
Demon king return

Kylie is a princess,she attends magic high academy in search of something or someone. Kylie has attended the school as a human and have made alot of friends.While going on a mission she meets Silver who she fall in love with at first sight,later Silver promise Kylie that he is going to help her find that something or someone but after Silver finds that something or someone will he tell Kylie?

Celina_doctor · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Kylie vs Moses

Moses started running towards Kylie and wanted to give Kylie another injury but Kylie used her staff to protect herself by putting it in front of her, Moses was surprised possible" Moses asked confused

"um i do not know " Kylie said smiling Moses became angry and ran off again to Kylie, they both started fighting like true warriors even though it was still looking like a child play

"i will make you feel pains all over" Moses yelled as he ran towards Kylie, he jumped up and came down with force, Kylie her staff up and the two weapon was in a x shape as it clashed together, Moses went back and did it again but this time he did not jump but went on foot, but as both weapon clashed, the force pushed both back and their weapons fell from their hand

" can you use your fist" Moses asked with a smile on his face

"why not" Kylie replied with a smile, she stressed her left hand to her staff which made it disappear and Moses also made his own disappear. they both curved their fists and is ready to fight

"yahhhhhhhh" Moses shout running to Kylie

"haaaaaaaaa" Kylie shout running to Moses. after meeting each other, she punched Moses on the right cheek then Moses dragged her hair

"are you trying to pull my hair or what" Kylie yelled dragging his left ear

"ahhhh" Moses shout and jumped back

"enough with this nonsense, if you cannot fight with your hand then use your weapon" Moses yelled and stressed his right hand then his emerald sword appeared then Kylie stressed her right hand then her staff appeared

"you know you are making this fight boring, so make it fun so i won't have to end this fight" Kylie said blowing the tip of her staff

"you had a sword, where is it" Moses asked curious

"I dont have any" Kylie replied

"where is that sword you threw " he asked

"ohhh that sword, I picked it at the school hallway and I saw that the sword was awesome so I brought it and after using it then I couldn't find it, I can't still find it" Kylie said putting the tip of her staff under her chin

"enough with the talking" Moses yelled and started running to her direction

"yes enough, light of One's blindness" Kylie yelled pointing the staff at Moses direction then a bright thin small round light came out and it covered Moses

"wow" every said surprised

"ahhhhhhh" Moses shouted from inside the light, the light then fade away

"I can't see I can't see" Moses cried out walking both left and right

" do not worry, i'm not strong enough to make that permanent okay" Kylie then smile and put both her hands in her back

"you all already know the winner so no need to announce okay next is Lia and Madison, come out now, it's 3pm so students hurry up" the principle said then Lia and Madison came out. everything went fast Lia won, next is David and Micheal"

"what you guys will be fighting each other" Kylie yelled shock

" but why" floral asked in a low voice

" that's just it,we were all fighting each other so now David ended up fighting with me" Micheal dropped a fake smile

" I've known you both since I was four and you two were very close" Lia said with a sad voice looking down

"don't worry Lia just sit and see whose stronger" David said putting his right hand on her shoulder

" David and Micheal come out now" the principal ordered and they came out with a sad face staring at each other

"begin" the principle yelled and they started running to each other

"don't worry Lia, at least you are still gonna have one of you bestie by your side" Kylie said to Lia was still feeling down