
Demon king return

Kylie is a princess,she attends magic high academy in search of something or someone. Kylie has attended the school as a human and have made alot of friends.While going on a mission she meets Silver who she fall in love with at first sight,later Silver promise Kylie that he is going to help her find that something or someone but after Silver finds that something or someone will he tell Kylie?

Celina_doctor · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Cave of fear(ii) i

" i have an idea" David yelled

" what is it"

" we should switch, i will watch your nature and you fight the bear" David said still running

" okay I agree" floral stood up and ready to fight, she stretched her right hand at the bear then a long vine rooted from the ground then it tied the bear's two legs, the bear fell flat on the ground, then David went to the plant then he started digging the ground, continued from where Floral had stopped.


While Silver was still trying to wake Kylie. Kylie kept on murmuring, turning her head

" daddy I'm coming, don't go"

" Kylie if you don't find that creature then you won't be able to come home "

" but it's not easy "

" if this world is destroy, then it will be your fault " he disappeared

" daddy daddy" she cried out, then she squat crying

" I will kill that creature" she said then her best friend appeared in front of her

" Kylie "

" Meera, how did you get here" Kylie gave her a confused face

" just say you can't kill the creature so they would give mission to someone else"

" I can do it" she yelled

" you are useless Kylie"

" you are the useless one" she yelled

" you can't do anything Kylie, this world is soon be over because of you" Meera yelled back

" you are the useless one, you are the useless one, you... you... I'm not useless this world will not be destroyed okay" Kylie said then her eyes started leaking with tears.

" Kylie" Silver called, then all of a sudden tears came out of her closed eyes

" kylie wake up" Silver stated shaking Kylie's body


Lia realized that the power attack she uses, the ice Lia uses it also , so she decided to try

" ice cradle " she yelled then a baby cradle made of ice appeared in front of her. the ice Lia did the same

" no wonder it waits for me to attack before it attacks, and I'm always like I should take this thing out not knowing that I was just fight myself " Lia then turned to Jake

" Jake don't fight,they are only imitating us" she yelled

" what" said surprised

" the do anything we do"

" I can see that" Jake said looking at the ice Lia who was moving her mouth and body just like Lia

" so all those time I was running it wasn't attacking me, it was just following me"

" yeah, now we can go and they will just follow us" Lia smiled then they started walking


Floral decided to befriend the bear, but it was not easy because the bear was already angry at her

While David was already done burying both the animal and the plant.

" Floral you can understand animals, just make friend with it " David yelled so she could hear

"if I can do it, I won't be here struggling "

" why can't you "

" he's angry at me"

" oh m, if it was me, I would still be angry at you too" David said touching the soil where he had buried the plant, then he turned to Floral who was looking at him angrily

" sorry" he apologized

" okay I'm sick and tired of this bear, it's time we live this cave" Floral said with a serious face

" yeah Floral show that bear you are a nature elf that kill nature" David made his voice big at the end of the sentence .


Silver decided to carry Kylie on her back and walked to the end of the cave.

inside Kylie's head

" hold on I was with Silver" Kylie stood up cleaning her eyes

" and why will dad talk to me like that I'm literally dad's baby girl" Kylie turned

" could this be a dream? it's possible because I'm inside the cave of fear, this is a dream" she yelled at the end of her sentence.

Kylie woke up on Silvers back, she smiled, then she noticed that they were already going back

" um Silver why are we going back" she asked confused, Silver turned to her and smiled

" you are awake "

" yes I am, but why are we leaving the cave"

" we have the stone already" Silver said bringing the stone from his left pocket

" are you ready to come down now"

" no"

" but you have to"

" okay " Kylie said then Silver dropped her, she went down to carry Lily in her arms.


Lia and Jake had already took their own and are already leaving the cave.

" little bear please forgive me, I'm so sorry, just please let us pass please" Floral begged the bear

" I thought you were gonna attack the bear" David laughed out

" the bear is sensitive okay" Floral said then continued begging

" oh mighty bear, forgive us, look at you up, you're so handsome " Floral smiled at the end of her sentence, then the bear nod his head and left

" thank you so much" Floral stood up then both she and David left.


David and Floral came out of the cave, they saw Kylie, Silver, Jake, Lia, Maria and Tina.

" wow" Floral said walking to Kylie, then she gave both Kylie and Lia a hug

" okay only the eight of you completed this test, so now you guys can attend normal class without worry" Mr Ben Said then all the students yell happily.

" wait where are the rest students " David asked

" they couldn't handle it so they gave up, while some couldn't bare what they saw, some saw their parents so they gave up"

" oh" that was all Kylie could say