
Demon Lord Karos Reincarnation

The strongest demon Lord was killed by his son and was reincarnated as a human,after his reincarnation as a human and with his new name as Leo, with his friend they started cultivation form childhood and Leo becoming the outstanding one at a very young age he ascend and become a demi-god with his friend they fought through countless battle ,kill the Gods and finally encounter a very powerful opponent which they have ever dream of, After countless battle they finally resided in the Ratient kingdom and made a world of cultivation to prepare a battle between them and the ORIGIN,Their creators, Now let enjoy the mesmerizing future of the young youth

Jackson_Sonic · Action
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Chapter eleven: Seteon village

It been a month now and we have been practicing our about we head out to the darkness forbidden sect tomorrow, Leo said as he practice with his spear.

Yeslet go tomorrow but I have one technique I want us to practice today,it will be of great help to us,Lisa said.

A technique, what is the technique,Valdez replied with a big sighed.

The technique is called {The great energy dissolving technique}, according to the technique it can give you great opportunity,during a battle all you have to do is focus on your opponent when you are about to use the technique you have to let it be when your opponent as gathered almost half of is Mana, once the technique is activated if your opponent hits you with his Mana,is Mana will instantly drained completely and he won't be able to cast spell, Lisa explain.

yep,yep,yep yep,ok let go, Leo said as he slowgishly move away.

[ next morning]

It will be a very long and dangerous journey do you still which to continue, elder senis asked as he and other stood before Leo and his friends.

Now move on when you arrived at seteon village you can have a rest there and be careful because I hear that something is wrong in that village, elder senis warned.

Don't worry elder we will solve all the issues in the way,Leo and his friend said with boldness and left the village along with canen.

Leo, Valdez,Lisa, Elizabeth and Canen we're heading towards the village near the northwest mountains were the unknown monster were spotted. Their destination wasn't that far and they reached the village after walking for half a day.

The village they arrived at was a bigger village than Leo's hometown,which surprised Lisa. when she heard that they were going to a village near the mountains,she imagined a place similar to her hometown with the only difference of it being near a mountain,yet this village was so different from where she came from.

It was located near the edge of the mountains,and it seems like it acted as a place were travelers would stay before the they cross the mountain range. The houses and the general feel of the village was similar to that of Regals but in a smaller scale.

When the group of five finally entered the village, a lot of the villagers were looking at them. some of the children even went near and greeted the five with happy smiles.

Leo wasn't expecting this,seeing as elder senis report of an unknown monster roaming,he imagined that the villagers would be more alert or frightened.

"Are you here to rest,the villager elder posted?"

A man approached the group and asked.

"yes or no, we are the new city Lord of Regals,

can you please lead us to the village elders house. "Canen was the one who spoke for the group,seeing as the rest wasn't really the talking type,and Leo might say something that would anger the villagers.


The man led the group of five to the other end of the village. in the very edge of the village was a fancy looking house made of stone instead of wood.

The house was three times bigger than the other houses in the village. They could already guess what kind of person the village elder was.

Leo on the other hand didn't care for such things.he unlike his friend valdez wasn't a hero of Justice. As long as the village elder doesn't get in his way,then it doesn't matter.they knocked on the door of the village elders house.The one who opened the door was a tall skinny middle aged man covered in jewelry.

"who are you people? what do you need?".

The middle aged man sounded a bit irritated when he saw Leo's group.

"we are the new city Lord of Regals city.

we are on a mission and one of our elder told us that their was an unknown monster in this village.

"oh, so you finally sent someone and it's bunch of woman and children. is the adventure school guild in such a dire state.... well no matter,I guess you will do. "Leo wasn't overly fond of the way this village elder talked,but since this is the part of the mission,he just need to deal with it.

"we do our best ... so village elder, what manner of monster are we having here? "Lisa was also a bit irritated by the village elder,but since she was used to this kind of situations.

"I don't know"? Then how are you able to tell that there is a monster near the village. Canen questioned him.

" it could be a monster,it could be a human,it could be something else. All we know is that one of the hunters in the village went into the mountains and he saw a lot of blood scattered everywhere. There was no body and all that was seen was blood. what truly frightened them was that the hunters finally found a body to match the blood,and it was a mountain tyrant that died. something or someone is killing the mountain tyrant on top of the mountain.

once he was done recounting his take,the village elder looked at Leo and his group with a bit disdain. Well that's all I have to say,just come back once you figure out what kind of being is killing the mountain tyrant.

After saying his piece the village elder slammed his door shut. "That man has a real problem. Leo sighed."so Canen what is a mountain tyrant? how strong his it?.

"A mountain tyrant is a B class monster, it is two ranks below the tyrant you fought. The thing that killed the monster must be at the same level with a tyrant or a level below.Canen who was thinking gave Leo answer.

"See.... so what do you think killed these monster?".

" No clue at all..... while Leo and Canen we're talking.Lisa noticed something looking down at them from the side of the mountain.

The moment she saw the silhouette,it ran away. Lisa reported what she saw to Leo and Canen.

" Do not think to much about it. valdez assured her as he and others walk away.

Leo and his group went to talk to the hunters that saw the fed body of the mountain tyrant.

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