
Demon King's Good Karma System

The strongest being in the world, even gods were vary of, the demon lord had killed all his opponents. He was the supreme with unparalleled strength and supreme powers, he could not be defeated. Looking down even at gods, he was not afraid of anyone. But who would have thought that he would be backstabbed by his own family. Killed by his own brother, he decided to take revenge if he would get an extra chance. But when he opened his eyes again, he was on earth not in his world of demons and that also with a shitty “GOOD KARMA SYSTEM” that could only let him live if he would collect sufficient points by the end of the day. To earn the points, he had to do good deeds, and so his struggle to gain the points began. The man who had only cared about himself and only killed people like they were insects had to struggle and beg to help others so that he could get his long awaited revenge. But after doing so much goodness, would his system let him kill his killer for which he had come back to life and struggled so much?

MelonSmasher · Fantasy
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178 Chs

I Will Protect You

It had been a whole day yet the Thumbelina had not even disturbed him once. Not that he was complaining but he was just worried if the system was working fine or it had been damaged since the girl had never left him alone even for an hour since they had been attached first.

"Hey, are you in?" He mumbled , gaining the stare of a few people around him but he did not pay any heed to them, which worried him that he did not get any reply.

"Hey, Thumbelina, have you finally left me for good?" This time his tone had a hint of glee earning more stares from the people around him.

A lady that was walking in front of him with her son, stopped and changed lanes while throwing a strange gaze at him but he just shrugged.

"For the hundredth time, I am not a Thumbelina. My name is Zhao Wei!!!" her eyes were red as if all the nerves of her eyes were broken and a scowl was formed on her face as she looked at him menacingly but it only brought a smile on his lips.

"Phew! For a second I thought that the shitty system had been broken!" his nonchalant words only brought more ire from him.

She looked at him as if he had done a great felony. Her cheeks puffed up and she punched him on his forehead but it was not even a tickle for him.

"You! You are a bully and you can never improve. The system had done wrong by choosing you as the one to get another chance!" she shouted in an aggrieved manner and the man who was walking nonchalantly halted in his steps for a second, but even before Zhao Wei could notice that, he started walking again.

Hao did not say another word and Zhao Wei returned to his mind again as she did not want to talk to him.

He soon reached the old gym where both sisters were chatting with each other while laughing over certain matters.

When they heard footsteps, they turned to look at the door and found Hao entering in. The man had always been silent and cold yet his presence was frostier today than the temperature fell when he entered.

His gaze roamed all over the room when he entered and a frown formed on his lips.

"Where is Shao Min?" he asked the siblings as he tilted his head and looked at them.

"Why did we reply to you when you don't even greet us normally!" asked Anna with a glare while Rihanna bit her lips and looked down.

Hao tilted his head but did not say another word as he jumped the barrier and walked towards his room without sparing another glance at them.

Rihanna's gaze lingered all the way to his back until he completely disappeared from there.

"Sister, why are you so cold with him? Do not forget that he had protected us when we were in need?" Most of the time, her sister was a wiser person. But when it comes to men, she became a completely different person.

"So!" her voice turned colder as she glared at her sister, "he paid money to them and in exchange he is living here. It is give and take. He had not done a favor on us by saving us. Do not make him a hero!!"

"Sigh" "but sister, he is even giving a lesson to Shao Min! If we can convince him to work for us, we might even get our business back to track!" she tried to convince but it only irked her sister further!

"Ha! He said and you believed it!" she shook her head as if she could not believe that Rihanna was still too dumb, "would you even grow up? Even Shao min did not believe in her, that is why she left! He must be just leering over her. Though she is a bit fat. She had fair and pearly skin and her innocent eyes attracted many men." with that she glared at her sister once again.

"I am warning you Rihanna. Do not go closer to that man. We did not even know who he was and why he was living here.

He could be a criminal or a kid who ran away from his home. But all in all I am sure that he could only bring trouble!!" her eyes glowered as she warned her sister to stay away.

Rihanna wanted to retort. She wanted to tell me that a man who ran out in the middle of the midnight to help a cat and even fed him before dressing up in the chilly night could not be a bad man. She even wanted to tell that he did not give in to her seduction. How could he be leering over the shy and reserved Shao min, but she kept quiet and nodded silently.

She did not want her sister to know about their encounter!

"Rihanna!" a scowl formed on Anna's face when she saw the uneasiness on the face of her sister.

"Sigh" "alright, i will do as you say sister. I am just worried that the gym will close soon and then we would have no other place to go!" her down casted face and low voice soften the expressions of Anna.

She felt bad for letting down and worrying her sister, "I am sorry, Rihanna. It is all because of me. If I had not irked that man, our gym would have been working well and I would have been able to pay for your fees too." her expressions turned bitter and her face filled with regret but it only made Rihanna panicked.

"Sister, I am sorry. I didn't mean to blame you." she replied hastily as she moved closer and hugged Anna.

"You are my hero. You have only beaten that man because of me. You did all that to save my innocence. If there is someone to be blamed. It should only be me." a tear escaped from her eyes as she remembered that day they had a brawl in the gym and all their happiness got ruined in it.

"Shush..!! You are my little sister. I will save you no matter what! Never blame yourself over anything. I will find a way to save you!" she hugged back Rihanna as her hands clenched into a fist, 'i will save you even if i had to sell myself for that!!'