
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 12 - Zenon Griffey

"Damn it!"

As Zenon continued down the dark tunnel, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that lingered within him. He couldn't believe that he had been defeated so easily by that mysterious stranger with such unearthly movements.

As he reached the end of the tunnel, Zenon stumbled into a hidden chamber that seemed to have been tailored for research. The room was filled with laboratory artifacts, symbols, and strange writings on paper. When he noticed that no one was there. Zenon's expression changed, but his pain and injuries were getting the better of him.

"What the hell happened? where is–Ugh!"

He collapsed onto the floor, groaning in agony. His thoughts drifted back to the stranger who had defeated him so easily, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever encounter him again. With a deep sigh, Zenon closed his eyes, trying to focus on his breathing to ease the pain in his stomach.

"He blew half my internal organs with a single punch..."

Zenon muttered to himself, his voice trembling with fear and pain. He couldn't comprehend how the stranger who appeared out of nowhere had inflicted such severe damage on him with just one punch.

"Who was that monster?" he whispered, clutching his stomach in agony. The pain was almost unbearable, and Zenon knew that he needed to get medical attention as soon as possible.

But as he struggled to stand up, he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that lingered within him. The thought of encountering that mysterious stranger again sent shivers down his spine.

"I have to be more careful," Zenon thought to himself, his eyes scanning the empty laboratory for any sign of danger. "There's no telling what else could be lurking around."

But despite his best efforts, his mind couldn't help but drift to the unsettling thought that there might be more than just the Shadow Garden lurking in the shadows.

Was that man working with the Shadow Garden? Or is he from another separate organization? Where is everyone? Where is that damn scientist?

Zenon's mind raced with questions as he struggled to make sense of the situation. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was in grave danger, and that he needed to be more cautious in his next moves.

As he made his way out of the hidden chamber through an opened door, Zenon couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The scientist was known to be extremely cautious and would never leave a door open, let alone one leading to a valuable laboratory. Zenon realized that something must have happened while he was unconscious, and the thought filled him with apprehension.

He cautiously stepped into the hallway, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement or danger. The silence was deafening, and the only sound he could hear was his own labored breathing.

Zenon's instincts told him to proceed with caution, and he began to move stealthily down the hallway. The walls were lined with scientific equipment, and he noticed that some of the machines were still running, while others were completely still.

His heart pounding in his chest, Zenon tried to remain calm as he slowly made his way towards the main laboratory. But as he rounded the corner, he was met with an unsettling sight.

The laboratory was in shambles, and it was clear that there had been a violent struggle. Tables were overturned, glassware was shattered, and equipment was strewn about haphazardly.

"What the hell happened here?" Zenon muttered to himself, his eyes widening in shock.

He cautiously made his way towards the center of the room, where he noticed a trail of blood leading towards a closed door. His heart racing, Zenon approached the door and hesitated for a moment before pushing it open.

What he saw on the other side left him speechless. The room beyond was a scene of absolute carnage, with bodies lying in pools of blood and equipment destroyed beyond recognition.

"No," he muttered, shaking his head in denial.

"No, no, no."

Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he turned around and bolted at full speed.


Zenon's injured body moved at an incredible speed as he covered a great distance through the dark and damp tunnels. Despite his injuries, he was determined to keep going until he reached his destination. Finally, he came to a stop in front of a closed door, his hand slowly moving towards the doorknob.

But just as he was about to turn it, Zenon's instincts flared up, causing him to tilt his head to the side. He had learned to trust his instincts after years of training and experience, and he knew that something was amiss. Zenon stood there for a moment, listening intently for any sounds on the other side of the door. He waited, holding his breath, but all was quiet.

With a deep breath, Zenon slowly turned the doorknob, pushing the door open just a crack. He peered through the small opening, his eyes adjusting to the dimly lit room on the other side. Zenon's heart raced as he tried to make out any movement or sound, but there was none. He hesitated for a moment, weighing his options, before finally deciding to step into the room.


However, as he took his first step, a sword suddenly appeared out of nowhere, aimed directly at his throat. Zenon froze, his heart pounding with fear as he realized that he had walked straight into a trap.

Fortunately, he was prepared. So Zenon's reflexes kicked in as he ducked down, narrowly avoiding the sword aimed at his throat. He quickly retreated, jumping backward away from the door before drawing his own sword in one swift motion. Zenon scanned the room, his senses heightened as he searched for any sign of his attacker.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, Zenon noticed a figure standing in the shadows. With his sword at the ready, he cautiously approached the figure, ready to defend himself at any moment.

