
Demon Lord Return

Demon Lord Kayden, the first demon lord to exist, and the strongest demon lord, mysteriously died one day and after hearing of his death every demon who tried to take his throne previously now found the opportunity to steal it presently but 1,000 years later he reincarnates into a new life, he now explores the vast new world in hopes of living a normal life.

Riddlerr · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Demon Lord Kayden. He was given this title after defeating the rulers of each major species.

The Dwarf's ruler Thanox, he was the first person Kayden chose to challenge. The battle took 1 week and the winner was Kayden.

A year later, Kayden challenged the human ruler Arthur. This battle was quicker than the battle with Thanox as this lasted 5 days with the winner being Kayden.

After the defeat of Thanox and Arthur Kayden's name was known across the world as the 'undefeated demon'.

When the rumors reached the ears of the elf and demon rulers they both scoffed at Thanox and Arthur's inability to defeat a mere demon.

Countless years passed and Kayden wasn't heard from or seen by anyone and rumors started spreading saying he was killed by the elf ruler Elena or the demon ruler Aaton.

The next morning Elena and Aaton went missing people then started another rumor saying that Kayden returned and defeated them both but the only people who knew the truth were Thanox, Arthur, Elena, Aaton, and Kayden.

The two rulers went into hiding after a miserable defeat by Kayden. Aaton was the most furious by his defeat since Kayden mocked him saying 'you'll need the help of Elena if you wanna at least have a chance of defeating me.'

Another thing that made him angry was that this was coming from a demon that looked no older than 16 but after fighting for a few minutes Aaton already had his right arm severed and Kayden didn't have a single spec of dirt on him.


After defeating Aaton the same thing happened with Elena the only difference was that she was missing her right leg.

1 year later new rulers were assigned to each kingdom but they all had the same fate as the previous rulers.

This cycle continued for 3 years before he was proposed a deal of a kingdom to rule over.

He accepted this and the kingdom he was given didn't have a high population since the rumors of Kayden made him look like someone evil.

He was the youngest person to ever rule over a kingdom at the age of 20.

Now 100 years later he's sitting on his throne with a bored expression.

The throne he sat on didn't have much design as it was plain black and looked fairly normal the only difference was how tall and wide it was.

After finding out his kingdom wasn't growing in population he decided to turn his kingdom into a huge colosseum.

It grew in popularity and his old reputation as an evil demon was now gone. He was looked at as a powerful figure.

In the colosseum, you could challenge anyone or have your free-for-all with over 100 people. At first, Kayden had lots of fun watching the matches but over time his love and fun for it dwindled even though the colosseum stilled had plenty of warriors (the people who fought in the colosseum) and spectators he couldn't hide from the lustful and jealous gazes of woman and men.

He could watch the battle from his throne as he could see everything that happens on the outside no matter the distance or angle but it didn't feel the same it was like watching a game on the tv, it was still entertaining but you'd rather watch it in person.

He later got used to it but the battles were boring as no one sparked his interest in the slightest.

He stood up from his throne and after a stretch, he walked towards his room and rested on his bed.

It was the only thing he still liked. Even when he was a kid he always slept for days straight just because the feeling he got when he woke up was refreshing.

As his eyes slowly closed his red eyes became less visible until you couldn't see them.

I opened my eyes and yawned I was going to get out of bed but I felt lazier than I usually felt so I slept for a few minutes before waking up again. I tried standing up from my bed but I couldn't.

I glanced around and my bed was way smaller than how it was when I went to sleep. This bed has wooden bars around it like it was trying to cage me into an area.

I raised my arms to look at my palms and they also looked very tiny so I looked at my legs but I couldn't see them since they were covered by a blue blanket that had sharks on them.

I started going insane in my head as I didn't know what to make of this situation.

I had a faint idea of what had happened but those things were myths so there's no way it could happen. Or could it?

I kept trying to come up with an answer to this situation but the more I looked around the room the more I thought that the myth was the likely answer.

The room was smaller in size but the way it was built looked fancier than my old room and the stuff inside looked more advanced.

Then I saw two people walk into the room and it was at that moment that I knew I reincarnated.