
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 19 – The Demon King's Dilemma

Even before the first light of day had graced the skies, my day had already begun. As a new personal maid in the Kagenou mansion, my primary duty was to care for the 'youngest?' Kagenou, Anos Voldigoad. He was an enigma wrapped in a riddle, a figure of awe, and to some extent, trepidation.

Anos-sama was unlike anyone I had ever met. His every movement seemed to exude an air of power and grace that was truly unparalleled. His abilities were beyond comprehension; he could perform feats that I had only ever dreamed of in fairy tales. And yet, despite his exceptional abilities, he never carried himself with arrogance. Instead, he emanated a profound sense of serenity, as if he were a mountain that knew of its might but remained unmoved.

Every now and then, he'd address himself as the 'Demon King of Tyranny'. I wasn't entirely sure what the ominous title entailed, but it painted a picture of someone who held a highly influential position within the Order, coupled with an incredible strength that demanded respect. It also struck a note of fear within me, given both its intimidating undertone and my grim past with the Order.

Despite that, my interactions with Anos-sama were far from tyrannical. He was surprisingly respectful and courteous, never failing to express his gratitude for the trivial tasks I performed. This contrast between his title and behavior only added to the mystery surrounding him.

His fondness for his elder brother, Cid, was evident whenever he spoke of him. The conversations would always lighten the atmosphere, pushing away the invisible cloak of indifference that tended to surround Anos-sama's persona.

His love for Cid-sama was deeply genuine, their brotherly bond almost enviable. He often chuckled, recounting tales of Cid-sama's… 'quirks' and 'antics'. It was a side of Anos-sama that was so candidly human, it put me at ease. I could not help but be intrigued by the elder Kagenou, a brother who commanded such affection from the enigmatic Demon King of Tyranny himself.

My days in the mansion were always busy. There was a sense of urgency and haste that kept me on my toes. Despite this, Anos-sama's presence created an oddly calming influence, a paradoxical sense of tranquility amidst the rush.

As the evening descended, bringing with it a peaceful silence, I would retreat to my room in the staff quarters, my mind abuzz with the day's events. The mansion, which had once been a symbol of fear, was now becoming my sanctuary, an escape from the cruel world outside.

Nighttime often brought about an air of contemplation. With the Kagenou mansion bathed in the gentle glow of the moonlight, I would ponder upon the day gone by. Living and working under Anos-sama was an experience that was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, a whirlwind of emotions that I was still grappling to understand.

My understanding of Anos-sama was continually evolving. The fear his title and power initially instilled in me was slowly being replaced with respect, admiration, and a sense of security. Yes, he was the Demon King of Tyranny. And yes, he was from that same Order that destroyed my life, but to me, he was my savior, my mentor, and the beacon of strength I so desperately needed in my life. At least until I find my missing father.


The next day.

As the morning sun reached its zenith, casting a warm glow upon the world, it was time for me to attend to Anos-sama. Stepping into his room, I felt a palpable sense of stillness, an eerie calm that hung in the air, hinting at the immense power and presence that resided within these walls. It was the quiet before a storm, a moment filled with anticipation.

There, at his desk, sat Anos-sama, his eyes closed in deep concentration. His aura radiated an ancient wisdom, as if he were grappling with a puzzle that transcended the bounds of time. The weight of responsibility and countless ages seemed to rest upon his shoulders, yet his composure remained unwavering.

The room itself seemed to hold its breath, as if in reverence to the enigma that was Anos-sama. His presence commanded respect, and in this moment, I was acutely aware of the privilege and honor it was to serve him.

"Anos-sama," I called, trying to keep my voice steady. "May I clean your room?"

Anos-sama looked up, his piercing crimson eyes studying me. His gaze had a weight that made my heart pound in my chest. "Of course, Millia," he said with a nod, his voice soft and reassuring.

Working in his presence was a constant test of courage. There was always an undercurrent of fear, but Anos-sama, aware of my unease, always made an effort to ease the tension. He would often engage me in light conversation, telling me fairy tales and stories that one would usually retell to children, making the atmosphere less intimidating.

Despite his tyrannical aura, Anos-sama showed a great fondness for his family, often speaking of them with a smile that softened his stern visage. I found these moments disarming, as they offered glimpses of Anos-sama's more human side.

Every evening, Anos-sama would sit by the window, watching the sunset and sipping his tea. At such times, he would allow me to ask him anything about himself or his magic, offering me a glimpse into a world that was beyond my comprehension. He would answer patiently, a subtle hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes, perhaps at my awestruck expressions.

