Iusus' POV:
Today was the day.
The day I would finally destroy him.
I mean... I said that every day, but today actually was different than the others.
He was going to the Food Hall, something he never did. And I would take the opportunity when he let his guard down to take a bite of food to attack. He won't be able to react in time and I'll beat him to submission. It was a perfect plan.
I used someone else opening the door to sneak in and hid behind a couple of other people talking. I looked around to find the best place I could attack from. He was sitting at the table in the center of the room, so I had many choices. I could try to leap from where Hasrem was challenging other students to arm wrestling matches, but that would be too obvious. Maybe I could use Capcis' "don't look at me" energy and attack from where she was trying to motivate herself to do something... but I'm sure his attention is over there as well. He and Capcis have been getting along very well recently. Then... how about the roof? That was it!
I'll leap up to the roof, use the wooden beams that stuck out of the roof, and climb over him. Once I'm on top of him, I'll drop from above and attack... but wait! I almost forgot about how he always has his Genesis Sense activated, I'll be noticed even if he can't see me... I guess I'll just try to conceal my energy. I'm able to do it when I'm just walking normally like I did when entering the Food Hall, but I don't think I'll be able to do it when attacking... ugh, I'll just have to try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Using Genesis Essence in my legs, I silently jumped up to the ceiling and attached my hands to the boards of wood sticking out of it. People looked around, noticing a gust of wind, but no one looked up to the roof, Quis included. I carefully, while keeping my body completely pressed to the roof, climbed over the top of Quis. But then I noticed something serious: he hadn't grabbed any food yet.
What was he doing? There were only two reasons to come to the Food Hall. Either to eat food or to talk to friends. And since Quis never did the latter while in school, it had to be the former... but he wasn't showing that at all. I knew a decent amount about Quis now, and I knew he wasn't one to waste time. So if he didn't grab food right away, then he didn't come here for food. What else could he possibly come here for?
As I was beginning to feel something was brewing, I saw the door open again. But instead of a student running late, it was someone who also never came to the Food Hall. It was Spiravit.
Just what was going on today? First Quis, and now Spiravit? The two geniuses who hated each other and were never doing anything inefficient, both came to the Food Hall on the same day in the same period? I could tell that something was up, something suspicious.
Spiravit walked over to the center of the Food Hall with almost everyone's eyes on him. After all, I wasn't the only one who found this odd. He eventually found a seat and sat down... right across from Quis... What the hell? I saw them whispering stuff to each other before Quis grabbed his shoulder and loudly exclaimed, "Haha! Spiravit, I heard that Telferr has been teaching you how to fight with a sword recently, how has that been going?"
Spiravit gave a small chuckle himself and responded loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear, "It's been going great, I like to think I've been making good progress. Although Telferr can be a... difficult teacher at times, she sure knows her stuff."
Quis shrugged his shoulders, "I get what you mean by that. Telferr is definitely... an interesting character. But enough of that, I know my way around the sword a little, so maybe we should have a spar sometime soon. I could give you some pointers, and a good sparring partner never hurts."
Spiravit laughed a little, "It feels like there is nothing you aren't good at, but I'll take you up on that offer. How about tomorrow evening? Sound good?"
"Oh that'll work fine, but enough of that, what level are you now? It feels like every day you're going up one. Can't even catch up to the news of what level you are, let alone that level myself."
"Oh that? I'm still level 7, nothing different there, but I think level 8 is coming up soon! How have you been doing on that front?"
"I've actually level 4, but I can feel my capacity for Genesis Essence filing up, and level 5 won't be long. You have been cultivating every day right? That sure takes some commitment..."
They talked and talked, as everyone in the room, including me, were flabbergasted. Just what was happening?! Quis and Spiravit, who I know for a fact hated each other's guts just yesterday, are saying more words than they have spoken to each other since Pulchra's death? Was this truly reality? Because I was starting to think this whole thing might just be a dream. They talked for another 20 minutes before deciding to leave for the Magic Arts Classroom that was beginning soon. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that everyone's attention was glued to them for the entire time they talked to each other.
It was just too strange.
They talked to each other like old friends who met up at a bar after not having talked to each other in a couple of months. It felt very real, but at the same time extremely fake. That was the moment I lost grip on the ceiling. I fell to the ground unable to stop my fall and hit the hard ground with a loud bang and crack. I definitely broke something. I didn't pass out because of the adrenalin of breaking a bone and got up with everyone's eyes now on me. I just looked around before pinching myself.
"I guess that wasn't a dream... though the fall probably wouldn't have hurt if it was one huh."
With my response to such a situation, an even bigger silence made its way throughout the Food Hall. That was until someone else spoke up. It was Hasrem who was also there to watch the entire show, "Um, I should probably heal you..."
She went up to me and healed me, and the stinging pain in my side went away. I promptly thanked her, "Thank you Hasrem... AHHH!"
She panicked at my sudden shout, "W-What's wrong?! Oh, don't tell me I've already healed your body too many times!"
I looked at her and responded, "No, that's not it! What the hell just happened with Spiravit and Quis?!?"
As I said what was on everyone's mind, people finally snapped out of despondency and began whispering among each other. But Hasrem didn't look as panicky as before, instead just calmly responding, "Is it really that weird? I thought it was pretty obvious they were two peas in a pod."
Everyone looked at Hasrem incredulously, all thinking the same thing, 'It was obvious?'
And just like that, news of the friendship between the two blew out of proportion quickly.
Quis' POV:
This afternoon went well.
