
chapter one: the demon king kingdom

The demon king woke up from his sleep for 200 thousand years now he became powerfull demon now. And fear less now has he wakes up he crackes his head and every crack on his body and then he gets up from his bed and looks out and smile at the burning place of hell with people dying and burning and he puts his favorite song on. now as the demon king is awake he sees his mom getting her makeup on and his dad is tieing his tie and ready for me to get ready to meet the demon queen.he sits out waiting for the queen to come but there was a mistake the queen declare a war on the demon kingdom of los. the demon king said: what the whu did she declare a war for what. dad said: there been a report one of the groups attack the queens men. the demon king: DAM IT it should be fine we can work this out i well go to her kingdom and stop this before it gets worse.