
Demon King's Good Karma System

The strongest being in the world, even gods were vary of, the demon lord had killed all his opponents. He was the supreme with unparalleled strength and supreme powers, he could not be defeated. Looking down even at gods, he was not afraid of anyone. But who would have thought that he would be backstabbed by his own family. Killed by his own brother, he decided to take revenge if he would get an extra chance. But when he opened his eyes again, he was on earth not in his world of demons and that also with a shitty “GOOD KARMA SYSTEM” that could only let him live if he would collect sufficient points by the end of the day. To earn the points, he had to do good deeds, and so his struggle to gain the points began. The man who had only cared about himself and only killed people like they were insects had to struggle and beg to help others so that he could get his long awaited revenge. But after doing so much goodness, would his system let him kill his killer for which he had come back to life and struggled so much?

MelonSmasher · Fantasy
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178 Chs

The Accident.

"Madam, sir is asking for a new set of clothes and a room to take a bath. And…" Tang Min frowned when she heard the words of the waiter?

He was just fine when she had left him a few minutes ago but when she returned, he was having a strong stench of blood over him and now instead of getting treated, he wanted new clothes and a bath?

Just how much injured could he be in a few minutes if blood dirtied his clothes too?

"And..?" she enquired when she looked at the hesitating face of the waiter who looked at the floor to avoid her eyes and added,

"Mister asked me to ask you for all the expenses!" he asked in a hesitated voice, unsure if he should ask her for money since she was the owner of the place.

"That! Yes!" Tang Min placed her hands in her purse and took out all the cash she had, as she did not want to give a card for payment. Or there would be another headline that Tang Min was buying clothes for her lover.

But she did not have much cash, as she hardly needed it.

"See if a new set of clothes could be bought in it. And give him my suite, so you do not need to book a room for him." She must have known that a gym instructor who works in a northern area that's known for its poor community, would not have money for his expenses.

She sighed as she felt suddenly she had burdened herself with another responsibility.

"What is it? Is it not enough?" she asked as the waiter was still standing there while they were getting late.

"That.. no madam, i was waiting for your further instructions!" the waiter panicked as he replied hurriedly.

Could he tell her that he was shocked with the meagre amount she had given him! He was sure that both were filthy rich! Yet they were trying to extract money from each other. He was better poor this way!

"Nothing! Just hurry, I do not have much time!" impatience was filled in her voice as she scanned her diamond watch for the hundredth time in 5 minutes.

"Yes, yes, madam!" the man scurried away as he looked at the amount and sighed.

"Take the car to the hotel so that you can come faster." she added when he turned but his face only turned darker.

So she wanted him to go to the thrift store in such a luxurious car! Who would give him a discount then?

"No! That would not be needed, I would come faster!" though the girl frowned but she nodded and did not stop the waiter further.

But just when he left, she saw a woman standing at the door with her hands folded in front of her chest.

She was clad in a body hugging black dress that ended up to her thighs. Her hairs reached up to her shoulders and her brown eyes were staring at Tang Min with disdain.

"Sister, so you are here! You know I was looking for you everywhere!" she replied in a coy tone as she waltzed into the room in a seductive style.

Tang Min's cold face turned colder when she saw the girl and did not reply to her. Picking up a magazine from the table, she started reading an article in it.

"Are you still worried that we will abandon you, sister? Do not worry, we are your family. How could we do so!" the girl purred as she ignored the frosty expression of the frost queen and sat beside her with twinkling eyes,

"You know father even went to the company and called a board meeting of shareholders to convince them it was not your mistake.

But if they still blame you, he can take care of the company until you clear your name!" her eyes filled with evil glint when the words left her mouth.

She wanted to see how panicked and vulnerable the girl would be who had always acted as high and mighty in front of them. She wanted to show her that she was not invincible as she had shown them all their life.

Now it was their turn to rule. Her eyes had pure hatred for Tang Min and she could not wait to see her destruction anymore.

"After all.. We are family! So, you do not need to worry, we will take good care of you and company!" replied the girl in a sweet tone but mockery was evident in her voice.

"What did you say?" Tang Min stood up abruptly as she checked her cellphone. If there was a company meeting why did no one inform her?

There was not a single message or call even from her secretary.

"It is all for you, sister. Father and brother will take care of it. You do not need to worry." The girl blew her well manicured hands and had a cold smirk on her face as she leaned on the sofa and looked at Tang Min with proud eyes.

She wanted to see this panicked state of Tang Min for a long time. If only she could record her death this way too!

Tang Min did not waste her time on her sister anymore. Taking hasty steps, she walked out of the room while calling her secretary number.

She needed to know what was happening there and reach there this instant.

"Damn!" The other party did not pick up her call that made her further anxious.

She took a few deep breaths and called her assistant this time who picked up the call after a few rings.

"Yes, madam. Is everything fine there?" came the voice of the concerned girl from the other side.

"I am fine, did you reach the company? I heard that there is a board meeting going on there!" Her voice was a bit desperate and anxious, which surprised the girl on the other side.

"That! I am still on my way due to the traffic. But I was not notified of any meeting. I will inform you as soon as I get there!"