As Zenon approached the figure, he realized that it was not an attacker but a girl, who was pointing her sword threateningly at him.

"W-Who are you?!" the girl shouted.

Zenon looked at the trembling girl and released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was relieved that he didn't have to fight that man again, let alone this girl. He lowered his sword and sheathed it. With a smile, he looked at the girl and opened his mouth to speak.

"What are you doing here all alone? It's dangerous to wander around these parts without any protection, Alexia-kun." Zenon said, sarcasm dripping from his words.

Upon closer inspection, the girl's eyes widened in recognition.

"Y-, you, why are you here?!"

"There's no 'why' about it. This facility is mine, after all. I made an investment in that man. That's all there is to it."

Zenon watched as Alexia's face went through many emotions before she finally smiled bitterly at the end.

"What a relief. I've always thought that you must have some screws loose in your head. Feels good to be proven right."

Alexia said while slowly getting out of the room and moving to the side, one step at a time.

Zenon casually walked to the other side of the hallway, facing Alexia who was looking in the opposite direction. However, Alexia was unaware that the only exit was behind Zenon.

"Is that so? I don't care what you feel though. All I want is your blood."

"Every single person here keeps going on and on about blood. Are you guys researching vampires in here?"

"For you, it might be something similar."

"Wasn't actually hoping for an answer. I have zero interest in the occult."

"Thought as much."

"I'm sure you already know, but the Knight Order will arrive very soon. You're already finished."

"Finished? Exactly what is it of mine that would be finished?"

Zenon's smile is the same as ever. As long it wasn't that monster from before, he was confident he could kill anyone standing in his way.

"Your social status and prestige will be ripped from you, and of course your life too. I'll drop the guillotine blade for you."

"See, that's not gonna happen. Because you and I will be escaping through an escape tunnel. Together."

"Wow, what a romantic invitation. But unfortunately, I hate your very guts."

"Oh, you will come with me. With your blood and my experiments, the 12th Seat of the Rounds will be mine. The status of such a position is like heaven and earth in comparison to a worthless position like 'Swordsmanship Instructor.' "

"'Rounds'? Is that what you and your group of crazy friends call yourselves?"

"Twelve knights recognized and chosen by the Order, 'Knights of Rounds.' Status, prestige, and wealth, everything will come to my hands at a rate incomparable to anything before. My strength has already been acknowledged. The only thing that I have left to do is to present a tangible achievement, but that will soon be cleared too, courtesy of your blood and my research."

Zenon spreads his hands theatrically and laughs.

"Really couldn't care less. More like, I'm getting tired of this stupid conversation about blood."

"To be honest, if I could choose, I'd have preferred Princess Iris' blood, but I suppose I'll have to make do with yours."

"I will fucking kill you."

"Oh, pardon, you dislike being compared to your sister, right?"


Alexia's flare of killing intent turns into the starting bell of their fight.

Her sword flies straight to Zenon's neck, but...

"Ooooh, so scary."

It is repelled by Zenon at the last possible moment.

Then he also proceeds to handle Alexia's follow-up attacks.

The two swords collide violently again and again, filling the air with sparks.

Just by looking at the exchange of blows and the two swords dancing through the air, it can perhaps be said that the two are equal.

However, the facial expression of the two is in sharp contrast.

Alexia's is grim, while Zenon's is a relaxed smile.

Sure enough, the one at a disadvantage is Alexia.

After a soft click of the tongue, Alexia retreats from Zenon's sword.

"In the short time that I haven't seen you, it seems that you've changed to using a rather cheap sword."

What Zenon is looking at is Alexia's sword. Alexia also looks at it, albeit with a bitter expression. Although it hasn't been long since the start of the fight, her blade is already chipped in numerous places.

"Masters don't choose their sword, right?"

Alexia decides to put up a strong front.

"That's true. Actual masters, that is."

Zenon scoffs.

"But you, you are a commoner. That I can guarantee, as the Swordsmanship Instructor."

Alexia's face visibly distorts.

For a split second, she looks close to tears, then the next moment it is all wiped away by a fierce anger.

"Then you keep looking. Whether or not I am a commoner."

With another flare of killing intent, she dives back into the fray.

Alexia knows. She knows that even if she fights Zenon under normal circumstances, she wouldn't win. And now, her weapon is even a cheap, mass-produced sword. It will not last long.

