
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 16 - A Demon King's Warning and A Human King's Fear

The next day. As the night deepened, the room was bathed in the soft, flickering glow of a single candle. Anos had conjured it with his creation magic, the flame dancing and casting long, wavering shadows on the walls. The Demon King of Tyranny himself was engrossed in another book, his eyes scanning the pages with an intensity that belied the late hour. The only sounds were the occasional rustle of a page turning and the steady rhythm of his breathing.

Millia, on the other hand, was struggling to keep her eyes open. She had insisted on staying awake this whole time, sitting vigil beside the unconscious Alexia for more than 30 hours straight. Her eyelids felt heavy, and her head bobbed occasionally as sleep threatened to overtake her. She fought against the drowsiness, her determination fueled by a sense of duty and concern for the royal sisters.

The candlelight flickered across her face, highlighting the lines of exhaustion etched there. Despite her best efforts, her eyes would close for a moment before snapping open again, a clear sign of her battle against sleep.

Anos, despite his apparent focus on his book, was aware of her struggle. He didn't comment on it, choosing instead to let her fight her own battle. He understood her sense of duty, and he respected it. But he also knew that everyone had their limits, and Millia was fast approaching hers.

As the hours ticked by, the fight became harder for Millia. Her head bobbed more frequently, and her eyes stayed closed for longer intervals. The room was warm and quiet, the steady flicker of the candle and the rhythmic sound of Anos turning the pages creating a lullaby that beckoned her towards sleep.

Finally, as the clock struck midnight, Millia's battle against sleep ended. Her eyes closed one final time, and her head drooped forward, her body finally succumbing to the exhaustion. She fell asleep sitting up, her body leaning slightly against the couch where Alexia lay.

Anos glanced up from his book, his gaze landing on the sleeping Millia. A ghost of a smile touched his lips as he quietly closed his book and set it aside. He conjured another candle, this one with a softer, dimmer light, and extinguished the first one. The room was now bathed in a gentle, soothing glow, perfect for sleep.

With one last look at Millia and the unconscious Alexia beside her, Anos picked up his book and resumed reading, the soft light of the candle illuminating the pages. The room was quiet, save for the soft sounds of their breathing and the occasional rustle of a page turning. It was a peaceful scene


The royal insignia that the king had given to Anos sat innocuously on the desk, bathed in the soft glow of the conjured candle. To any casual observer, it was merely a symbol of the king's favor. But Anos knew better. The insignia was a spy device, a silent observer that relayed everything back to the king.

Anos had known from the moment he'd received it. His magical senses had detected the subtle enchantments woven into the insignia, the silent hum of magic that was its true purpose. But he had chosen to act as if he didn't know, to let the king believe that he had an eye on Anos's actions.

He had used the insignia to his advantage, showing the king only a fraction of his true power and ruthlessness. He had let the king watch as he dispatched all his enemies with cold, calculated efficiency. He had shown the king how he created a perfect living clone of his youngest daughter, and how he ordered it to execute the injured and vulnerable ones to instill extreme psychological pressure on the arrogant king's mind.

Furthermore, Anos had forced the king to helplessly watch his precious oldest daughter discarded on the dirty floor like a piece of trash for over thirty hours. It was a cruel, yet effective way to demonstrate the dire situation his daughters were in, and the helplessness of the king to do anything about it.

He had shown the king what he was capable of, what he could do if anyone dared to threaten his family. It was a silent 'warning', a raw and plain demonstration of indisputable power meant to put the puny human king in his insignificant place.

Now, as the clock struck midnight and Millia slept beside the unconscious Alexia, Anos turned his attention to the golden insignia. He picked it up, the cool metal heavy in his hand. He could feel the magic pulsing within it, a silent heartbeat that connected it to the king.

With a flick of his wrist, Anos forcefully activated the insignia with magic. His image appeared before the king far away in the royal palace, his crimson eyes glowing ominously in the dim light. The king, Klaus Midgar, who had been watching the scene unfold in his private chambers, jumped in surprise. He hadn't expected Anos to activate the device, to willingly show himself.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," Anos began the final warning, his voice icy and lacking any semblance of reverence. "I presume you've found the spectacle to your liking?"


