
Demon King's Good Karma System

The strongest being in the world, even gods were vary of, the demon lord had killed all his opponents. He was the supreme with unparalleled strength and supreme powers, he could not be defeated. Looking down even at gods, he was not afraid of anyone. But who would have thought that he would be backstabbed by his own family. Killed by his own brother, he decided to take revenge if he would get an extra chance. But when he opened his eyes again, he was on earth not in his world of demons and that also with a shitty “GOOD KARMA SYSTEM” that could only let him live if he would collect sufficient points by the end of the day. To earn the points, he had to do good deeds, and so his struggle to gain the points began. The man who had only cared about himself and only killed people like they were insects had to struggle and beg to help others so that he could get his long awaited revenge. But after doing so much goodness, would his system let him kill his killer for which he had come back to life and struggled so much?

MelonSmasher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

How Foolish!

"That! I am still on my way due to the traffic. But I was not notified of any meeting. I will inform you as soon as I get there!"

"........" Tang min cut the call with gritted teeth. How would the assistant be notified when even she was not notified. They are trying to keep them away so that they can convince other shareholders.

She would not let that happen! Gritting her teeth and holding the cell phone tightly in her grip, she walked towards the parking lot.

She looked around but even her driver was not there.

"It is all their plan to stop me. But I would not accept defeat!" She took quick steps towards the car and sat in the driver seat. Pressing the accelerator with full force, she left the building for her company.

An evil smile formed on the face of Tang Ning when she saw the car of her sister speeding away.

With a smirk and anticipated face, she took out her cell phone from the sling bag and dialed a number,

"Yes, she had left the hotel. It will only take her five to ten minutes to reach the highway, so be ready!

Yes, she is the one driving the car." satisfied with the reply on the other side, she flicked her hair.

"Now I would be left as the only daughter of the Tang family." with an evil smirk she turned to leave but halted when she met the cold eyes of a man.

It took her a few seconds to come back to her senses when she saw there a handsome looking man was standing in front of her. His hair was still dripping wet and the front three buttons of his shirt were open.

He looked like he had just taken a shower but his eyes were so cold and his face was daunting, that it flustered her for a second.

"Who were you talking to?" he titled his head and looked into her eyes with that intimidated look that it took her a few seconds to recover herself.

"Who are you and what are you talking about?" she asked in a sharp tone trying to sound strong but his handsome face was so cold that she was having trouble in maintaining her composure.

Her eyes scanned her surroundings, she was standing alone with a strange man in the parking lot as she was the one who had cleared this whole area so that Tang Min could not ask someone to drive her to the company.

"Do you even know who I am? I am the owner of this hotel and the one and only daughter of the Tang family. If you tried to play any trick on me, you would end up in prison or worse lose your life.

So, you better apologize and leave!" she glared at the man with her fierce eyes. But not even a single expression changed on his face.

Hao had just come out of the bath, when he felt the absence of the girl.

"Zhao Wei.. why do i feel that she isn't here anymore!" he whispered as he wore his clothes hurriedly.

"That.." the girl closed her eyes and then pursued her lips, but when she looked at his narrowing eyes, she sighed, "she left for her company because they are having a secret meeting.

But her sister blurted it out. So, she went to stop it or see what was happening there!" with that she showed him the images of conversation between both girls and his narrowed eyes glowed with an evil glint while his face turned darker.

"And you think that the girl had blurted it incidentally. How foolish!" He took hurried steps and within a few seconds he was in the basement, but the girl was already gone and her sister was talking on the phone.

"Do you know I only have one weakness left!" Just when the girl was trying to confirm if the man was scared or not, Hao spoke out of the blue, and she furrowed her brows. "That.. I do not like to get threatened!"

"What does it have to do with me?" she asked as three deeper lines formed on her forehead and her hands ended up on her waist as she glared at the man. "Do you even know what I can do? I.." before she could complete her words, a strong hand hit her straight on her neck and her eyes widened.

But soon, she lost her balance and her eyes closed. She fell on the dirty ground with a thud. He crouched and picked up her phone before walking towards the cars, completely ignoring the fallen girl.

"Shall I look for the cab again?" asked Zhao Wei, giving one last look at the girl, shaking her head. She was relieved that he only had pressed her nerve that was responsible for getting responses from the brain.

She would only end up mentally retard or a bit slow but still be alive and live.

"We don't have that much time!" he muttered as he assessed the car in front of him.

"But you can not use your real speed in the broad daylight. It will gain a lot of attention and it would be difficult to erase the memory of so many people."

she complained but before she continued, she saw him pulling the door of a car with full force.

The door disjoined from the car and he let it go to make it fall on the ground too. Then he sat on the seat of the driver very conveniently and held the steering wheel.

"But master, you have never driven a car all your life." her eyes flashed a hint of panic.

She was not worried about his life but about the lives of the others when his car crashed into them, she was sure that he would injure or might even kill a few of other vehicles.

"Download a manual and set it on my screen then. We do not have time.'' With that he turned the steering wheel and pressed the accelerator too and she had to hold his shirt to steady herself while setting the system.

"Show me the path she has taken, we have to overtake her!"