also close together and rubbing against each other.

Wait a minute is she aroused?

"Okay, you've done more than merely touch my daughter, you seduced her into a ring of degeneracy, and for that, I will kick you out myself"


"NOW NOW NOW!" A male voice in the distance is called out.

I look behind the mother and Gizzele to see a taller centaur male shoving his way through the other beastmen and up to the field where the three of us are.

"Why are you such a serious party poopy Cerea!" He asks in a flamboyant tone

"Not the time…" the woman comments

[So the mother's name is Cerea. Blackmail material already acquired]

"Why, I think I need to be the diplomat in this situation…again." He says more sternly.

I wonder if Cerea has done an over-the-top reaction before and he was the only one to contest her thoughts. 

"Why, I believe it was not that long ago when our hands intertwined-" He gets cut off by Cerea telling him to get to the point.

"I am not in the mood, just say what you are leading up to…" Cerea commands.

*Ahem* "Don't pretend to be all high and mighty about yourself. Remember who your husband is?"

"No, I didn't realize I was married" with a stern tone

"Ack" he exaggeratedly grabs his chest as if he got hit in the chest.

I think he is making fun of her…

[Or the other way around]

"Well, anyways. I still remember your strictness was a barrier to many things. You were so strict you lost to me when sparring. Because I used more unpredictable tactics and methods while you used strictly one way. Things change. I might not be officially an active mercenary but you know for a fact it wouldn't take long to come out of retirement. But things have changed. So I am confident this kid is not doing anything wrong, he is just let's say, 'maturing' As well as our daughter Gizzele." 

"Why are you lecturing me…I remember you were sneaking into my stall to spy on me when the servants helped me change my armor" Cerea comments.

"Okay, you old bag…That is irrelevant. But I would say it is because Gizzele is the only child you've seen to treat differently than the others. No offense honey" he says to his daughter at the end.

"It's fine, you are not wrong," Gizzele responds.

"Uhm, can I comment on the situation?" With a quick snap Cerea's head turn 90 degrees back at me. I think I'm on thin ice with her. Unwarranted!

[You did kind of touch her daughter's chest]

That was due to circumstances of being physically close during sparring! You have to be close to your sparring partner!

"Ahem, I feel if what your husband says is true, you treat your daughter differently than the others because she prioritizes elsewhere instead of the military and service role like the large majority of your family. You view your daughter as a result more vulnerable to harm or others seeking to exploit her less than strong persona you or many of your family members exude. I can feel the aura of power, strength, and pride in my short time here. But Gizzele feels so gentle, and more approachable that you see than as a weakness that could be exploited. You try to poison what I did because you fear for your daughter. I won't tell you how to treat your daughter, but at least think. I did not mean to cause harm nor have ill will towards anyone. So please forgive me if I've disrespected your family." I take 2 steps forward to her and go into an apologetic bow.

A moment in silence occurs over the whole area and I hear the sound of grass being stepped on, getting closer, with the shadow of someone getting closer to me.

"You are more insightful and wiser than I thought you were. However…" I then feel a hand touch the top of my head and it grips fairly tight.

"If you ever try to analyze my behavior as if you know me, or if I ever hear you touching my daughter inappropriately again I will find you, and I will crush the only thing that defined you being male."

"Which is my deeper voice?"

"Oh, kid, you would wish I stomped on your throat. But no, something much worse."

[Ah, she means the 3rd arm, the low-hanging banana, the straw, the little brother, the]

Stop making up slang for it.

"I one-hundred percent understand what you mean ma'am I promise you I will not do anything against Gizzele's will, but if I may comment-"

Her grip around my head tightens. She doesn't want to hear my comment!

"I uhm, you kind of gripping my head too hard. But I hope you can have more faith in your daughter's ability to defend herself and have her boundaries. She is very smart, just maybe a bit clumsy"

A moment of silence occurs for 8 seconds, and she lets my head go. I think I am good now.

She turns her body around with her rear end and purposefully hits me over to the ground. I know she is not clumsy enough to forget her own body's proportions to hit me.

[She doesn't like you. Mother protection is powerful. Especially when they weigh maybe 5 times your weight, and probably can put up a fight.]


I get myself up and wipe my hands and pants off with dirt and dust and remember my uniform ripped up during my sparring match. Unfortunately, luckily my underwear is black as my pants. But still.

"Gizzele walks over to me, with her shield and spear not in hand anymore. She must've done it when I was apologizing.

She gallops up to me and she is fidgety it seems. I hope I didn't make it embarrassing for her. I know felt a bit flushed.

"So…" Gizzele starts, "I am so clumsy to you?"

"Oh, I uhm…I didn't mean to make it as an insult! I just meant you are approachable and relatable and not overtly having an aura that feels-"

"It's fine, I am only teasing you. Thank you for the compliment" She finishes her sentence with her hand touching my shoulder and sliding off as she strides away.

Her hips noticeably swaying a bit more than I think her walk is normally. I think she is purposefully sensualizing her walk to entice me.

[AHA! SO YOU DO ADMIT TO LOOKING AT HER BUTT WHEN SHE WALKS! You've been caught with a red hand!]

First off, no I was always looking at her butt, I just noticed small details. Second, it is "caught red-handed" not "caught with a red hand" you doofus. 

"Hey, Daniel! Come over here! There is something special going to happen soon. It will be fun I am sure of it!"

I follow up behind her and see a large assortment of tables with various vegetables, meats, dishes, pies, and large jugs of what I can only assume to be alcohol or water.

"Come, Daniel, I would like to eat with you through the evening," she says

(NOTE: Daniel is going to drink and fall asleep)