However, Alexia has not been swinging her sword every day for nothing. With her sister as a goal, she has been analyzing her own shortcomings, and pouring in effort to overcome them. And she has also seen her sister's sword up close far more than anyone else.

She is already capable of flawlessly tracing a tiny bit of her sister's sword.

Which is why she can easily pull off this move.


That one attack truly resembled that of her sister.


For the first time, the smile is wiped off Zenon's face.

He is also forced to inject magic into his sword.

The two swords meet in a violent clash, then bounce back from the recoil.

The two were equal… no.

It was Alexia who had come out slightly on top in that exchange.

There is a single red line left on Zenon's face.

With a surprised face, Zenon traces the cut with a finger, then confirms the redness on his finger.

"I'm surprised."

It is pure and simple praise, with no hidden meanings at all.

"I truly did not expect you to be hiding something like this."

Zenon continues gazing at his finger from different angles as if to confirm the color of his blood.

"I will make you regret it if you underestimate me."


However, the smile is back on Zenon's face.

"I am indeed surprised. But I am only surprised. In the end, it is merely a mimicry. This is far too removed from the original."

Zenon shakes his head.

"You sure know how to talk."

"Since we're at it, how about I get a bit serious?"

So saying, he takes a stance with his sword.


The very air around them changes.

The magic surrounding Zenon qualitatively becomes sharper and more condensed.

Because of his internal injuries, Zenon didn't want to resort to this. But… there is no harm if it was only for a little.

"Allow me to say this beforehand. Up to now, I have never once gotten serious in front of outsiders. What you will now see is my true sword, and is also the strength of someone who will soon become a member of the Rounds."

Then the air shakes.


The very dimension that they are on is too far apart.

This strike contains far more power than Alexia has ever seen Zenon pour into his sword.

Genius and commoner… the gap between the two is too vast. The unbridgeable distance causes Alexia to despair.

She acknowledges that this man's strength might even be enough to match her sister.

Alexia has no way to defend herself from the blade speeding towards her with overwhelming pressure.

It is only due to her many years of training that at least her body's muscle memory kicks in.

However, there is no clash.

Sword meets sword… then Alexia's sword simply shatters into pieces.

Alexia feels herself looking at those glittering fragments flying through the air as if it is somebody else's business.

As if she is looking on from far away.

The far-off memories from her childhood, when she had been swinging her sword because it was so fun, flashes through her mind.

And her sister had always been right beside her.

These are memories from so long ago that she had already forgotten them.

"You cannot be like your sister."

A single tear falls from the corner of Alexia's eye.

"You will come with me now."

From her hand falls what is now a mere handle.

It makes a dry rattle upon hitting the ground.

Then at that moment.

Katsu. Katsu.

A sound of footsteps rings out from behind Zenon.

Katsu. Katsu. Katsu.

Someone is coming from the dark end of the tunnel.

When the sound finally stops…

A man wearing a jet-black coat is there.

Clad in jet black from head to toe, deep hood pulled forward, face hidden behind a mysterious shadow.

The man walks forward composedly, until finally stopping a step away from Zenon's sword.

"Tsk. Scared me to death for a moment there… You're not that monster. Hmm. A black-cloaked man… So you are the stray dog who has been barings fangs against the Order as of late."

With a sharp glint in his eyes, Zenon glares at the man.

"My name is Shadow. I lurk in the shadows, and I hunt the shadows…"

It is a voice so deep and so low that it almost seems to be emanating from the bottom of an abyss.

"I see. You might be feeling full of yourself after crushing several of our small hideouts, but I shall enlighten you. In the hideouts that you've crushed, there hasn't been a single person truly important to the Order. In other words, you are merely a coward who only targets the small fries."

"Who I hunt, and where I hunt, it is all the same."

"Unfortunately, it is not all the same. A core power of the Order is here. Today, you will be the one to be hunted. Such is your fate."

Zenon turns his sword towards Shadow.

"I am Zenon Griffey, the person who will soon become the 12th Seat of the Rounds. Taking your life shall become my achievement!"

Then he flies towards Shadow with the force of a hurricane.


Shadow's figure disappears, causing Zenon's thrust to pierce through empty air.


Immediately afterward, Shadow is standing behind Zenon.

In a mere moment, his back had already been compromised.

He cannot move.

As if forgetting about the flow of time, Zenon holds his sword still and even stops breathing, concentrating every last drop of his concentration towards his back.

No one moves.

Indeed, Shadow is only standing back-to-back with Zenon. With his arms crossed, no less.

