

Dany_Baca · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25: Launch

Author: Soul of Fan

Chapter 25 Launch   

Hearing Whittes' praise, Tesla proudly nodded his head. His products were always fine.

Except for being particularly paranoid about mutants, Tesla was reliable in other areas.

Then, Whittes said excitedly to Andrew, "BOSS, hurry up and send me back to Earth. I can't wait to kill vampires. By the way, I also want to save Blade."

"Don't worry, you have to train a little bit. As for Blade, he's not dead."

Andrew snapped his fingers and a light screen appeared. In the light screen, Blade was hung in mid-air, covered with scars, looking miserable to the extreme.

"Those bastards."

Whittes cursed, Andrew shook his head and said to the light screen, "Blade, if you are willing to give me your soul after death, I will save you and send a very powerful helper to help you."

Andrew's voice sounded in Blade's mind. He was stunned at first, then decisively answered, "No problem, as long as I can kill vampires, I'm willing to pay anything."

Blade was a half-vampire. He had a soul in his body.

"Contract completed. Wait, you won't regret this deal."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Whittes smiled and said, "BOSS, you lost this time. Blade is a half-vampire. He can live for hundreds of years. Hey, wait a minute. The helper you just mentioned, it's not me, is it?"

"You think he made a profit, but you don't know that the devil never loses."

Andrew said, "I don't care about your souls. I only care about one thing: exterminating vampires. Whittes, this is your and Blade's common task from now on. You will become my messengers and kill vampires for me."

Whittes's metal face was full of smiles. He said, "I'm happy to do it."

"Good. Go train and master your mechanical body as soon as possible."

Andrew nodded and went to Howard's research base. He asked, "The artificial intelligence is not ready yet?"

Howard said, "No, but don't worry. I made a normal intelligence. It can control robots to save people. It won't delay your business."

Andrew said, "That's fine. Remember to add firewalls. Don't let anyone hack it. Your son is not a quiet guy."

Howard smiled and said, "Don't worry. In the Stark family, only the father can beat the son. The son can't beat the father."


At night, a vampire gathering place in New York. The vampire leader Deacon Frost shouted to the crowd below: "We are the noble blood race. Humans are only our food. Only the corrupt vampire council would talk peace with humans.

Now, the council has been overthrown by us. Nothing can stop us anymore. I declare that the carnival officially begins. From now on, there are no restrictions, no limits. You can do whatever you want.

Blood race supreme."

"Blood race supreme!"

All the vampires in New York's gathering places shouted at the same time. Then they rushed out of the gathering places and began hunting delicious food and partying wildly.

Humans were just their food.

"Let's go to the altar."

Deacon said to the elite vampires behind him. The vampires nodded and followed Deacon in cars to the ancient altar.

On the way, a chubby vampire holding a device said to Deacon: "Someone is following us."

"Everything is in Deacon's expectation."

'Deacon' said disdainfully. His and other vampires' task was the same - to help the real Deacon distract human attention and energy.

When Deacon became the blood god, he would lead the blood race to defeat humans completely and establish the blood kingdom.


At the same time, in the sewer of Manhattan district in New York, Lizard Doctor in human form pointed to the potion in the corner and said to dozens of his kind: "Take these potions to the street and turn other people into our kind."

These dozens of his kind were living in the sewer 'rat race'. They were poor and miserable and could only live in the sewer worse than homeless people. Lizard Doctor found them and turned them into his kind with potions.

"Yes, leader."

The lizard people nodded and left with potions excitedly. They wanted to build a lizard kingdom where everyone was equal and there were no flaws.

Long live the lizard people.

After all the lizard people left, Lizard Doctor left the sewer with a backpack. He wanted to go back to Osborn Group. There was a device there that could create a drug mist covering the whole city. By then, New York would become Lizard City.


Hell's Kitchen, the editor-in-chief of the Horn Daily, Jameson, yelled at the phone: "Peter Parker, are you here? Hurry up, I got a tip that there will be big news tonight."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Spider-Man swung between buildings and shouted. He was very depressed. He was paid as a temporary worker, but had to work overtime like a regular worker. Jameson was really a vampire.

"Hurry up, or I'll fire you."

Jameson put down the phone unhappily. At this time, the cameraman next to him pointed to the alley ahead and shouted: "Editor-in-chief, something happened."

Jameson quickly turned his head and saw a man pressing a woman against the wall in the alley. Then he leaned his head towards her neck, as if he was molesting her.

"It's just molestation, not big news."

Jameson was not interested. Just then, the man suddenly raised his head. Under the light, his mouth was full of blood and two fangs were clearly visible.

"Vampire, quickly turn on the camera and broadcast live."

Jameson was overjoyed and shouted immediately. Then he said to the camera: "This is Horn TV. Recently, there has been a lot of debate about vampires on the Internet. Now I will show you whether there are really vampires."

Jameson gestured to the cameraman to move the lens over. The man was holding the woman's neck and sucking hard. Jameson was about to say something when two people ran over in horror. The next second, they were knocked down by vampires behind them. Then two vampires started sucking blood eagerly.

This scene was captured by the camera and shocked the viewers in front of the TV. Was this real or a program effect?

At the same time, many similar attacks occurred in New York City. Many people uploaded videos to the Internet and TikTok. Although the viewers didn't believe it much, panic gradually spread.

The New York branch of SHIELD, Iron Man looked at the screen with various horrors and shouted: "Why don't you act? What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for the approval of the World Security Council. With our strength, we could have wiped out vampires long ago. We didn't do it because the upper level didn't agree."

Coulson looked at Nick Fury who was having a meeting with the councilors and said: "Now they have to agree."

Iron Man frowned slightly: "Did you deliberately create this situation?"