
Demon Lord Reincarnated to The Future

In the perilous realm of Murim, the Demon Lord Ji-Hoon stood at the pinnacle of power, his name evoking fear among orthodox factions seeking his demise. Pursued relentlessly, he faced insurmountable odds, battling thousands of martial arts masters and witnessing the tragic fall of his comrades. In a final desperate stand, Ji-Hoon confronts the Blade Master, drained of strength and outnumbered. With no path to victory, he makes the ultimate sacrifice, unleashing a forbidden technique that engulfs him in a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating everything in its wake. But instead of meeting his fate in the afterlife, Ji-Hoon awakens in a future Earth, the year 2023. A world teeming with hunters, individuals who combat interdimensional monsters emerging from portals known as gates. Guilds and powerful factions dominate this new era, with ten guilds reigning as pillars of strength. Remarkably, Ji-Hoon is reborn in South Korea, his once formidable presence reduced to that of a child. In a world where power reigns supreme, the pursuit of becoming a hunter becomes an obsession for all. Little do they know of the impending cataclysm that awaits humanity. Nightmares from other dimensions threaten to consume Earth, and it is Ji-Hoon, the reincarnated Demon Lord, who holds the key to their salvation. As he embarks on a journey to reclaim his memories and unlock his newfound potential, he becomes humanity's last hope. With each battle, he grows stronger, not only facing the nightmares but also the demons from his past. The fate of the world rests on his shoulders as he fights to protect the fragile existence of mankind.

Bijuudark · Fantasy
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26 Chs

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Excitement coursed through Yeon Ji-Hoon as he delved deeper into the world of artifacts. The tiers and classifications fascinated him, and he was determined to find a powerful artifact that would amplify his abilities.

His online research led him to a bustling marketplace known as the Hunter Market, where individuals could buy and sell a wide array of artifacts, weapons, and armors.

There are 5 tiers for artifacts, Relics of Origin, Ascendant Artifacts, Legendary Relics, Mythic Artifacts, and Divine Artifacts from lowest to highest.

At the lowest tier are the Relics of Origins, ancient and historically significant artifacts that may possess dormant or diminished powers but can serve as catalysts for unlocking greater abilities.

Moving up, Ascendant Artifacts possess inherent magical properties that enhance their wielders' attributes and grant minor elemental manipulation.

Legendary Relics, renowned for their extraordinary powers and storied past, provide significant advantages, such as heightened strength, advanced spellcasting, or limited control over time and space.

Stepping into the realm of legends, Mythic Artifacts are associated with mythical beings or ancient gods and bestow incredible abilities like immortality, reality manipulation, or the ability to shape destinies.

At the pinnacle are the Divine Relics, considered divine gifts imbued with the power of gods or celestial entities.

They wield unparalleled might, granting their users command over elemental forces, transcendence of mortal limits, and influence over the fabric of existence itself.

While the convenience of browsing artifacts online was tempting, Ji-Hoon knew that to truly make an informed choice, he needed to experience the energy emanating from the artifacts in person.

He yearned to feel the resonance, the dormant power that lay within. The Hunter Market seemed like the perfect place to do just that.

As Yeon Ji-Hoon delved deeper into his research, the realization of possessing both demonic qi and divine qi filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.

The very notion of divine qi intrigued him greatly, for it hinted at a realm of power and possibilities he had yet to fully explore.

Images of ancient tales and legends flickered through his mind, fueling his curiosity about the capabilities of this divine energy.

His thoughts wandered, imagining the untapped potential lying dormant within him.

What abilities could be unlocked by harnessing the divine qi? Would it grant him the power to heal, to command celestial forces, or perhaps even transcend mortal limitations?

The mysteries surrounding divine qi ignited a spark of excitement within Ji-Hoon, compelling him to seek further enlightenment and understanding.

However, he recognized the need to temper his eagerness.

The path of mastery required patience and discipline, and he understood the importance of first honing his control over the divine qi.

Though he possessed a natural affinity for demonic qi, mastering the delicate balance of both energies would undoubtedly be a profound challenge.

With a resolute focus, Ji-Hoon redirected his thoughts back to the present.

While his curiosity for divine qi burned brightly, his immediate goal remained acquiring a powerful artifact.

He understood that the right artifact would not only amplify his existing abilities but also complement his unique blend of demonic and divine energies.

Back in the murim world, Ji-Hoon had wielded the Soulblade, Claymore of Nightmare—a weapon reserved for demon lords.

Although he had the skill to handle any weapon, there was an undeniable affinity within him for swords.

The elegant yet deadly nature of a sword resonated deeply with his fighting style.

With his decision firmly made, he set his sights on the Hunter Market, knowing that browsing through artifacts online would pale in comparison to the tactile experience of feeling their energy firsthand.

Before embarking on his journey to the Hunter Market, Ji-Hoon felt an urge to delve further into his dormant divine qi.

He knew that unlocking its full potential would greatly enhance his abilities and broaden his range of possibilities.

With this in mind, he settled into a deep meditative state, focusing his mind on connecting his divine qi to every meridian within his body.

The process of delving into his divine qi was anything but a walk in the park for Ji-Hoon.

As he focused his mind and sought to establish a connection with his dormant celestial energy, waves of intense pain surged through his body, causing his muscles to tense and his breath to hitch.

Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead as his grip tightened, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

Yet, amidst the agony, Ji-Hoon maintained a remarkable level of composure.

Drawing upon the depths of his inner reserves, he channeled his innate qi to stabilize his physical form, ensuring that he wouldn't succumb to the overwhelming pain.

It was a delicate balance between enduring the suffering and maintaining control.