Then comes a single question.

"So, this core power or whatever… where is he?"

Zenon's face distorts with the burning humiliation. Immediately, he turns round with a sharp mowing attack.

But there is no longer anyone there.

"How cou-…?!"

The rustle of a coat flutter turns his head.

He realizes that Shadow is now standing in his original position, looking as if nothing had happened.

Even as someone looking from the outside, Alexia could not catch what had happened. If there was no trickery or contrivance involved, then that would mean this man is someone of quite some skill… no, one could even call him an aberrance.

Zenon pushes down his shaken heart and slowly turns around.

"It seems that I had underestimated you a bit. Though they were small, it seems that you do indeed possess the strength to destroy several of our hideouts."

Despite his self-confident words, Zenon was actually experiencing a sense of desperation deep within. Upon reflection on his circumstances, Zenon became acutely aware of his internal injuries. He knew that he couldn't muster his full strength at the moment and that his pills were not on his person. Considering how easily he had been defeated by the man before, he didn't want to take any chances, lest he faces a similar outcome against this Shadow.

With that in mind, Zenon swallowed his pride and turned his head towards Alexia. He bolstered himself with magic and suddenly launched forward.

Alexia let out a surprised exclamation, "E-EH?!"

Alexia was taken aback by Zenon's sudden movement. She barely had time to react before he was right behind her, his sword pointed directly at her throat. She froze, unable to move or speak, as Zenon stared down at Shadow with a fierce expression.

"I don't know what your intentions are, Shadow, but since you came here, then you must also be after this girl," Zenon said, his voice low and menacing.

Shadow remained silent, his eyes fixed on Zenon's sword. Alexia's heart was pounding in her chest, fear and confusion gripping her. She couldn't believe that she had gotten caught up in something like this.

Zenon took a step closer to Shadow, his sword still at Alexia's throat. "Speak now, or suffer the consequences," he growled.

Shadow finally spoke, his voice calm and steady. "I have no business with that thing. I am simply passing through."

Zenon eyed him suspiciously, not lowering his sword. "Thing… Passing through? Why should I believe you?"

Shadow's eyes flicked briefly to Alexia before returning to Zenon. "Believe what you will. I don't care about that thing. You can kill it or do whatever you want with it. But if you harm that thing, you will regret it."

At Shadow's cruel words, Alexia flinched, remaining frozen in place. Zenon's expression shifted as he hesitated briefly before his face contorted with anger, turning red.

Zenon tightened his grip on the sword and cast a dangerous gaze toward the pale Alexia. "Let's see if you can still speak so boldly after this," he muttered. He then slowly swung his sword towards her head, aiming a straight line toward her neck.


With pleading eyes, Alexia looked at Shadow for help, hoping for assistance. But the man remained steadfast in his words and stood motionless, silently observing them without moving a single step.


The sound of flesh being ripped apart was nauseating as Zenon's sword sliced through her fragile neck with precision.

Crimson blood spurted from Alexia's fatal wound and splashed into the ground below. Her body spasmed as a chilling gurgling sound came from her open throat.

Zenon was looking at Shadow the whole time as he looked for an opportunity to move. He was about to throw Alexia's dying body at him before escaping at full speed. But the sudden jerk on his hand that was holding Alexia's hair made him frown and look down at her.


The moment he looked down, Zenon flinched instantly in horror. He had expected her to scream or cry out in pain, but instead, she turned her head at an impossible angle and looked at him with wide eyes on her face. It was such an unnatural sight that for a moment, Zenon doubted his eyes.



Zenon was taken aback by Alexia's sudden maniacal laughter. His hand, still holding the sword, trembled slightly as he tried to make sense of what was happening. But before he could react, Alexia's laughter turned into a maniacal cackle that echoed through the whole tunnel.

Alexia's voice was twisted and distorted as she spoke, her eyes gleaming with a maniacal light. "Kiki...hehe...FOOLISH HUMAN!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

"You dare–!"

Zenon's confusion quickly turned to anger as he tightened his grip on the sword and swung it at Alexia without a second thought. However, as the blade neared her bloody neck, her body twisted and contorted in an impossible manner, avoiding the blade completely. Zenon stumbled forward, crashing into the wall.



Before he could even react, Alexia suddenly lunged at him from behind, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. In an instant, a magic circle appeared beneath them, and she muttered a terrible incantation.


Unleashing a spell unlike any witnessed in this world.

