
Demon Knight Zuzu

The Nether Realm, a world inhabited by demons and filled to the brim with vile otherworldly creatures and landscapes. The demon knights are the only pillar of support for this world and serve as both the police and military forces. Of course, such is only a surface-level look at a corrupt organization supporting the current system. A global empire split into seven nation-states, beasts that threaten the very existence of this world, mysteries that find their roots deep in forgotten history. And at the core of it, all is a young boy named Zuzu Balor who seeks the power needed to right the wrongs done to him in the past and embarks on a quest that takes him beyond even the edges of the known world. (P.S. The first Chapter is a bit slow but keep going!)

TripleBlack · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Eat The Moon

First, came the sounds. A cacophony of noises echoed through the air, each blending into the next like different colors of paint in a pool of water. Second, came a growing sense of awareness. Before long, Zuzu was able to gain a level of insight into himself. He was laid sideways on the hard and rocklike, ground. A blanket was thrown on top of him though it wasn't very comfortable. Third, came the feeling of soreness shooting its way through his body. Even the act of simply breathing was enough to cause pain in his chest. And lastly, came his ability to once again separate all the sounds he was hearing, a flame, some crunching, and someone humming. 

Slowly, Zuzu opened his eyes to scan his environment. He was in a desolate wasteland. The ground, a mosaic of jagged rocks and crevices, echoed the harshness of his circumstances. The coldness was a result of the night which had fallen while Zuzu was knocked out. Across from him, a lone figure sat by a flickering campfire, legs crossed in silent contemplation. In his hand was a small apple from which he took the occasional bite. He hummed some tune that Zuzu wasn't familiar with and his gaze was focused off to somewhere in the distance. 

The man sitting across from Zuzu exuded an aura of resilience and rugged determination. Tall and broad-shouldered, he carried himself with a stoic presence that spoke volumes about his resilience. He was a very tall man, if he had to guess, Zuzu would say somewhere over six feet. His weathered face bore the marks of a life lived on the edge, etched with lines that hinted at countless trials endured. He wore a long-sleeved black tunic covered with an array of intricate silver-colored designs that went down to his waist. His pants matched it with the same color scheme. He also had a black coat, but he only wrapped it over his shoulders without putting his arms in the sleeves. As he examined his clothing, Zuzu noticed that the man only had one arm remaining, the other was seemingly cut off. Next to him was a sheathed katana, the only thing was, it seemed to be extremely long, maybe 80 inches. 

"So... how long are you just gonna lay there and not say anything? I hope your little two-day nap didn't leave you brain dead too." 

A jolt of nervousness shot down Zuzu's spine at that moment. In his mind, he hadn't given any real indication of his being awake. It's also doubtful that he saw his eyes being open, he'd been looking away the whole time. With caution, Zuzu sat up. It was then that he noticed Jia lying down right next to him. Turning his attention back to the man, Zuzu had plenty of questions bubbling inside his mind, but one was the most pressing. 

"Are you with those other guys who attacked us?" 

"No... I'm trying to catch them. As you can tell, I was a tad bit too late." 

"Are we safe?" 

"Well, I really doubt that anyone would find us all the way out here in no man's land. Even if someone did, I'd deal with it."

"You'll deal with it?", Zuzu replied with a highly doubtful tone.

"If the situation arises. Is that all?"

"Whatever... Well, where are we?" 

"Riku Wastelands... Though I don't exactly expect you to know where that is."

With his three most pressing questions answered, Zuzu went silent for a moment and reviewed what he knew.

"Why are you chasing after the people in white?" 

"Do I have to answer all of your little questions for you to be satisfied?" 

A more touchy subject. Not that it matters if that question was answered or not. Zuzu's top priority was determining what he should do from here. 

"Could you answer a couple more at least?" 

"One. You get one more question before I'm done answering." 

"Why'd you save us?" 

The man took a bite of his apple before answering, "Because you caught me in a hell of a good mood and I figured you might have some info that'll interest me. All of a sudden I'm getting doubtful on that second one." 

Throwing the apple core to the ground, the man proceeded to crack both his knuckles and his neck. Seeing this, Zuzu began to get defensive and prepared for a fight. Looking over at Zuzu as he did this, the man let out a light chuckle. "No, no, don't worry. If I was looking to kill you, I'd have done it far from where I'm camping. Trust me when I say I've got no interest in killing kids where I sleep. Now... how about you tell me the details of what happened." 

