
Demon King's Pursuit of Mysteries

Demon King Asteroth Melias Valor is the strongest in history. But he is bored and wishes to peer into the mysteries of the world. And who is his right-hand man, the Fool? After the fall of the hero, the Demon King pursues the enigmatic Fool across hundreds of worlds. Mysteries await him!

Daoist_Records · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Dozens of Worlds

*Note: < and > will be used for communication other than speech.


The 124th world of the pursuit.

The Demon King stepped into a new world. Instantly, he was struck by a sense of nostalgia. This world was so very similar to his original one. 

The Demon King, no, Asteroth, for he had long cast away his title, relished the familiar architectures and lifestyles. 

But then, his composure reverted back to an ice cold wall. He had been reserved in the past, but now, he seemed devoid of emotion. How had his journey been for such a result?

Asteroth unfolded his senses, covering the planet in an instant. 


Even the ice cold wall was shaken. There could only be one reason... a trace of his goal. He felt a similar power to the one called the Fool, and yet it seemed different. 

Contemplating the situation, Asteroth morphed into a human and entered the greatest human kingdom of this world.


Gayle stood in front of Eleanore Grand Imperial Academy, or Eleanore Academy in short. He clenched his fists. An opportunity of a lifetime had been presented to him. But could he take ahold of it?

"Fuuu~ This is nothing Gayle. Come on. This'll be a breeze," as he muttered to himself, other competitors snickered under their breaths.

"Hey look, there's a crazy dude talking to himself."

"Worry about yourself first."

"You think worrying's gonna change anything?"

"True. You're trash after all..."


Listening, Gayle thought,

'What the hell?'

'Why are they so weak?'

'This is really gonna be a breeze isn't it?'

Sighing, he looked at the entrance to the test hall in boredom. He determined that none of the people here would give him any trouble. Resting his chin on his palm, he started daydreaming about his future achievements.

In the midst of a particularly good dream about him being chosen as the princess's personal guard, he felt a presence. 

He whipped his head in alarm. There was no one at the entrance, so... the presence must already be within the crowd.

He frantically eyed the people present. And the, he saw it, or rather him.

With deep, inky black hair and eyes, a slightly angular chin and pale skin, his face exuded a dark beauty. His outfit stood out as well, but for different reasons.

A crumpled white t-shirt and a slightly large black pant with an unbuttoned tattered black shirt. It was as if...

'Is this guy from the wild or something?'

'No... his clothes aren't like that of a wild person. Maybe he just finished a dungeon?'

Whatever the case, the person was dangerous.

So Gayle steeled himself.


An academy.

Asteroth had seen institutes like this in many of the worlds he had visited. They were always breeding places for incredible talents. He should know.

He had killed many after all.

As is by design, his eyes found something, or someone.

The boy seemed average. His face, body, clothes... none of them stood out. He would have been just another face in the crowd.

Well, he would have been, if not for the startling metallic hair and the shining moon crest on his forehead. 

Asteroth's eye twitched. This was too ludicrous. Atleast high Master in rank... Was this a joke?

'How laughable... that man is like an adult in a kid's playground'

Although slightly amused, Asteroth's demeanor did not change. He surveyed the entirety of the academy and judged its level.

'As expected... the average first year in this academy is Pseudo-awakened. And it happened again, how are all the worlds using the same ranking system? The Fool has hidden far greater secrets it seems...'

The Awakened were the ones who surpassed mortal limits. They were in the realm of 'superhumans' as known by the human race. The ranking is as follows: Pseudo-awakened, Master, Grandmaster, Paragon, Demigod. 

As for an idea of the difficulty and power of each rank... There were only two human Paragons in this world. But for Asteroth, who had long since stepped into Demigod, this world was laughably weak.

Anyway, a high level Master was indeed to great for a place filled with people barely at the Pseudo-awakened level. 

This had happened before as well. An unprecedented talent taking the world by storm. It was an all too common theme. 


Asteroth was not going to miss the chance to take a talent under his wing. 

<I felt your sight, you know?>

To Asteroth's surprise, Gayle did not react, except stare even harder. 

<What are you?>

<… >

<Are you here to kill us all?>

Even when asking such a question, Gayle was calm. In fact, he seemed to trying to find or form an escape route. His control of mana was impeccable. Only a trace amount leaked out.

His opponent was a Demigod though.

<I have no intention of causing you harm>

<…I'm thankful>

<You can call me Aster. I would like to maintain a friendly relationship with you>

<I'm Gayle. By the way, why are you so formal? Don't be uptight>

<…I'll try>

Aster's lips quirked upward. He had not mentioned Gayle's attempt at an escape. Gayle would now have the false impression that Aster could be tricked. 

"Attention, candidates. The test will begin soon."

The next task would be a lot harder. After all, hiding one's talent was a talent in itself.

Luckily, Aster had plenty of experience. 123 worlds full, to be exact...