"W-What?!!" King Klaus stammered, taken aback by Anos's direct address. He had thought his spying was secret, that Anos was unaware of his observation. But now, he realized that Anos had known all along and had chosen to let him watch.

"I...I..." the king stuttered, fear creeping into his trembling voice. He was suddenly very aware of the power that Anos wielded, of the dangerous threat he posed to him and his kingdom.

Anos's expression was icy, his eyes hardened into crimson stones. He moved towards the unconscious form of Iris on the cold floor. Bending down, he gently picked up a lock of her hair, letting it slide through his fingers as he turned back to face the insignia.

"I trust you're taking this to heart, Your Majesty," he said, his voice a chilling whisper that echoed in the silent room. "Should anyone, and I do mean anyone, pose a threat to my family again, they will be met with my fury. And I assure you, it's a sight you wouldn't want to witness."

Anos's gaze was locked onto the insignia, the unspoken threat hanging heavy in the air. The lock of Iris's smooth red hair, still held in his hand like fresh blood, served as a stark reminder of the potential danger the king's daughters were in. It was also a subtle hint at his capabilities - he could create a perfect living clone of Iris, the first princess and heir to the throne, and the king would be none the wiser.

This was a silent, chilling warning, one that the king would be wise to heed. The power to replace his beloved heir with a clone, to control the future of the kingdom without anyone noticing, was within Anos's grasp. It was an exceedingly terrifying prospect, one that would surely send chills down the king's very soul.

With that, Anos deactivated the insignia, cutting off the connection abruptly. King Klaus was left staring at the now blank device, his heart pounding frantically in his chest so much so that he even felt terrible pain from it. The implications of Anos's words and actions were slowly sinking in, leaving him with a sense of dread about what the future might hold.

The silence that followed was deafening. King Klaus sat alone in his private chambers, the golden insignia in his hand a stark reminder of the frightening threat he had just faced. His mind was a whirlwind of fear and regret. He had greatly--no, grossly underestimated Anos, and had thought him to be just another pawn of the Order. But the reality was far more terrifying.

Anos was not just any pawn. He was a great force to be reckoned with, a power that could singlehandedly bring his entire kingdom to its knees. The image of Anos holding Iris's hair, his eyes cold and unfeeling, was etched into his mind. It was a chilling reminder of what Anos could do, of the danger his beloved daughters were in.

His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the fear that gripped him. He had tried to gain the upper hand, to control the situation. But all he had done was provoke Anos. And now, his kingdom was at grave risk.

He looked down pitifully at the golden insignia, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth of his hand. He had given it to Anos, had thought it would finally give him an advantage against the Order. But it had been a mistake, a nauseating miscalculation that could cost him everything.

As the harsh reality of the situation sank in, King Klaus felt a traumatic chill run down his spine. He had personally seen the horrible power that Anos wielded and had seen the ruthlessness with which he annihilated his enemies. And now, he feared for his daughters, for what Anos might do if they were caught in the crossfire.

The king sat alone in the silence of his royal chambers, the weight of his actions heavy on his shoulders. He had underestimated Anos severely, and now, he was left to face the consequences of his actions.

King Klaus found himself looking upwards, his eyes drawn to the ornate ceiling of his private chambers. But it wasn't the intricate designs or the gold leaf that caught his attention. Instead, he found himself looking beyond, to the heavens that lay out of sight.

A prayer formed on his lips, a desperate plea to the heavens. "What manner of creature have we welcomed into our kingdom?" he whispered, his voice barely audible in the silent room. "What have we done?"

His mind was filled with images of Anos - the cold, unfeeling glowing eyes, the ruthless display of power against horridly weaker enemies, the chilling threat. He had foolishly invited this abominable creature into his kingdom's most inner circles and had even given him a place of honor out of ignorance. And now, he feared what that decision could mean for his kingdom's future.

The insignia lay forgotten on his desk, a silent testament to his miscalculation. He had thought it a tool, a way to keep an eye on Anos and the Order. But it had only served to reveal the true extent of Anos's power, to show him the danger that now lurked within his kingdom's borders.

His prayer continued, a silent plea for guidance, for protection. He prayed for his kingdom, for his people, for his daughters. He prayed for the strength to face whatever was to come, for the wisdom to navigate the dangerous path ahead.