My goal wasn't really to teach Spiravit right then, but I wanted to show him how fast people's perceptions of you can change with one performance. Then tomorrow, once people start trying to talk to him, I'll show him how to get the most meaning possible out of what they say and out of how they say them. After all, Words were powerful things. They were how people communicated with each other, so they were a direct connection to what people think of you and who that person is.
For example, I was unable to piece together Spiravit's story this whole time until he actually talked to me. The reason it was so easy for me after he spoke was because of how he said his words, what he said, and what he did while saying them. Communication was a very big window of opportunity for anyone.
As I was reconfirming this fact in my head, another Genesis Orb formed into existence inside of my Duranian. I had already figured out to make them form and how to use them in my Duraninan, so they became a lot more convenient to use. These little orbs were also the only reason I was able to do so many things and still cultivate all day. During my recent battles, I've also discovered an incredible use of these little orbs that have let me do a lot of things that were impossible before: they allowed me to replenish my Genesis Liquid. It was an incredible feature. And with my already higher-than-average Battle Talent, given the right circumstances, I would never run out of Genesis Liquid. It was a huge advantage, one I was going to exploit for all of its use.
As I was cultivating while creating Genesis Orbs, I heard footsteps walking toward me. They weren't footsteps trying to approach quietly, but footsteps that wanted to make their presence known. This was confirmed when I heard a voice call out to me, "Hello Quis, my name is Cortritio, nice to meet you."
As he calmly spoke, his view came into frame. He was tall and skinny with the Jungle Region inhabitants' classical brown hair and eyes, but that wasn't what was most threatening to me. What made me immediately get battle-ready was his guard's uniform sporting a coal-textured belt. He was an Elder of the sect, and judging by the Genesis Essence inside of him, he kept a similar strength to Telferr.
He put his hand around his chin and began to move his head, checking me out, "Yes, I now see why you were able to take out those Stone Class Cultivators. You aren't very impressive Talent-wise, but to say that was the most important part of cultivation would be a lie. It takes more than how fast and far you can go, it also takes smarts and the ability to get that far in the first place. And I must say, you certainly check the boxes. Alright then, I challenge you to a battle." He suddenly sped up his speech, "three,two,one,go!"
He activated a fruit of some sort and I could feel the temperature rise as a circle of flames sprouted around the two of us. I didn't bother to take my attention off of the man though, that would be a mistake. All he was doing was securing my escape roots, and he did a damn good job at it too. I had nowhere to go.
"Hmm, with such a performance, I suppose I can't afford to underestimate you. Alright, Fire Snake Style Phase One, Fire Whip."
After saying this, his hand turned into a long whip-like fire. The flame bent back and as it was flung forward, it extended suddenly. I had neither the mental ability to expect this, nor the physical ability to dodge and it hit my side with a loud crack. I was sent flying.
I was able to stop myself before being engulfed by the wall of flames, only to see another whip heading my way.
This time I was able to react fast enough and, with expending Genesis Liquid, leaped over the whip toward the man controlling it. As I was approaching though, the whip suddenly cracked upward and was rushing at me with lightning speed. If it weren't for the magical circles I set up a while ago, I'm sure it would have reached me before I was able to correct my trajectory by creating a gust of wind. After I touched the ground, I got right back to running full force at the man.
I got there quicker than he expected and was able to land a Genesis-backed kick to the gut. He was sent back quite a ways before regaining himself. He retracted his whip and looked at me with wide eyes.
"You really are great. I suppose I really was underestimating you, and just what was that midair movement? I don't recall there being any access to Wind Branch Fruits around here. Hmm, alright then. I guess I'll try a little more. Let's move on to phase two."
Suddenly fire lit from his body as 6 more snake-like fire tentacles came out of his back, 3 for each side of him. I was barely able to deal with one, so how could I counter six? Before I was even able to take in the ridiculousness of such a request, he started attacking me again. One fire to the left and another to the right. I couldn't jump above them since he would have one coming from above. Then how about forward or backward? He had six tentacles, not three, so of course he had that exit secured. And I'm sure he had a just-in-case tentacle. Long story short, I was stuck.
They were approaching quickly, and I had nothing I could do.
'So was this how it ends? Eh, so be it then. I kill others, so why think they can't do the same to me? I simply wasn't able to grow fast enough.'
The heat grew unbearable as the tentacles were inches away from touching me.
'I tried all I could and still failed. Maybe I should have tried to go for only upgrading my personal strength. But then again, I wouldn't be strong enough to dodge the backlash from Pulchra's death if I did that. So I guess I did everything right, just got unlucky. But who says luck isn't another part of strength?'
I could smell my body burning from the inside as the tentacles pierced my body and pain bloomed.
'I am weak.'
The final thing I saw before passing out was my flesh charred black by the intense flames, and the skinny man with a smile on his face as he overlooked me.
'So I deserve to die.'
Chapter 41, yippee. I'm getting close to overtaking all of my other discontinued books in chapters, so that's cool. And this chapter is pretty interesting, did Quis actually die :O or is he still alive !;-;! I suppose we'll just have to wait for the next chapter to know. Also, if you guys ever, and I mean EVER, have a question or complaint, feel free to comment on it. I can only look at this from a writer's POV, so it's good to see how it feels from a reader's POV. And I'm always willing to take in constructive criticism, so yea, W.
PS: Powerstones? Yippee! Reviews? Yippee! Literally anything that helps this book grow and get exposed to wider audiences? YIPPEE!!!!!!