The stark contrast between the manipulation of demonic qi and the ethereal nature of divine qi couldn't have been more apparent to Ji-Hoon.

The demonic energy, with its raw power and visceral presence, had come naturally to him.

He had become well-versed in harnessing its dark currents, tapping into its malevolent force to unleash devastating attacks.

However, divine qi presented an entirely different challenge.

Its essence was elusive, ethereal, and far more subtle. It required a profound understanding of harmony, balance, and the interconnectedness of all things.

To truly control and wield divine qi, Ji-Hoon needed to establish a profound connection with the celestial forces that permeated the world.

With each agonizing moment that passed, Ji-Hoon delved deeper into the depths of his being.

He focused on attuning his senses to the divine energy that lay dormant within him, searching for that ethereal resonance that would bridge the gap between mortal and celestial.

It was as if he was diving into a vast ocean of radiant light, the currents of divine qi swirling around him, waiting for him to grasp their essence.

The pain persisted, threatening to break his concentration, but Ji-Hoon refused to waver.

He understood that to fully harness the potential of divine qi, he needed to establish a profound connection, to merge his mortal vessel with the transcendent power that flowed through the fabric of existence itself.

As his mind delved deeper into the realms of divine energy, Ji-Hoon began to feel a subtle shift within him.

The ethereal currents of divine qi, once elusive and distant, started to respond to his call.

They resonated with his innermost being, intertwining with his mortal essence, and blending with his existing demonic qi.

The pain, though still present, took on a new dimension—a fusion of light and shadow, yin and yang, as the opposing forces clashed within him.

Ji-Hoon's body trembled as the energies danced and twirled, seeking equilibrium, seeking harmony. It was a delicate balancing act, a cosmic struggle playing out within the confines of his physical form.

But Ji-Hoon was no stranger to struggle. He had faced countless challenges in his journey, each one molding him into the resilient warrior he had become.

With unwavering resolve, he pushed through the pain, his determination fueling his connection with the divine forces.

And then, in a fleeting moment of triumph, Ji-Hoon felt it—a surge of exhilaration, a glimpse of the immense power that lay within his grasp.

The fusion of divine and demonic qi, once at odds, now coexisted within him, their energies intertwining, complementing one another in a delicate dance.

The coexistence of demonic and divine qi within Ji-Hoon's body was akin to the harmony of yin and yang, light and darkness.

It was an unconventional balance that defied conventional wisdom. Yet, his unique constitution allowed him to absorb and harness both powers.

However, without complete control, their vast potential would remain untapped. With unwavering determination, Ji-Hoon persevered, gradually gaining mastery over his divine qi.

Intrigued by the possibilities that lay before him, Ji-Hoon decided to experiment with combining his divine and demonic qi.

As he attempted to merge the two opposing forces, they resisted one another, pushing against their natural inclinations.

Sensing the need for further enlightenment, Ji-Hoon decided to temporarily halt his efforts, realizing that he needed a deeper understanding of the energies at play.

Despite this, Ji-Hoon could already feel the surge of strength coursing through his veins. The fusion of divine and demonic qi had awakened a power within him that surpassed anything he had experienced before. It was a tantalizing glimpse of his true potential.

With the realization of his newly harnessed divine and demonic powers, Ji-Hoon's thoughts turned to the lingering challenge he had faced in strengthening his physical body.

No matter how rigorous his training had been, he had always felt a sense of limitation, a ceiling he couldn't shatter.

But now, with the fusion of divine and demonic qi coursing through his veins, he saw a glimmer of hope, a way to overcome his previous limitations.

The Infernal Soulforge, an ancient and clandestine demonic technique, whispered promises of physical transformation.

It was said that those who mastered this enigmatic art could forge their bodies into vessels as unyielding as adamantite.

Their flesh would become impervious to blows, their bones as unbreakable as steel.

It was a technique coveted by warriors throughout the ages, for it offered not only enhanced durability but also the ability to unleash devastating attacks with the sheer force of their fortified physique.

However, the path to mastering the Infernal Soulforge was not for the faint of heart. It demanded sacrifice, both physical and mental.

The practitioner had to willingly subject themselves to an arduous and agonizing process, pushing their body and spirit to the brink of endurance.

Before proceeding, Ji-Hoon resolved to cleanse his body, both physically and spiritually.

He prepared himself for the taxing procedure that lay ahead, knowing that it would push him to his limits.

With steely resolve, he initiated the Infernal Soulforge, channeling an immense surge of power into his body.

The sensation was overwhelming. Ji-Hoon felt as though countless swords cleaved through his flesh, as if his body were being relentlessly pounded by an army of invisible fists.

The pain was excruciating, threatening to overwhelm his senses. Yet, he screamed inwardly, refusing to succumb to the agony. He maintained an unyielding focus, his body quaking under the strain.

In the midst of this intense trial, crimson lines appeared on Ji-Hoon's skin as his bones cracked, and blood seeped from his pores.

He endured the torturous ordeal, drawing upon every ounce of willpower and determination within him. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, the ordeal came to an end.

A powerful surge of mana erupted from Ji-Hoon's room, but with his newfound control, he contained the chaotic energy, preventing it from wreaking havoc in the surroundings.

Taking a moment to compose himself, he cleansed his body with a soothing shower, washing away the traces of the transformative ritual.

As the water cascaded down his body, Ji-Hoon became acutely aware of the strength that now coursed through his veins.

He knew he still fell short of his former power in the murim world, but he was filled with an unwavering determination to surpass his previous limits.

With every fiber of his being focused on this goal, he contemplated the necessity of acquiring a truly remarkable weapon, one that would complement and amplify his enhanced abilities.