
Demon King: Summoning Heroes

A new born demon king with a child-like appearance, awakens in an abandoned palace in a barren land. There he meets a lone butler. Along with this butler, this demon king will renew the barren lands and build a massive and powerful army using the skill God gave him!

Azia_Elise · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Butler Rallmul

"You're saying, you leveled up and can now do upgrades? How much mana does it take to upgrade?" Rallmul asked.

Because the Lord did not want to be bothered with small things like this, it was up to Rallmul to deal with them. He had no say in the matter. And the lord wanted him to get along with the human heroes. So, while the Demon King focused on creating more mana, Rallmul was at work.

"I can only upgrade one area at a time. But I need certain material. I was thinking I would upgrade the training grounds first." Asai answers.

It's clear that the training grounds needed the most attention. Other than the lack of new training weapons, the area had overgrown grass, and the ground needed leveling. One could tell it hasn't been used in decades.

"What kind of material? Was there nothing brought back from the bandit camp?" Rallmul asked.

"It's almost all gone. there wasn't much anyways. There is some treasure that can be used as money, perhaps we should do some shopping?" Asai points out.

Rallmul sighs, it's been awhile since he left the palace to go shopping. He can't remember when the last time he been out to one of the villages. If he wanted to help rebuild the Demon's Territory, he'll have to find a way to make money. Demons nor Devils are accepted in a lot of places due to the fear of human and non-human races all together.

If there's one place he could go to in order to buy the material they needed, it would have to be Obaren's Black Market. Which accepts any type of race as long as the rules are followed. The treasures they gathered would probably be enough for one shopping spree. If later they needed something then they would have to find a source of income.

Rallmul jotted down the kind of experts they'll need in order to help with financial situations. It would be better to summon a merchant and an accountant to help how many would be saved and spent. They already had a good income idea.

They could sell whatever the hunter hero catches. Her harvesting skills are impressive. Rallmul never thought he would say that about a human in all of his life as a Devil who hated humans for as long as he remembers.

"Alright, I'll send this report to the Lord. For now, you'll have to stick with repairs." He told Asai.

"Sure thing. As long as I know that its on the list, then I'm good." Asai says.

The next person to approach him was the chef. "We need a variety of food. We can't keep feeding a child only meat, it's unhealthy." Tahara says.

"Child?" Rallmul asked.

"That's right. I mean the Demon King." Tahara points out.

How rude. Have these humans been thinking of their Lord as some sort of kid this whole time? Rallmul glares in the chef's direction, "first of all, My Lord is not a kid. Secondly, what kinds of other foods could there possible be besides meat?" He wondered aloud.

The reason he asked this was because for demons, devils, and monsters meat was an everyday delicacy, especially for those who eat human meat. Though he's never crossed that line, but he have heard rumors.

Tahara seemed shocked by his question, "wait, are you for real?" He asked.

Rallmul rubs the bridge of his nose, "just tell me so I can write it down." He says exasperatedly.

Tahara gave him what he called basic ingredients for a variety of meals. Most of these ingredients are cheap in the monster society. Tahara took his leave and Urayama entered behind him.

"Seriously, what do you want?" He asked.

"What's with that treatment? Is it because I'm a woman?" She asked.

Is she for real? "By the way, you're quite normal for a devil. Your actions are somewhat human-like. Why is that? Don't you hate humans?" she asked plopping down on the sofa that faces his desk.

Damn this woman. If she wasn't always trying to spar with him, he wouldn't be on guard every time she comes around. it's because she always comes to him asking to spar and he always rejected her. It's become an everyday event.

"Don't tell me, did you come to ask to spar again?" He asked her with a suspicious stare.

Urayama pouted, "is that all you think of me?" She asked.

He gave her a dry expression, "a psychopathic battle junkie? Yes. Yes I do." He answered just as dryly.

"Guess that's true. Actually, I came for a request. I heard the others telling you they wanted you to go shopping. I'm here because I want a new bow and arrows. I checked the treasury and the only thing those bandits had were treasures and rusty swords." She says.

This again. "Fine, I'll put it on the list." He says.

Urayama stood and gave him a wave of her finger and a cheeky grin, "be sure it's in good condition, 'kay?" she tells him.

Rallmul shooed her away, "I get it, leave already." He scowls.

Damn. He felt like his personality as a Devil was fading. After years of living alone without a master did he lose some of his backbone? Urayama gave a flick of her hand before leaving him alone once again.

With this, the list is complete. He checked the hourglass, he still had some time left. Should he head to the treasury? There's bound to be some good stuff to sell, including some hide and other body parts that Urayama harvested. Some things can't be eaten but sold for a nice amount.

He entered the throne room and found that His Lord seemed to be meditating. Let's not bother him and gather some goods to sell.