
Demon King: Summoning Heroes

A new born demon king with a child-like appearance, awakens in an abandoned palace in a barren land. There he meets a lone butler. Along with this butler, this demon king will renew the barren lands and build a massive and powerful army using the skill God gave him!

Azia_Elise · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Hunter Hero Urayama

"Report." Alban ordered.

Rallmul stood before the throne holding a clipboard, "It seems that woman adapted faster than the chef. She should be able to hunt soon." He says.

"I see, her mentality is impressive. When it's time for her to go hunting, be sure to accompany her. This world is not like Earth, from which she came. What would I do if I can't have meat because she died?" Alban asked.

Ever since he got to this world, he has not had a meal. What has it been, about twenty-four hours? "As for the chef, he seemed like he was ready to freak out but then he calmed down out of nowhere. What did you do?" Alban asked.

Rallmul explained to him about injecting mana into someone's conscious. Its a sure method but if done too many times it may cause a slight backlash. Though not dangerous, but it could get annoying.

"I see. I'll leave the mental state for the heroes I summon to you then." Alban mutters.

After dismissing Rallmul, the brothers approached his throne. Fire Jed and Tiger Claw immediately fell to their knees before his throne, their heads resting on the stone floor in a deep bow. Alban tapped his finger on the arm of his chair, "what." He demands.

"Sorry for coming to you without permission, the Young Master. It's just, we have nothing to do." Tiger Claw says.

Alban continued tapping his finger until he finally came to a pause, "For now on, you're assigned to the Hunter Hero. You'll follow her orders without a single complaint, she doesn't know this world, teach her." He told them.

Tiger Claw clenched his teeth, so he's being used as a lackey? Him, who was once the leader of a notorious bandit clan?

"Why? Do you have something to say?" Alban asked noticing the tense in Tiger Claws shoulders.

"No, young Master. I will follow your orders." He forcefully says.

"And you?" Alban asked glancing over at Fire Jed.

Fire Jed looks into those red eyes before answering, "No, I will do as you say." He answers before lowering his head again.

"Good, get out of my sight, after Rallmul shows her around a bit and she returns. You are officially her slaves." Alban orders.

The two quickly left the throne room. Alban leans back to take a clear breath of the dusty air. It's still a long ways away before he can really enjoy his new life given to him. He's not used to leading anyone, and its harder being the bad guy.

Still, it's better than being kind and getting taken advantage of. One might even say that he he lived his past life as a pushover. Not even he thought there would be a day he'd own slaves or be the reason someone dies. The moment he watched Rallmul kill all those bandits, he felt nothing.

Could it be because he wasn't human?

"Um, My Lord?" Asai approached his throne hesitantly.

Alban noticed him carrying a spatial bag, "what?" He asked.

"I'm here to repair the throne room, do you mind if I start with your chair?" Asai asked.

(In the meantime...)

"This is the worst situation I have ever been in." Urayama mutters.

At this very moment, she stood crouched behind some bushes along with the two men who have been assigned as her "slaves" not long ago.

Two hours ago, when she returned to the palace with Rallmul, these two approached her. According to them, Demon King Alban told them to become her lackeys in a roundabout way. That's not her problem though.

She's built her entire life not trusting anyone, not even the soldiers she's worked with in the military. Urayama was a loner, but here she was accompanied by two former bandits who could kill her any moment and flee.

"That's not possible. As long as we have these slave collars, we wouldn't be able to harm anyone if we are given orders not to." Tiger Claw says slightly touching the collar on his neck.

Is what he says. Still, this situation makes things difficult. A creature capable of tearing flesh was before them and she's more uneasy around these human trashes than that very monster.

"So, that's what people call an Orc in this world?" She asked staring at the pig-like monster. According to Rallmul, Orc's were monsters that rely on strength. They're not smart and only care about eating.

"That's right. While they aren't particularly smart, they are not weak. I'd say they are D rank at most when it comes to level." Fire Jed explains.

"Are we really hunting that?" Tiger Claw asked.

"Why not, it's a pig, right? Why, is your master picky or something?" Urayama asked.

"Whether he's picky or not, we don't know. It has not even been more than a day since he enslaved us." Tiger Claw admitted.

Just a day?

"Well, fine. Like I was saying, pork is a very delicious meat. Since it looks like a pig, it can't be all bad." She says.

"An Orc's flesh is pretty tough. It has not yet been known whether or not people eat them." Tiger Claw points out.

Urayama smiles, "but, you're master isn't human." She points out.

She rather doubted the devil and that demon king or whatever would mind what game she caught. From the spark in that kid's eyes, when he mentioned sending someone to go hunt for food, he would probably eat orc and whatever other monster in the world there is.

"No, he's not." Fire Jed agrees.

That's right. It's still unbelievable that the kid from earlier was the Demon King. But there was no denying it anymore.

"You two stay here. I don't care if the slave collars prevent you from doing anything, but this catch is mine alone." She warns.

Tiger Claw crossed his arms, did she perhaps think that she could take down a D rank Orc without them? Their orders was to make sure she didn't die, "fine, but the moment it looks as though you can't continue, we'll have no choice but to step in." He says.

He'll let her realize that this world, was not like her Earth.