
Demon King's Pursuit of Mysteries

Demon King Asteroth Melias Valor is the strongest in history. But he is bored and wishes to peer into the mysteries of the world. And who is his right-hand man, the Fool? After the fall of the hero, the Demon King pursues the enigmatic Fool across hundreds of worlds. Mysteries await him!

Daoist_Records · Fantasy
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7 Chs


About a century ago, the third world, Luminaire.

Aster appeared on a small hill replete with flowering grass. The day was picture perfect, the textbook definition of a bright, sunny day. The planet itself seemed like a painting, an ideal world brought to life. 

Seeing this, Aster coughed up blood.

An intense, searing pain wormed its way though his body. The entire world was trying to cast him out. The violent rejection twisted Aster's internals beyond repair. He collapsed, unmoving.


Aster lay on his back, on the branch of a great tree. His body twitched occasionally and droplets of blood still remained on his lips. His powers had been completely sealed, leaving him with only his physical strength, though even that was not usable anymore.

This world was overwhelmingly holy. There was not a taint of impurity. Perhaps it had completely bonded with the power of some holy God, for it aggressively rejected any and all impurities. Apparently, it deemed a demon, no matter their intention, as an impurity.

Maybe this was what some called hell, at least for demons.

Aster himself was in the middle of introspection. This was the first time he had been so affected by anything. But it soon lost its hold on him. It still bothered him terribly though.

Just by existing, he continued to be tormented. But it was just a momentary setback. He shifted his body, attempting to stand. His body worked, but his insides were ruined. He would probably see the effects soon.

That said, the tree was impressively tall. He had been in a delirium when he climbed it with the last vestiges of his power, but looking at it now, it was no ordinary tree.

He could see far and wide. In the distance, a glistening city spread out. Aster had not expected to find civilization this fast, but it was a welcome sight. He needed to find a healer to restore his body even if it was just a fraction.

His movements were excruciating, but he simply disregarded the pain. He walked, no shambled, in the direction of the massive city he had seen. 


The journey had been surprisingly peaceful, if Aster ignored the never-ending pain. Moreover, his body had even less endurance than that of a middle-aged man. It had felt a little humiliating.

Not that he cared. A demon's pride had no place here.

There were no guards at the entrance. In fact, there were no gates too. Aster simply strolled into the city, no questions asked. 

Moments later, he realized the nature of this world's denizens. 

'This is... this world really is a piece of shit.'

The people were too happy. There was not a single misfortune in sight. The buildings were all the same. The only emotion was the strange happiness. 

It took Aster a day to conclude that this world was disgusting. The people moved in set patterns, never encountering anything even slightly negative. It was almost like they were parts of a machine. Their happiness was merely an imitation. The truth was that they were shadows of humans.

'This is so... repulsive. Even more than the pain, this sight makes me hate this world more.'

Aster felt an innate hate against the twisted imitation of life on this planet. However, it would take a while for him to recover enough for a dimensional transmigration. 

He found an inn and entered. It was an ordinary inn, just like everything else in this accursed world. 

"How much for a week?" Aster asked casually. Though he had no money, it would not be difficult to scrounge up some mana to replicate this world's currency. 

"Sir, I'm afraid I do not understand," the innkeeper replied.

"I'm asking the cost of a week's stay."

"Sir, why would there be a cost? We do not demand anything. Please stay for as long as you wish."


'There's no money system in this world? That would explain the lack of markets on the way, but...'

The innkeeper started giving Aster the details of the inn. He also mentioned the eating times and cleaning times. Sighing, Aster trudged up to his designated room.

As expected, the room was as ordinary as possible, the perfect balance of wealth and poverty. He collapsed on the simple white bed, the softness bringing more relief than he had expected. A rest would do him good.

The last two worlds had been disappointing. This one brought a change of pace, considering it was downright hateful. But, he hoped to gain something here, a memento to remember this pitiful world. He closed his eyes and slept almost immediately.

For the first time in his life, he dreamt of happier days.


Six months after Asteroth's arrival at Luminaire.

Aster completed his morning exercise. It was important to keep his body in shape to heal more efficiently. Speaking of healing, his recovery had come along nicely. The internals could now be called human, although it was still a gruesome sight. 

The hill he had claimed as him own was picturesque as with anything else. However, he had added his own touch to it, the only touch he knew.

Naturally, he had raised a mansion, entirely painted with dark colors.

He had somewhat regained his less... unholy powers, though he was still only capable of exerting Master-level strength. Even that would be a problem, as his body would deteriorate further. He had not explored the world as with the two before, not that he thought there would be anything to explore. The planet had not offered anything other than scenery.

He was sick of interacting with other people. They really were like machines. They even repeated their conversations. All for the sake of the ideal life.

A rock skittered near his feet.

Startled, Aster reflexively pulled himself into combat form, a form he had not taken in months.

A middle-aged man stood just a few steps away. He was tall, clean shaven, and handsome. His attire was that of nobles form Aster's home world. But the thing Aster noticed first... was the gleam in his eye.

"Been a while since I saw something other other than the fakes. What's a demon doing around here?"