

Clay, a MC of a video-game player turns out to be a fledged demon god. Follow his story, and how he defeats this world, and his strange history.

StormMaker · Others
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3 Chs

Part 2 - Sarcasm

"Yeah just kidding!! Definitely Kidding!!" I currently had my hands full fighting mutant spiders. My Crude spear was down to 6/10 durability and more were coming. Let me fill you in about the past 3 days.

The fir-st night I sold some mats for $ 30.00 of PURE cash, I know right! Second night I explored the cave and found myself making "camp" in the tunnel. The cave was 20 feet long and 5 feet wide with a roof as tall as 9 feet. There was a small cooking fire in the middle, and some woven mats for a bed. Lastly, on the third night, I figured out how to make some basic defenses for my cave, here's the stats for them:

Name: Spiked Wall

Durability Type: Well crafted

Durability: 60/60

Rarity: Common

Price: 45.00 = each

Ok so that's how I found myself surrounded by blood-thirsty spiders. The defenses were holding them off for now, but I don't know how much longer. I got an idea. I ran Into the cave and started up the cooking fire. I could practically feel the walls failing as the spiders clawed the wood with there leg talons. "Come on! come on! start!" The fire finally started and I put my spear on the embers of the ash. They caught fire and I looked at my stats again:

Type: Spear

Durability Type: Almost broken

Durability 6/10 -1 every minute - fire damage

Rarity: Common

Price: $0.02

Damage: 15 +3 fire

Improvement! I grabbed the spear that was now alight with fire and charged at the spiders. I had never seen so many limp bodies in my life. I had eventually killed them all, but at the cost of my spear, and a nasty cut on my arm. The venom did not seem poisonous but This attack also cost me my energy for the morning. I lay there in bed, sleeping soundly intuil I heard footsteps outside. I peeked my head outside to see a man in military armor with a weapons slung at his sides. At the beginning of this story, I had thought it was a medieval world, not a modern one. "hey.... um..... who are you and why are you here?" I said. (for some reason this was just awkward". "I am a soldier of the imperial Eukaryota. Come with me" I didn't know what to do, he was offering to bring me somewhere where there was heating..... actual running WATER, My mouth was watering over the thought of real food. I happily walked behind him.

He actually seemed nice off-duty. He told me more about the Eukaryota kingdom. How they were a group of cilized trained to protect from the monsters outside of large cities. "So you guys are like the guardians of the galaxy?" I said, referring to it as joke (Get it? guardians of the galaxy..... he he he sorry) He laughed a bit. "I got a look a little formal now, we are about to enter the city. My orders are simple. Bring you in, protect you, you are the lost leader of Eukaryota....