
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 24 - Epsilon's Watchful Eyes

A few days ago.

Epsilon's extraordinary mastery over magic has earned her the title "Precision" within Shadow Garden. Her precise and refined magical abilities, especially in casting magic slashes, stem from undergoing more extensive training than any other member.

Within the Shadow Garden, Epsilon is revered for her unmatched espionage expertise. She had been on a secret mission for weeks. The capital's incident had shaken the very core of the organization, and Alpha had personally assigned her the task of monitoring two individuals: Anos Voldigoad and Millia Oruba.

From the shadows, Epsilon observed. Her elven features, usually so prominent, were concealed under the guise of a human maid named Lila. The Kageno estate was vast, but no corner was hidden from her watchful eyes. Every whispered conversation, every meeting, she was privy to it all.

Millia was a puzzle. The daughter of the late Viscount Olba had been through a lot, and her sudden association with Anos was suspicious. Was she a member of the Cult of Diablos like her father? Or just an innocent pawn in a larger game? Epsilon was determined to find out.

Anos, on the other hand, was still an enigma. Rumors about him being a high-ranking member of the Cult of Diablos titled the Demon King of Tyranny had reached the ears of the Shadow Garden. Yet, his actions didn't always align with those of a typical cult member. Why had he 'saved' Millia? What was his endgame? Why is Shadow-sama still keeping him alive?

Epsilon's days were filled with discreet observations. As she observed Anos interacting with the Kagenou parents, she found herself astounded by the 'genuine' affection and warmth that he portrayed. It was an acting so refined that not even she, who expected only a cold, calculating demeanor from a member of the Cult of Diablos, could see through it. She found herself praising his skills, awed by the mastery that defied her keen perception.

One evening, as Epsilon was making her rounds, she overheard a conversation between Anos and Millia. They were in the gardens, their voices barely heard through the wind. Epsilon, using her skills, positioned herself behind a large rose bush, her ears straining to catch every word.

She noted the deep respect Millia held for Anos, referring to him as the Demon King of Tyranny.


This infuriated Epsilon to no end. She had been so sure that Millia was in the dark about Anos's affiliations. When had she come to know? And more importantly, why wasn't she afraid? How could Millia respect someone from the very organization that had kidnapped and tormented her? What had Anos Voldigoad done to earn such trust?

Epsilon's thoughts raced. She had to report back to Alpha with her findings. But she needed more. She needed to understand the dynamics between Anos and Millia better.

Over the next few days, Epsilon continued her surveillance. She noticed Millia often looking in Anos's direction, a mix of respect and something else in her eyes. Was it gratitude? Fear? Epsilon couldn't tell.

The more she observed, the more questions arose. Why did Millia not fear Anos Voldigoad? Why did she seem to trust him? And most importantly, what was Anos's true agenda?

Epsilon knew she had to tread carefully. The stakes were high, and one wrong move could jeopardize the entire mission. But she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. Even though Shadow-sama explicitly told them to leave Anos Voldigoad alone.

As the days turned into weeks, Epsilon gathered a trove of information. She had enough to report back to Alpha. But she decided to stay a little longer, to observe, to understand, and to uncover the truth behind Anos Voldigoad and the equally puzzling Millia Oruba.

Epsilon's days transformed into an endless dance of shadows, stolen glances, and silent footsteps. The mansion's staff easily accepted Lila, the enigmatic new maid with the ever-present smile. But beneath the innocent smile lay keen elven eyes, always watching, always listening.

One dusk, a flicker of royal purple caught Epsilon's attention. Princess Alexia, with her distinct regal air, was quickly making her way towards Anos's chambers with Millia guiding her at the front. Alarm bells immediately rang in Epsilon's mind. What could the second princess possibly want with a 'suspected' member of the Cult of Diablos?

Staying several paces behind, Epsilon matched Alexia's every step. Years of training under Shadow-sama had taught her the importance of patience and precision. As the princess slipped into Anos's room, the weight of the impending conversation pressed down on Epsilon.

Realizing the direct eavesdropping near the door would be too risky with Millia guarding it, she decided to use the room above Anos's. She knew that the mansion, with its ancient architecture, had numerous hidden spaces and thin walls, making it an ideal place for gathering whispered secrets.

But as she settled onto the wooden floor above, ear pressed tight against the cold surface, there was... nothing. An eerie silence pervaded the space where she expected to hear the muffled cadence of conversation. Puzzled, she shifted her position, thinking perhaps she was in a spot that didn't carry sound well. But even then, she was met with an unnatural stillness.

A sinking feeling settled in Epsilon's stomach. She recognized the traces of magic when she encountered one. Anos Voldigoad, for all his outward warmth and charm, wasn't someone to be underestimated. He had used some sort of magical means to ensure that none could eavesdrop on his meeting with the second princess. It was a clever move, and one that left Epsilon thwarted.