Relaxing himself a bit, Zuzu couldn't help but feel slightly offended by his amusement of his caution. "Is everyone from the outside like this?"

"I already said no more questions, plus I refuse to answer stupid ones like that." 

"No wonder you're all alone if you're like this..." 

Getting up from his spot, Zuzu moved over to where Jia saw lying and put two fingers on her neck to check her pulse. It was weak, but he could at least feel it. A wave of relief washed over Zuzu at that moment. 

"I know a good doctor, she'll get the best treatment money can buy. And you won't have to worry about spending a single dime." 


"Don't got that at your village? Well, you'll learn all the different intricacies of the world in due time. On that note, I've got something important to tell you."

All of a sudden, the look on his face hardened and got deathly serious. His posture changed as well and took on a more serious form. "I seriously considered leaving you both there to die. The outside world is nowhere near as kind as you might think. People like you and that girl in the outside world are called 'Outlanders' and every last one of you is hated. The moment you left that village, your very existence became a crime." 

The expression on Zuzu's face contorted. "Huh?! But... why? What'd we do to you people?!" 

"I don't know... Truly I don't. This has just been the way things are for as long as anyone can remember. No one can know where you come from, ever. If you can't handle something like that, the two of you will die." 

"I-I understand." 

The man watched Zuzu intensely, he witnessed the strain, the subtle yet profound display of hopelessness in Zuzu's eyes, restrained but undeniable. Of course, he understood his plight, losing everything that you once had and being forced to enter an unknown world that already hates you isn't an easy task and not a task meant to be asked of a young boy. Anytime Zuzu's eyes watered, he'd swiftly brush away before they had a chance to roll down his face. The idea of 'living a good life' remained nebulous to Zuzu, but at that moment, crying and succumbing to hopelessness certainly didn't seem to fit the description.

"Look... Get some sleep and in the morning we'll start making our way toward the city. I know a guy that'll be able to fake a ton of paperwork for you. From there you just make sure to live a nice and quiet life."

Clicking his tongue, Zuzu was absolutely repulsed by the idea. Forgetting everything that's happened up until now and just moving on with life. To reject the memories of everyone who'd brought him to this. Growing old in a shabby house everything that just happened becomes stories to be told around the fireplace. Disgusting. That also, most certainly, was not encompassed in living a good life.

Standing up straight, Zuzu looks the man in his eyes. "I refuse. No way am I just going to give up and move on."

"Look kid, there's no other choice." 

"To hell with that! What about you? Didn't you want my help just a second ago? Can't we go along with you?" 

"First off, that was before I realized that you've got no information that'll be of use. Unless you do, and if so why don't you enlighten me."

"Well... I don't know where they'll be going or anything..." 

"Thought so, and those guys move fast, by now they might be in a different province." 

"I still wanna fight! I don't wanna just move on and forget everything!"

That statement seemed to strike a cord within the man. His expression changed from the unyielding sternness of before to a tired and annoyed expression. He wiped his palm over his face before an idea popped up in his mind. 

"Look kid, a couple of years back I decided that I wouldn't be taking any more apprentices, but just for you, I'll give you a shot. All you gotta do is grab one of the pieces of wood in the fire." 

His words hung in the air, offering an opportunity wrapped in a challenge. The man's gaze fixed upon the flames, but even from their short conversation, he'd gotten a general feel for the boy. He knew that Zuzu wouldn't do it. His mind at that moment had wandered off to considering the details for when he'd drop the children off at the city.

Glancing up, just as he'd expected, the boy's resolve flickered, caught between the allure of learning from this seasoned warrior and the overwhelming fear of the task at hand. He glanced nervously at the crackling flames, hesitating in the face of the searing heat. Zuzu looked up between the flame and the man seated in front of him. 

"If you're worried about my skill, then how about I show you something." 

Getting up from where he was sitting, the man picked up his sword and walked over to a small shrub. Bending down, he picked up the body of a small grey ferret. Walking back toward the campsite, he threw the ferret's body over to Zuzu. Catching it, it took a glance to see that the animal's head had a small cut across the length of it. More notable than that was the animal's fur, it was hard, like small spikes of pure iron. 

Sitting back down the man spoke, "I was the one that cut it." 

"Huh? But, you didn't draw your sword!" 