On one such evening, as the last rays of sunlight were fading, I gathered the courage to ask him about his title. "Anos-sama," I began hesitantly, "What does it mean to be the Demon King of Tyranny?"

He paused, taking a moment to choose his words. "In some ways, it's an old title, a remnant of a time and era that no longer exists," he said, his gaze distant. "In other ways, it's a representation of my role within the order of the Demon realm, a symbol of the authority and responsibilities I bear."

His words were cryptic but telling. They hinted at a past filled with power, expectations, and perhaps, solitude within the Order. No wonder why he was always acting alone with no subordinates in sight.

My respect for Anos-sama deepened. He was not just a powerful figure; he was also someone who carried a heavy burden, someone who had chosen duty and responsibility over personal comfort.

As the weeks passed, the terror I had initially felt was slowly replaced with admiration and a sense of safety. Despite his imposing title and the formidable aura that surrounded him, Anos-sama had shown me kindness and respect. The mansion, which I had once seen as a daunting symbol of the unknown, had become my sanctuary. It was a place where I was respected, a place where I could grow and learn under the guidance of the Demon King of Tyranny himself.

The more time I spent with Anos-sama, the more I saw the layers that made up his complex persona: a compassionate mentor, a loving brother, and a dutiful figure of authority. I had initially come to this mansion out of necessity and obligation, but now, it actually felt like home. A home where I was not just a maid but also a student, a confidante, and perhaps, in some ways, a part of a family.

Because I was a sheltered noble daughter in the past, life in the Kagenou mansion as a mere maid was indeed a whirlwind of emotions, a journey of discovery, and courage. But as I retired each night, preparing for another day of servitude, learning, and discoveries, I knew one thing: in the presence of the enigmatic Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad, I had found a place where I belonged.


Alone in his private room, the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad, pondered the implications of the spell 'I AM ATOMIC'. His intense gaze, usually filled with confident determination, now reflected the intricate webs of thoughts and scenarios unfolding in his mind.

His thoughts were not driven by fear or concern for his own existence - that was never the question. Rather, he contemplated the repercussions for this human world that existed in tandem with his own.

In the past three weeks since he first witnessed his human brother Cid unleashing the spell, Anos had quickly grasped its core principles. He marveled at its complexity, its utter efficiency. A gateway to the 'atomacriliomia' level that only he and a few Gods like the Goddess of Creation Militia know about its existence, tapping into a force of destruction that dwarfed any magic he had ever encountered. With such a spell, Anos with his bottomless magical energy could erase the whole universe without even trying.

Anos might have declared 'I AM ATOMIC' as the most potent destructive spell in his arsenal, even surpassing his world-shattering magic 'Egil Grone Angdroa', if not for its critical flaw - the inability to inflict damage on ethereal entities such as certain spirits and Gods.

And yet, what gave him pause was not the power of the spell itself, but its accessibility. 'I AM ATOMIC' demanded an almost negligible amount of magical energy compared to its unreasonable destructive output. If such a spell fell into the human hands back in his era… it could utterly rewrite the balance of power, tipping the scales irrevocably.

The thought of Hero Kannon and his enormous human army acquiring such a spell before their reconciliation sent shivers down Anos' spine, as he didn't want to fathom the potential devastation to the Demon race. Anos possessed less than 5% certainty that he could shield his people in such a cataclysmic battle without the entire world falling victim to the collateral damage.

Humans, unlike demons, were not inherently imbued with vast reserves of magic. However, the spell 'I AM ATOMIC' alone bridged that gap singlehandedly, giving even those with minuscule magical energy the potential to wield world-altering power. The very fabric of existence could be torn asunder, replaced by a reign of constant fear and unprecedented destruction.

He thought about the human kings, queens, and their courts filled with scheming nobles, all trying to further their own causes. What would they do if they could obliterate their hostile neighboring countries with just a few muttered words from their weakest court magician? How many would fall before the realization that such power was too great for any one person to wield?

And the commoners, the ones who bore the brunt of those power games, living their lives in the shadows of great castles. They could become the targets, the collateral damage in a game far beyond their comprehension. Or, even far worse, they might be tempted to use the spell themselves, to bring about their own 'version' of justice. Chaos would rule, and unimaginable destruction would be commonplace.

It would be a truly doomed world.

Anos Voldigoad sat alone in the dim light, contemplating the various scenarios. The peace of his world and the world of these humans hung in the balance. It was not a question of if, but rather when and how the fabric of society would crumble if the spell were to become common knowledge.

