
Demon King's Pursuit of Mysteries

Demon King Asteroth Melias Valor is the strongest in history. But he is bored and wishes to peer into the mysteries of the world. And who is his right-hand man, the Fool? After the fall of the hero, the Demon King pursues the enigmatic Fool across hundreds of worlds. Mysteries await him!

Daoist_Records · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Selection Ceremony

Moonlight streamed through a large window. The room was quiet, the only other light being from a table lamp. 

A sudden rustling sound cut through the silence. It was the sound of pages being flipped. Aster sat on the bed, leaning against a wall. A thick book with an embroidered cover was held in his left hand while he sipped coffee from a mug in his right.

Ever since he had arrived in this world, he had been feeling a growing sense of discomfort. The familiar aura similar to the Fool's was growing more and more significant with each passing second. Without a doubt, something was happening.

Aster closed his book and put down his mug. As he settled into the bed, he saw the moon suddenly getting brighter...


3 months later, selection ceremony.

Emperor Las Nil Hacyon was a strange man. He was a warrior without equal amongst humans even though he was a ruler. He ruled without a shred of selfishness. 

Aster found it suspicious rather than noble.

The Great War against the Demon King of this world had just ended. During the battle, the Hero Party all perished... except one person. That person was of course, the current Emperor. He was lauded as a saviour due to his policies and rose to the position of Emperor without resistance.

His life was too strange. It was too smooth. He had not met a single misfortune.

'So it must be a false life. Whatever they case, soon I can know.'

The selection ceremony was a competition available to students of all grades to distinguish themselves in front of the Empire. Outstanding performers would get the chance to meet the illustrious Emperor.

The massive doors to the waiting hall swung open, signalling the entrance of another participant. At first, Aster did not pay attention. However, he could not remain unreactive when the participant approached him.

He looked up from his seat... and caught his breath. The girl standing in front of him had a shock of pink hair. He could sense an enormous amount of mana, even more than from Gayle. 

'This world... do all the strong individuals have strange hair colours?'

First years at Eleanore Academy were about 21. This girl seemed slightly younger, but from the state of her soul, she would be the around 21 as well.

"What business do you have with me?" although his reply was cold, Aster planned to turn her into a partner as well. He needed great talents to prevail. After all, the Fool had displayed power at the rank of God.

"I kinda hate your attitude though? You keep lazing around. Do you think that just because of your ridiculous amount of power, you can be complacent?"

'I thought she would be arrogant, but she is also able to sense my power. She does seem to think that I don't have any skill... I can use this. Defeating her would not help, but bringing her into a dangerous situation and... yes, that should work.'

Since he did not need to interact with her now, Aster simply ignored her and continued reading his book. Before the girl could protest, Gayle approached them.

"Oh, hi," feeling that a short greeting would be enough, Gayle sat next to Aster.

The girl's eyebrows twitched. But, as indicative of her power, she was not one to lose her composure easily. Although she was irritated, she left the two alone.


Selection ceremony, Vagabond island.

It was nighttime. The day had been allotted for preparation. Now, the participants would delve into the island... in the midst of wild monsters and wicked criminals.

"Nice night for a walk," Gayle started whistling. The night was indeed nice. A cool breeze ruffled their clothes, yet there was warmth in the air. The moon shone in a sky devoid of clouds.

"A clear moon is not something to appreciate. Deep darkness hides behind it," having experienced countless deceits and betrayals, the former Demon King had come to hate the clear moon.

"Then our relationship is full of trust, is it? Neither of us know each other's secrets."

"A far healthier relationship."


Gregory stabbed a lesser chimera to death. His two companions collapsed, the effort being too much. 

"How far in are we?"

"Not much... 1km or so."

"Damn it. It took us four hours to get a kilometer in?"

"The forest is strangely shaped. It's like it wants to stop us from advancing."

"Well, this IS a test..."


An explosion ripped through the clearing, leaving behind only remnant flames and ashes. Two participants had disappeared, recalled by their amulets. Gregory alone faced their assaulter.

It was a girl whose hair was a shocking hue of pink. A hazey cloud of the same colour as her hair surrounded hour. It slowly snaked toward Gregory. 

He tensed. The cloud was dangerous, but his enemy was not one to be taken lightly. She was second among the first years, the first being Gayle. A prodigy who rivalled the current Emperor was in front him.

[Wind Step]

Activating magic was the worst mistake he could have made.

The pink cloud charged like a mad dog.