"Believe it if you want, or don't. Your choice." 

Taking a deep breath, Zuzu understood that the man in front of him was no fraud or fake, he was the genuine article. Thinking back to all those whose lives were wrongfully taken, a spark of determination surged in Zuzu's heart. His hand trembled slightly as he stretched it toward the fire, fingers inches away from the searing heat. The intense warmth licked at his skin, testing his newfound resolve. In a moment of uncertainty, he curled his fingers away. Zuzu clenched his jaw and shot his hand forward. Even as every inch of his body screamed at him to let go, he closed his fingers around a blazing piece of wood. A hiss escaped his lips as the searing heat made contact, yet he didn't flinch. With determination etched on his face, he withdrew the wood, eyes fixed on the man before him. Even as his hand was engulfed in raging flames, Zuzu's lips managed to form a quivering smile. 

Watching Zuzu smile, even the seasoned warrior's expression shifted, a glint of surprise mingled with a hint of approval spurred on by Zuzu's grit and determination. A large grin even emerged on his stoic face. Zuzu's fingers trembled, bearing the scorching heat, but his resolve remained unbroken. The way Zuzu held the branch, you'd think he was clutching onto a sword.

"So, old timer?! How about it? Make me your apprentice, you damn bastard!"

The words that escaped Zuzu's mouth were the tipping point, the once stoic and serious man couldn't help letting out a bellowing laugh. "Alright, kid! You got me! What's your name anyway?" 

"Zuzu! Don't you dare forget it!" 

"From now on you're the apprentice of the Great Vulcan, I'll teach you everything you'll need to know to take down to guys." 

It was only after he confirmed that he'd become his apprentice, that Zuzu finally let go of the firewood. He then franticly began rolling on the ground to put the small fire on his hands. Even as he did this, Vulcan continued talking. 

"We've got a lot to cover and not a lot of time to cover it. First and foremost, this is far more complex than you think. Those white-haired guys are only one piece in a far bigger puzzle. I'm only going after them to find someone connected to them. With this information, what is your goal?" 

Picking himself up from the floor, Zuzu spoke directly and promptly, "If that's the case, then I'll solve that puzzle for myself. Once I know what I wanna know, I'll take revenge on everyone responsible." 

"I see. Our goals are different. The best advice I could give you would be to become a demon knight." 

"Demon knight?" 

"Yup. They're protesters, lawkeepers, something like that. They're a bunch of different types too, they cover all sorts of things from policing the streets to hell-beast extermination. Personally, that's the one I'd recommend, it's what I did." 

"But what does any of that have to do with my goal?" 

"Well, without a doubt, the demon knights as an organization are somehow involved in all this. So, all you've gotta do is rise through the ranks a bit. Get the duke's attention and get strong enough to make him answer your questions." 

"If it's that easy, why haven't you done it?" 

"I did for a while. But I didn't get the results I was looking for with the previous duke. Recently I heard that a new one has taken up the title, the kid should be around your age now. You might have more luck with him."

"And what if that falls through?" 

"Figure it out, it's your goal." 

"Fine... I'll do it." 

"Great, now let's head over to the city." 

"Hey! Didn't you just say you were gonna train me?"

"Yeah, but that girl isn't gonna make it if she doesn't get some treatment soon. She's sick with something, but I've got no clue what it is. I told you I knew a doctor, right? She'll be able to treat her." 

"Really? Then let's get going!" 

"In the morning. For now, just rest up." 

Before Zuzu could open his mouth in protest, his stomach loudly growled. Grabbing something from his bag, Vulcan threw Zuzu the biggest apple that he had. "Eat." Though he still wanted to say something, Zuzu simply put the apple to his lips and took a bite.


"And Zuzu, remember this and think of it as your first lesson. "No matter what happens from now on, never forgive the people that hurt you." 

Looking down at the ground, a sense of melancholy exuded from the man. "If you forgive, you'll forget." Then, in an instant that feeling disappeared. "Now then kid, tell me everything that happened, from the very start. I only said those things before to make you shut up, but I always planned to get this out of you somehow."

For the next couple minutes, Zuzu explained everything from the very beginning, his hunt with his father, Elly, and Kay's sacrifice, and everything that he remembered. This time, when the tears began to swell up, even as he attempted to push them down they streamed down his cheeks. By the end, he was curled up next to Jia, crying himself to sleep.