"Damn it–!"

Frustration bubbled within her. She had been so close to potentially understanding the dynamics between Anos and the royal family. But the bastard ensured she was left in the dark, grasping at straws.

Receding into the shadows, Epsilon decided to change course. The true extent of Anos's capabilities and his shrewd calculations had become clear to her. He wasn't merely a foot soldier in the Cult of Diablos; he was a mastermind who left no room for error. The risks of her mission had just escalated significantly. The puzzle pieces fell into place, and Epsilon started grasping why Shadow-sama regarded Anos Voldigoad with such 'distinction'.

Instead of returning to her 'maid chores', Epsilon discreetly waited for Alexia to come out, sensing a crucial development in the offing. As the second princess emerged from Anos's chambers, the stark terror and pallor on her face were evident even from a distance. Epsilon's eyes narrowed in suspicion; what had transpired in that room?

Observing intently, she watched as the princess, in her dazed state, almost mechanically greeted Baron Kageno and his wife. It was a brief, distracted exchange, and Alexia hastily handed them an opulent envelope sealed with the royal insignia before making her hurried departure toward the capital.

Epsilon's instincts were on high alert. The disconcerted demeanor of Alexia after her interaction with Anos and her hurried exchange with the Kagenos hinted at a matter of profound importance. Resolute in her determination to unravel the mystery, Epsilon subtly readjusted her slime bodysuit, merging seamlessly with the shadows, and set her sights on the next point of interest: the Baron's chambers.

After ensuring Alexia was well on her way to the capital, Epsilon doubled back towards the Kageno residence. With deftness and skill, she evaded the guards, scaling walls and slinking through narrow passages, all the while mindful of the ever-watchful servants.

Soon, she found herself hovering outside the door to the Baron's chambers. Through a slight gap in the drapes, she could see Baron Kageno and his wife intently reading the letter that Alexia had handed them. Their expressions shifted from curiosity to concern as they progressed through the contents.

Seizing an opportune moment when the Baron momentarily left the room and his wife was distracted by a knock at the door, Epsilon employed a simple diversion magic technique to divert any onlooker's attention, allowing her to slip inside. As she swiftly scanned the room, she spotted the royal envelope, discarded casually on the Baron's mahogany desk.

Heart pounding, Epsilon approached the desk and quickly skimmed the letter, committing every word to memory.


Royal Seal of the Kingdom of Midgar

To the Honorable Mr. and Mrs. Kageno,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. Please accept my heartfelt greetings and well-wishes, as I write to you under circumstances most unusual.

It has come to my attention, through means both direct and indirect, about the remarkable abilities and prowess of your son, Anos Voldigoad. His name has resonated through the corridors of our palace, both in whispers of awe and murmurs of concern. It is said that his power is unparalleled, and that he possesses knowledge and abilities that could reshape the very fabric of our world.

I wish to state that I harbor no ill intentions toward your family, and I extend this communication as a testament to that claim. There have been troubling rumors, some which associate Anos with certain factions that have historically been in contention with the crown. While I place no faith in baseless hearsay, I also understand that the environment around such talented individuals can often be mired with misunderstandings and misrepresentations.

I humbly request an audience with you and, if possible, with Anos himself. It is my hope that through open dialogue, we can foster an understanding that will benefit both our great kingdom and your esteemed family. Ensuring that no shadow of doubt or fear remains is of utmost importance to me.

While I respect your family's privacy and autonomy, I implore you to consider my request favorably. It is in the spirit of collaboration, understanding, and mutual respect that I extend my hand.

Please let me know of a convenient time and location for such a meeting, and I will ensure that I make myself available. The safety, dignity, and honor of your family will be upheld with the highest regard throughout any interactions you choose to engage in.

May peace and prosperity grace your household, now and always.

With the utmost respect,

King Klaus of Midgar


Epsilon's eyes darted across the intricate words of the letter, each sentence causing her heart to race faster. The weight of the royal seal, the deference in the language, and the sheer unexpectedness of the content left her stunned. For a moment, she found herself re-reading passages just to ensure she wasn't misinterpreting the message.

She had expected threats, maybe veiled warnings, or perhaps political maneuvers. But this? An outright plea for understanding and dialogue from King Klaus himself? And to a mere Baron family no less! It was almost unthinkable.

Epsilon quickly tucked the letter back in its envelope, ensuring every crease and fold was exactly as she had found it. But her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The King's fear of Anos was palpable, and the implications of that were staggering. If Anos held such sway that the King himself approached with caution and respect, what did that mean for the Shadow Garden's operations? What did it mean for her mission?

"Could it be...?"

A blush of realization tinged Epsilon's cheeks. Perhaps Shadow-sama had anticipated this all along. Could he have already gauged the full extent of Anos's reach in the intricate maze of politics and power?