And as he prayed, King Klaus could not shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his heart. He had seen the godly power that Anos wielded, had seen the unimaginable danger he posed. And now, he could only pray and hope that his kingdom would be able to withstand the storm that was sure to come.

"Demon King of Tyranny... Anos Voldigoad... Just who exactly are you... What is it that you seek..."

As the night wore on, King Klaus remained in his private chambers, his thoughts consumed by the looming threat of Anos. His mind replayed the chilling scene he had witnessed through the insignia, the cold ruthlessness of Anos's actions, the implicit threat in his words. The silence of the room was broken only by his own ragged breathing and the occasional clink of the insignia as he turned it over and over in his hands.


Meanwhile, back in the room bathed in the soft glow of the conjured candle, Anos continued his vigil. Millia was still asleep, her steady breathing a comforting rhythm in the quiet room. Alexia and Iris lay unconscious, their faces peaceful in sleep. The insignia lay discarded on the desk, its purpose served.

Anos's gaze was drawn to the insignia. He knew that the king would be reeling from the revelation, that he would be questioning his decisions and fearing for his kingdom. A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corners of Anos's lips. The human king had dared to offend him, and now he was paying the price.

Fortunate was he, for had he been a demon instead, Anos would have unleashed every magic at his disposal to subject him to the most indescribable torment possible, perpetually ending his life over and over again and then erasing his essence until nothing remained.

Yet, as the king is a mere human, the dynamics changed. Anos was bound by a different set of rules, unable to inflict harm upon his kind without a compelling alibi, for the consequences of doing so would render him incapable of confronting Hero Kannon in the face. Anos was determined not to disappoint the only man in existence whom he would genuinely regard as his equal.

As the hours ticked by, Anos turned his attention back to his book. His mind, however, was not on the words on the page. Instead, he was planning his next move, considering his options. He knew that the king would be on high alert now, that he would be more cautious. But Anos was not worried. He had shown the king a glimpse of his power and had given him a taste of what he was capable of. And he was confident that he could handle whatever the king threw at him.



Just as Anos delved into his contemplations, a thunderous explosion echoed from the far side of the capital. The abrupt disturbance roused Millia from her slumber, her purple eyes widening in alarm. Swiftly, Anos employed his magical abilities to lull her back into a peaceful sleep, sparing her from the torment of sleep deprivation.


Instantly, Anos closed the book, recognizing the urgency of the situation. With a swift wave of his hand, he erected a protective barrier around the room, shielding Millia and the others from potential harm. Sensing the gravity of the loud explosion, he knew he had to investigate immediately.


Without hesitation, Anos propelled himself towards the window, effortlessly defying gravity as he soared through the night sky. His eyes gleamed with cold indifference as he sought to uncover the source of the disturbance. The dark capital awaited his presence, and he was more than ready to confront whatever lay ahead.


Somewhere high above the city, Alpha stood on the edge of a building, her gaze fixed on the dark capital below. The other members of the Shadow Garden were with her, their expressions serious as they surveyed their surroundings. The night was quiet, the city bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. But the peace was shattered by a sudden explosion, the sound echoing through the night.

Alpha's eyes narrowed as she turned towards the source of the explosion. She recognized the signature of the magic - it was Delta. Alpha had ordered her to initiate the attack on the Diablos Cult hideouts scattered in the capital. The explosion marked the beginning of their operation.

"Delta has begun," Alpha's words hung in the air, a stark contrast to the quiet night. The members of the Shadow Garden nodded, their faces set in determination. They were ready to support Delta, to ensure the success of their mission.


Author's Note:

I know you're all excited for the next chapter where Anos is going to face Delta. But let's remember, Anos is so powerful that he could literally defeat Delta with a blink. So, here's a little joke to keep you entertained until the next chapter:

Why doesn't Anos play hide and seek with Delta?

Because each time he shuts his eyes to count, Delta turns into a puddle of doggy meat slurry!

Now, I have some exciting news to share with you all! One of our fellow readers, Civen_Voldigoad, has created an amazing fanpic for our story. I was so impressed by it that I've decided to use it as the new cover for our story!


I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Civen_Voldigoad for this wonderful contribution. It's readers like you who make this journey so much more rewarding. I hope everyone enjoys this new cover as much as I do.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and remember, no blinking during the Anos vs. Delta showdown!