As soon as the words left her lips, Alexia disappeared into black flames, and a magic formation expanded from the purple magic circle in the ground, enveloping Zenon's entire body.


Zenon struggled to break free from the strange magic formation, but it was no use. He felt a strange sensation coursing through his body as the demonization magic began to take effect. His vision blurred, and his body convulsed as he underwent a horrific transformation.


He could feel his body changing, his bones elongating and reshaping, his muscles bulging with newfound strength. His senses heightened, and he could feel his mind slipping away as a demon nature took hold.

When it was over, Zenon looked down at his hands in shock. They were no longer human hands but instead had transformed into claws with razor-sharp tips. He could feel the power coursing through his body, but at the same time, a sense of dread filled him.

"What… the… hell?"

Zenon's mind was reeling with shock and disbelief at the sudden transformation that had overtaken him. He struggled to find the right words to express his confusion and fear.

"What...what's happening to me?" he stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

As he spoke, he felt a strange sensation coursing through his body, and he looked down to see spikes sprouting from his elbows, fangs growing in his mouth, and thick horns emerging from his skull.

"I...I..." he murmured, unable to comprehend what was happening to him.

Shadow simply shrugged, his expression indifferent as he spoke. "I warned you, didn't I? I told you that you would regret it."

Zenon slowly raised his head, directing his ugly countenance toward Shadow.

"You scoundrel! W-What have you done to me?!!" he exclaimed.



(Nedora, lit. "Demonization")

A spell that is mainly used to transform animals with the intent of improving their physical abilities. It uses animal nature and demon nature that exist in animals' sources. Results vary depending on the animal it is applied to and the power of the caster. Sometimes the target's intelligence decreases; other times, it increases, and sometimes it increases enough that they can understand human language. Additionally, the animal that has Nedra cast on it changes its appearance into that of a demon. These transformed animals are called mutants. In the present Dilhade, unless certain conditions are met, Nedra is forbidden from being used.

Humans that have senses are hard to demonize, but it is not impossible. Human demonization is different from other animals, probably due to their inherently high intelligence. A demonized human's desire, malice, and hate will manifest in their outward appearance.



(Rento, lit. "Condition")

Magic that sets conditions for activating spells.



(Rīkusu, lit. "Thought Communication")

A spell that enables long-distance communication and mind reading. It is possible for a skilled enemy to intercept the caster's messages even if communications are encrypted. If there is difficulty establishing a connection, one can also use Gyze to establish a line.



(Evi, lit. "Recollection")

A spell that can evoke memories, even those of the distant past. Memories that have been erased cannot be recalled with Eviy.



(Igurumu, lit. "Rotten Death")

A spell that resurrects the dead as zombies. Those who have been resurrected gain immense magic power. In exchange, their bodies burn with hatred for their killers, and the pain of their wounds torment them for eternity.



(Ije, lit. "Subordination")

A spell allowing the user to dominate the target the spell is applied to. It is difficult to work on those with a will, such as demons and humans and is mainly used on animals with low intelligence.



(Neria, lit. "Memory Lapse")

A spell that erases memories of the target.



(Teresu, lit. "Memory Engraving")

A spell that engraves knowledge directly into a target's mind. However, the process is painful.



(Raineru, lit. "Illusion Mimicry")

A spell that creates illusions. It can be used to change the caster's appearance or create illusions of situations that didn't actually happen. The caster can also use it to make themselves and others invisible to the naked eye.

When Lynel is used alongside Najila, the caster can make themselves virtually undetectable. However, people who excel at source magic can still detect the sources of people who have hidden themselves with Lynel and Najila.



(Najira, lit. "Concealed Magic Power")

A spell that conceals any and all traces of magic. Even a demon of the Mythical Age would struggle to detect magic concealed by Najila. However, casting Najila continuously consumes a considerable amount of power. It is stated that Najila is easier to use those who have lower amounts of magic power, as it takes greater effort to conceal immense magic power of powerful users. Also, Najila cannot conceal immense amounts of magic power such as when a greater magic spell is cast.



(Nazu, lit. "Source Camouflage")

A spell that disguises the nature of one's source, as it is possible to conceal the user's identity by disguising the characteristics of the source, making their source's wavelength seem incredibly small or making the source have a wavelength that matches other species such as gods.



(Gavudea, lit. "Source Power Destruction Strong Body")

Magic that shaves off the source and turns it into power. It can also be used to sacrifice one's own source completely to activate a spell that requires a considerable amount of power.