His gloomy reflections weren't driven by unfounded fear or inflated forecasts but by a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics of power and survival of all sentient beings involved. Understanding the implications of 'I AM ATOMIC' was not about finding a solution. It was about being prepared for the future and the upheaval it could bring.

In fact, the simplest answer might be to just sacrifice his brother or at the very least alter his memory to minimize the threat at its origin, yet Anos would never take such measures.

Make no mistake. The Demon King of Tyranny wasn't soft, no, he was significantly distanced from such a notion. However, he pragmatically understood that even if his human brother Cid was utterly secretive or if he took the spell to his grave, the grand pattern of the problem would remain unaffected.

Be it 100, 1,000, or 10,000 years, eventually, due to the law of causality, another human or other being would unavoidably rediscover a similar spell.

Upon reaching this conclusion, Anos briefly and coldly considered casting a devastating spell, one that would forever render all humans and their descendants incapable of wielding magic. However, he swiftly dismissed this approach when he realized that even in the absence of magic, they could still harness the power of the 'atomacriliomia' given the right technological advancements.

Such technological advancements would tie the power to a priceless physical object, offering a degree of control. This object could be safeguarded by a handful of world superpowers, creating a more manageable scenario than a magic spell that any magician could wield at their discretion. But this posed its own problems; the concentration of such immense power could give rise to an imbalance in global dynamics and further stoke the fires of conflict.

Finally, Anos toyed with the idea of choosing the lesser evil, considering the complete annihilation of all humans without exception. Yet, for better or worse, this immense power wasn't exclusively bound to the human species.

For the time being, he watched, he deliberated, and he patiently waited, readying himself for the unpredictable turns the future might take.

Anos was also concerned about the Gods' reactions; they, unlike him, might indeed choose to erase the humans in a swift move to 'preserve' the order or some such justification.

However, strangely enough…

"They've been 'remarkably' silent up until now… they're acting… a 'tad' too compliant for my tastes…"

Anos murmured to himself, his usually vibrant eyes clouded with deep thought. The Gods had always been known for their annoying impulsive interventions and a strong sense of 'divine order' that had made them step in countless times throughout history. Yet, the current complete silence from their end was indeed unsettling, almost eerie.

In the quiet room, Anos contemplated various scenarios, each more troubling than the last. Could the Gods have plans of their own? A game that they were playing at the expense of his realm and the human world?

The Gods' inaction might be a deceptive calm before a great storm, a storm that could potentially engulf both realms in a whirlwind of chaos and destruction. Was the 'I AM ATOMIC' spell somehow a part of a bigger scheme? An element in a divine plot that was still unfolding?

As the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos had seen many conspiracies, many cruel webs of deceit spun by the hands of those in power. The Gods were not immune to such temptations. It was the harsh reality of the balance of power.

"Did they really think that staying silent would be enough to hide from me?" Anos muttered to himself, a dangerous glint in his eyes. He knew that a confrontation with the Gods might be inevitable, a trial that could potentially shake the very foundations of all the worlds combined.

Anos had weathered many 'divine storms' in his long and challenging reign. He was more than ready to face whatever was thrown his way. His primary concern, however, was the impact on those he cared about. The innocents, the weaker ones like his human parents, and Millia, who had nothing to do with these power games. They were the ones most vulnerable, the ones who could become collateral damage in a fight they were not part of.

Just as his thoughts were circling back to Millia, there was a soft knock on the door, breaking the silence of the room. Anos turned his attention towards the door, a subtle shift in his demeanor as he prepared to face the outside world once again.

"Come in," he said, his voice steady, his menacingly glowing eyes reverted to their usual state, exuding the intimidatingly tranquil confidence that was his trademark.

The door creaked open, and Millia stepped in, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. She was a constant reminder of the innocents he was always determined to protect, and the stakes at play in the dangerous game of power and survival.

Unbeknownst to Millia, her presence also brought a much-needed sense of comfort to Anos. Despite the growing unease, having at least a single demon close to him. He found solace in their everyday interactions, a touch of normalcy and familiarity that was a welcome break from the storm brewing in his mind.

"Anos-sama," she said, her voice echoing in the stillness of the room. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No, Millia," he replied with a gentle smile. "That would be all."

As she closed the door behind her, Anos found himself enveloped in the silence once again.

No matter what the Gods had planned, Anos Voldigoad was ready. The storm may be on the horizon, but so was the Demon King of Tyranny, waiting, preparing, and ever watchful. He would stand his ground, for his new human family, for his people, for his infernal realm, and for the balance of power that was more fragile than ever.

