
Demon King IFRIT Chapter 2

ssanimations · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Demon King Ifrit

Ashira : Well that was a intense battle you guys....

Atena : I agree..You all did really good.

Killa : There's one thing i do not understand...

Ashira: What is it?

Killa : How did we suddenly become stronger then Omni? He had clear dominance over us.

Ifrit : Because I made you powerful enough to face him.

Killa: Oh?

Ifrit : I thought William would show himself but it appeared that he didn't.

Ashira : Can i mention something?

Ifrit : What's up?

Ashira : Right after that fight, i had multiple dreams of " Death" Coming to get me...

Ifrit : But you're immortal? and not the regular immortal...

Ashira And Atena : What do you mean not a regular immortal?

Ifrit : As long as at least a single concept exists in existence you will remain immortal.

Ashira : Concept???

Ifrit : Like Gravity concept, Space concept etc makes sense?

Ashira : Yes

Atena : Ifrit, what type of immortalities do we have?

Ifrit : Well you all including Ashira have a extremely strong regenerating ability, even if your physical body and your soul gets completely destroyed, but you still have anything in this existence that has a connection with you, like the meal you didn't finish earlier, or the outfit you wore earlier, then you will instantly regenerate back, but there are more types of immortalities that each one of you have.

Shin : What other type's?

Ifrit : Shin, You don't age, don't get sick and etcetera, but other's can still kill you that is if your regenerating factors fail to work somehow, but you will automatically comeback to life within moments, Basically infinitely resurrect yourself, and you will automatically be immune to whatever killed you.

Shin : Wait, Can you please kill me right now?i want to test it out.

Ifrit: Sure, But you will not be immune to me, this abillity does not work with me.

Shin : Okay, Ifrit do me a favor and disable my regeneration for a moment.

Ifrit : Sure, done.

Shin : Now Ashira, you have to kill me with your erasing ability.

Ashira : Are you sure?

Shin : Yes comeon.

Ashira : Alright..

[Ashira points his finger at Shin]

Ashira : Destroy..!

[Shin Vanishes]

Ifrit : Now we have to wait a...

[Shin Appears]

Shin : Woahhh

Killa : Wow!!

Shin : Ashira Try erasing me again!

Ashira : Alright!

[ Ashira Points His finger at Shin]

Ashira : Destroy

Shin: Nothing's happening!

Ashira : No way...

Ifrit : Alright now since the test is done, I'll put your regeneration back on.

Shin : Alright!!

Ifrit : Okay, its done, Now Atena your immortality now... you don't age, dont get sick and et cetera, But you can still be killed by other's, and this is where your immortality steps in, let's hypothetically say your fighting Killa to death right, And she has some sort of ability that will kill you, your immortality automatically instantly senses the danger and gets immune to it, meaning you can't be killed.

Atena : Oh...would it work with you?

Ifrit : No...hahahah

Atena : Can we try?

Ifrit : Sure.

Shin : Wait!! But how? She will die right?

Ifrit : Yes, she will, but i'll bring her back to life.

[Ifrit glances at Atena]

[Atena Explodes]

Killa : Woah that was so fast!

[Ifrit snaps his fingers and Atena appears back in life]

Atena : What just happened?

Killa : You died hahah.

Ifrit : Yes, I exploded your physical body and your soul.

Atena : Oh..so Can i test it with you Killa?

Killa : Sure!!

Ashira : Wait can someone explain Atena's immortality once again?

Shin : Basically Her immortality is more like an ability, It gets immune to anything that her opponent has, for example if someone was to stab her, her immortality would get immune to that and she wouldn't die to stabbing, or if someone has an ability to erase beings from existence, Her immortality would automatically sense that and get immune to it, so she wouldn't die to it.

Ashira : Oh...

Killa : Well, I'll use my sword that destroys not only the physical body, but the spiritual body as well.

[Killa stabs Atena with her sword]

Killa : Well??

Atena : I don't feel a thing! Was my regeneration off Ifrit?

Ifrit : Yes it was, but im turning it back on now, since you tested your immortality!

Atena : Thankss!!!

[someone appears in the distance]

Ifrit : Do you see him as well?

Ashira : Yes, don't tell me its another one of those who wants to kill us.

[" someone" appears right behind Ashira]

Ifrit : He's behind you Ashira.

Ashira : Woah...He's fast!

Atena : Did he teleport? How is that possible that in an instant he ended up all the way there!?

Shin : He didn't, that's his pure speed...

Killa : And Ifrit was already looking at him when he moved that fast? does that mean Ifrit is as fast as him?

Shin : No, Perhaps Ifrit saw him be behind Ashira Before that being even moved from his previous point, That would mean that Ifrit is far faster since he reacted before that being even moved.

" someone" : You said Ifrit?!?

Shin : Yes?? Who are you?

"someone" : I am death, Greetings my Lord, I am so sorry that i came without a permission, please forgive me!

[ Kneels down before Ifrit]

Ifrit : Oh...So you're death?

Death : Yes My Lord!

Ifrit : What are you doing here?

Death : I am here because of some mortals that turned into immortals, and as you know, nobody can turn into an immortal without having the permission of deities..So i came here to take their life.

Ifrit : Well unfortunately for you, those mortals we're granted immortality by me.

Death : Oh!? Who are they??

Ifrit: They are right here...

Death : Oh im so sorry, I didn't know!!

Ashira : But how would you take our lifes if we're immortals??

Killa : Yeah, we are transcendent beings after all

Death: Well i am death, i have all of all mighty death powers , i have the power to grant death to all and any beings, even if they're nonexistent, or conceptual beings, Or immortality beings, or as you mentioned transcendent beings, and i can also prevent deaths hahah

Ashira : Who would win in a match, You or Ifrit??


Ifrit : It's fine, i allow it.

Death : Oh...Well I am no match for lord Ifrit, even with my all mighty death powers...

Ashira : Oh i always wondered..Since you are death, are you a being that is qualified as alive or dead??

Ifrit : He is neither dead or alive, he is above those idea's.

Death : That is in fact true, and Lord Ifrit is as well.

Ifrit : Hahah yes....

[Shin takes notes : Death and Ifrit transcend life and death, leading to them being nor alive or dead]

Killa : What are you writing?

Shin : Well, Like data notes, i love collecting data on everything.

Killa : Oh..Alright.

Death : I was here before existence and all of its concepts came along, so it would make a fair amount of sense that i would be above those idea's right?

Shin: Yeah...Ashira is just a little slow, don't mind him

Ashira : Hey!!!

Death : Well i have got to go...I have to take some souls into the afterlife, it was an honor to see you Lord Ifrit, goodbye!

Ifrit : See you!

[Death Vanishes]