It wasn't just that Anos was a key player; he was swiftly emerging as the linchpin, the hidden force binding everything else. The wisdom behind Shadow-sama's directive to avoid a direct confrontation with Anos was now glaringly evident. Epsilon felt a mix of awe and sheepishness thinking about how she had initially doubted Shadow-sama's orders.

Epsilon realized she had to tread even more carefully now. Not only did she need to uncover Anos's true motives and plans, but she also had to understand the full scope of the power dynamics at play. The King's letter was a game changer, a piece of information that could alter the strategies of the Shadow Garden.


A surge of greed welled up within Epsilon. The lure of possessing even more valuable information for herself, even for just one more day, was intoxicating. She convinced herself that delaying her report to Alpha for just another week might yield her further insight, and perhaps solidify her standing within the Shadow Garden, enough for Shadow-sama to finally take notice of her.

Silently leaving the Baron's chambers with the letter's contents etched in her memory, she resolved to maintain her covert operations.


The next morning, From the concealment of an opened window in the mansion's third floor, Epsilon observed Anos engrossed in his early morning sword practice in the courtyard. She had been discreetly watching him, trying to decipher any vulnerabilities or secrets about his daily life. However, as she continued to observe, her attention was diverted when a voice broke the silence.

From her vantage point by the window, Epsilon observed the Baron, Mr. Kageno, making his way towards Anos with a tray of food. The gleaming morning sun shimmered off his bald scalp, but it was his face, alight with genuine fatherly affection, that captured her attention. Anos responded with a smile that seemed so natural and spontaneous. Epsilon, from her hidden spot, couldn't help but marvel at Anos's impeccable acting. The authenticity of their exchange was so convincing, and it once again reminded her of the danger that Anos truly was.

The atmosphere shifted when Mr. Kageno broached the topic of Princess Alexia. Epsilon leaned in closer, sensing the gravity of the discussion as it unfolded. She could feel the genuine concern emanating from Mr. Kageno, and, in stark contrast, Anos's confident attempt to allay his father's anxieties.

Epsilon's focus intensified as the conversation delved deeper into their personal dynamics. She listened intently as Mr. Kageno voiced his feelings of disorientation regarding Anos's inexplicable maturity, even suggesting that their roles seemed reversed at times. The heartfelt words exchanged between father and son laid bare the intricacies of their unique relationship.

Then came the embrace. As Mr. Kageno's arms wrapped around Anos, a mixture of emotions welled up within Epsilon. Yet, what truly startled her was Anos's initial response. The fleeting hesitation, the momentary stiffness before he eventually hugged back. And when he finally did, his face revealed an emotion—or the stark absence of it—that she hadn't anticipated. His detached, hollow gaze sent shivers down her spine.

Having spent most of her life as a spy, journeying across the vast expanse of the continent and facing countless scenarios, Epsilon believed she had witnessed every conceivable emotion and expression. Yet, such an empty expression was entirely new to her. That hollow gaze struck her with a sickness, a profound disturbance that almost made her vomit from the anomaly she was witnessing.


Overwhelmed by the sudden wave of nausea, Epsilon stumbled back from her hiding spot. She felt her throat constrict and a cold sweat broke out across her forehead. Every step felt heavy as she tried to distance herself from the sight she had just witnessed. Anos's hollow expression… that thing, though lasting merely moments, seemed to have etched a permanent mark on her psyche.

Rushing to her room, the world blurred around her. The hallways of the mansion felt like a maze, and her chest tightened with every heartbeat. As soon as she crossed the threshold of her door, she barely made it a few steps before her stomach revolted. Unable to contain it any longer, she doubled over and retched onto the floor, the weight of her recent observations proving too much for her.

Her hands trembling and face pale, Epsilon collapsed to her knees beside the mess she had made. For a few moments, she simply sat there, trying to find the strength to stand and gather herself.


For Epsilon, this unsettling moment was a sharp revelation of Anos Voldigoad's true nature. The gravity of her task became even more pronounced, as she realized that truly understanding him might not just be an immense challenge, but something bordering on the impossible.


" ⥆ Previous Chapter "◈◈◈" Next Chapter ➠ "


Chapters 1 through 24 can be accessed by the public on Patreon.

Chapter 25 「 Encounter with the True Demon 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 26「 New Atomic Magic 」 (Now available on Patreon) 

Chapter 27「 Quantum Magic & Family Drama 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 28「 A Reincarnator From My Era? 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 29「 A Date with the Demon King 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 30「 Assistant Principal Lutheran 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 31「 A Father's Dilemma 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 32「 The Academy's Arrival 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 33「 A Father's Desperate Plea 」 (Now available on Patreon) 

Chapter 34「 Cult of Diablos's Prophecy 」 (Now available on Patreon)

Chapter 35「 Anos Voldigoad's Duel 」 (Now available on Patreon)

More chapters coming soon.

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