Amidst the uncertainty and the dangers looming in the shadows, one thing was clear: he was not going to go down without a fight.

"Hmm, I've only recovered 17% thus far. As I thought, I need a strong stimulus to accelerate my recovery—"

"Oh, so you're like a smartphone charger? Only functional with an original plug? Then how about I stick this 'original' plug into your fucking ass–!"

"...Cid, what's the meaning of this?" Anos asked calmly, his hand darting out to effortlessly intercept Cid's assault.

In an unanticipated deviation from the standard assassin's lethal trajectory for the head, Cid's punch was inexplicably targeted towards Anos's posterior.

As Cid's punch, powered with unearthly force, was abruptly halted, an echo of the collision resounded around the room, making the walls shiver. A visible shockwave rippled out from their interlocked hands, distorting the air and pushing back the dust particles. The floor beneath them trembled, mirroring the remarkable display of power. Despite the intense force, Anos held his ground, unaffected.

The floor beneath them not only quivered in response to this staggering show of might but also began to fissure. Shadow channeled more power into his halted fist. The persistent pressure applied on his fist acted like a potent hammer, and the once unyielding floor started to crack under the relentless onslaught, fracturing like a spiderweb radiating out from their point of contact.

Despite being in the path of such a fearsome kinetic onslaught, Anos remained steadfast, seated and as unmoving as a timeless monolith. With a serene countenance and an air of invincibility, he faced down Cid's formidable power from the comfort of his chair, giving the impression of being entirely unaffected by the display of superhuman strength.

Following the failed, and somewhat 'questionable', assault, the face of Anos's human brother, concealed beneath the shroud of a black hood, contorted in fury. His forehead was etched with throbbing veins, visibly surfacing as symbols of his simmering rage.


Dear Readers,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I come to you today with an update about how we can continue this journey together. It has always been my deepest joy to see your enthusiasm for my stories. This shared adventure and the world we have built together have inspired me greatly.

However, I recently came across some disheartening news. Certain parties have been using my work to make money – the tales that I've dedicated countless hours and days to – without my permission. Not only are they failing to credit me, but they're also actively preventing other readers from finding my original stories. This experience has saddened me greatly, considering how I've always strived to offer my work to you free of charge.

I firmly believe that every creator deserves acknowledgment or at least respect for their work. Thus, I have decided on a plan that I believe respects the integrity of my stories while still keeping them accessible for you.

Here is the new arrangement: I will continue to release one new chapter for free each month as I have always done. However, to ensure that those who appreciate my work can access it in a more timely manner, I have set up a Patreon page: www_patreon_com/ridoux.

By supporting me on Patreon, you will be able to access new chapters much sooner. I understand not everyone is in a position to make a financial contribution, which is why I've decided to activate a free trial in the Casual Reader tier on Patreon. This means that if you create a Patreon account and select this tier, you'll get to read one extra chapter for free.

If you choose to wait for the free chapter on this platform, please be aware that it will be at least three months before the current last chapter becomes freely available. By then, several new chapters will already be available on Patreon for supporters.

I want to emphasize that this is not a move to compel you to pay. This is a step I feel is necessary to protect my work and to continue creating content that you enjoy. I am deeply grateful for your readership and it has been an honor to write for you all these years. I look forward to continuing our adventure together in whatever form that may take.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Whether you choose to support on Patreon or wait for the free content, know that your love for my stories means a lot to me.

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Goodwill Is Learned. Money Is a Convenience. Wealth makes Money. Status Is Trash. Age difference Is Irrelevant. Knowledge Is power. Power makes Wealth. Life Is a Game. Each Game has Three. a Trial. a Reward. an End. Trial Is living. Reward Is Death. End Is After. Afterlife Is a Belief. Belief Is Peace. Peace Is Happiness. Love Is a lie. Children are Hope. Marriage Is a Public Bond. Trust Is Mathematics.

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Current Chapters on my Patreon[www_patreon_com/ridoux]:

Chapter 20 - Brothers in Chaos (released 30 days early for patrons)

Chapter 21 - The Princess' Dilemma (released 60 days early for patrons)

Chapter 22 - A Meeting with Anos Voldigoad (released 91 days early for patrons)

More chapters soon.


See you guys on the Discord server.


Finally, to those who have exploited my work and trust: Shame on you. Your selfish actions have deeply disheartened me. It literally ruined my days. The sense of betrayal I felt was so overwhelming, that I even considered discontinuing the story altogether.