

Dany_Baca · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 20: Blade

Author: Soul of Fan   

Chapter 20: Blade

"Before we start fighting, I have a question to ask."

Andrew took the opportunity to hug Gwen and asked, "Do you brush your fangs regularly?"

Both the vampires and Gwen were taken aback. What kind of question is this? No, at this moment, do you still have time to ask questions?

"When I turn you into a vampire, you'll know if you brush or not."

A vampire pounced on Andrew, but the next second, he flew back faster, knocking down several vampires behind him. The vampires were furious and pounced on Andrew again.

Andrew's legs were as fast as lightning, so fast that they couldn't be seen clearly. The vampires who pounced on him flew back one by one. In a short time, Andrew was surrounded by a group of vampires lying on the ground.

Both the vampires and Gwen were stunned. Gwen exclaimed: "Kung fu!"

A vampire pulled out a short gun from his waist and prepared to shoot at Andrew. What about kung fu? Can it be faster than a gun?

How does that saying go? Within ten meters, guns are fast; within ten meters, guns are both accurate and fast.

Andrew put down his umbrella. The next second, the gun fired but failed to penetrate the umbrella's surface. Then Andrew closed his umbrella and used it as a stick to hit the vampire's wrist hard. The vampire was in pain and the short gun fell to the ground.

The other vampires saw this and attacked Andrew again. Andrew held Gwen with one hand and quickly waved his umbrella with the other. Bang bang bang, the vampires were knocked down one after another.

Gwen looked at Andrew with a hint of fascination as he showed off his prowess. Her fear vanished and all that was left was a sense of security.

"It's really fun, just lacking some background music."

Andrew was in a good mood. What? Why can't an umbrella block bullets or be smashed? Of course it's because Andrew has added magic to it. Otherwise it would have broken long ago. This is not Huang Feihong's indestructible umbrella.

"Good kung fu, but you can't kill vampires like this."

At this moment, a cold voice came from not far away. Then there was a bang and a shotgun fired. A large number of pellets whistled out and pierced through several vampire bodies.

The next second, those vampires turned from skin to flesh, from flesh to bone, their entire bodies turned to ashes!

The vampires were shocked and turned their heads sharply to see a black man wearing leather clothes, with a flat head and sunglasses holding a shotgun standing at the door.

"It's Blade!"

The vampires screamed in horror and many ran away like frightened rabbits.

The man was none other than the vampire hunter Blade!

Andrew added a magic mark (tracking and monitoring) to Blade while muttering: "Wearing sunglasses at night, aren't you afraid of hitting the wall?"

"Not afraid because walls aren't as hard as me. I'm the hardest man."

Blade grinned, showing off his shiny white teeth. Then he quickly fired his gun and many vampires turned to ashes. Gwen was dumbfounded and asked: "Why do people suddenly turn into ashes? This is not scientific."

"They're not people, they're vampires."

Andrew said disdainfully. Why disdainful? Because vampires have no souls.

"No soul means that vampires are magical creatures. If I'm not mistaken, someone is using vampires to collect souls."

Andrew's eyes flashed with ferocity as he sentenced the vampires to death in his heart. The souls of Earth were all his and no one could take them away.

Gwen felt her worldview shattering: "Vampires? Are there really vampires in this world?"

"This world is bigger than you think. Let's go. Leave this place to our vampire hunters."

Andrew hooked a vampire with his umbrella handle and dragged him outside. Casey and others who were lucky enough not to die followed quickly. They were covered in blood and looked terrible.

Outside the bar warehouse, Andrew let go of the vampire and said: "Tell me about the vampires. I'm very interested."

"I'm also very interested."

Gwen said, seeing Andrew looking over she said somewhat awkwardly: "I just want to do some academic research."

"Looks like a female academic bully."

Andrew smiled. Casey and others wanted to leave but without Andrew they didn't dare to walk around randomly so they stayed where they were.

The vampire got up from the ground and growled at Andrew: "You damn humans are just food for our blood race."

Andrew shook his head and waved his umbrella to break both legs of the vampire. The vampire screamed in pain on the ground.

Then Andrew asked the others: "Who has silverware on them? Our vampire is not behaving well and I need to teach him a lesson."


The vampire's face changed dramatically and he decisively chose to surrender. Holding his leg, he asked resentfully: "What do you want to know?"

Andrew took out his phone and filmed while saying: "Everything, from the beginning."

"From the beginning, that's a long story."

The vampire said: "The blood race originated in Europa. Later, twelve pureblood families migrated to North America due to the civil war within the blood race…"

"What does pureblood family mean?"

Gwen asked, seeing everyone looking at her she said somewhat embarrassedly: "I'm just curious."

Andrew briefly introduced: "Vampires are divided into purebloods and hybrids. Purebloods are born vampires, while hybrids are humans infected by pureblood vampires."

The vampire shouted loudly: "Not infected, transformed. The blood race is the noblest race."

"A group of walking corpses that can't stand the light, are afraid of garlic, and are afraid of silver, dare to say they're noble?"

Andrew sneered disdainfully. He impatiently said: "Don't waste my time. Keep talking."

The vampire glared at Andrew and continued: "The twelve pureblood families formed a vampire council in North America. They reached an agreement with humans not to attack humans actively. Humans were responsible for providing blood to them."

Casey came to his senses and said angrily: "Humans provide blood to you? No wonder the blood in the blood bank is so expensive. It turns out it's all fed to you vampires."

"We bought it with money. Not only is that blood hard to drink, it's also very expensive."

The vampire shouted loudly: "We worked hard to earn money, but it was all taken away by you humans. Who is really the vampire?"

Everyone was speechless. Human capitalists seemed more vampiric than vampires. A woman said disappointedly: "You're nothing like the nobles on TV. I used to be so fascinated by the blood race."

"Those purebloods are nobles. They are few in number and have huge wealth. Some purebloods even keep blood slaves and can drink delicious fresh human blood every day."

The vampire said enviously and jealously: "But their good days are over. Boss Deacon Frost will lead us to overthrow the council and turn humans into slaves.

At that time, we will have delicious fresh blood every day and everyone will be able to live like a nobleman."

Andrew sneered: "Humans are not as fragile as you think. In fact, you are fragile."

Gwen nodded and said: "That's right. You're afraid of sunlight. A UV lamp can easily destroy you. As for finding you out, it's even simpler. Just modify an infrared body temperature meter a little bit."