
Demon King's Good Karma System

The strongest being in the world, even gods were vary of, the demon lord had killed all his opponents. He was the supreme with unparalleled strength and supreme powers, he could not be defeated. Looking down even at gods, he was not afraid of anyone. But who would have thought that he would be backstabbed by his own family. Killed by his own brother, he decided to take revenge if he would get an extra chance. But when he opened his eyes again, he was on earth not in his world of demons and that also with a shitty “GOOD KARMA SYSTEM” that could only let him live if he would collect sufficient points by the end of the day. To earn the points, he had to do good deeds, and so his struggle to gain the points began. The man who had only cared about himself and only killed people like they were insects had to struggle and beg to help others so that he could get his long awaited revenge. But after doing so much goodness, would his system let him kill his killer for which he had come back to life and struggled so much?

MelonSmasher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

[Bonus chapter]

"If Anna asks you where her sister was.. Tell her that she was with you."

".........." the girl looked at Hao in a confused manner but then it dawned on her. In the morning when he had seen this Adonis nude, she had noticed that he had marks of several fresh scratches on his body. But she thought that it was due to the street fight he had the other day.

But now that she thinks about it, the marks should have dried by then and it looked more like the scratch marks of nails of a girl. Her face hearted and her cheeks burnt as her imagination turned wild and she imagined the scenes between them.

"Would you do that or not?" His cold voice brought her back to her senses and she nodded with her head bowed low.

"Good! Now shall we start?" she nodded again when she heard his indifferent voice but it also made her wonder if he was this much indifferent then why did he care about the girl whom he spent a night with or about her?

Why was he helping her?

She raised her head and looked at the man in confusion but gulped when she felt his cold gaze on him.

"You think too much! Now shall we start?" his daunting gaze bore holes in her body and she instinctively nodded once again while thinking,

'How did he know what I was thinking every single time?!'

"Let's start with crunches and then wall sit and after that push ups.." like a bullet he started giving her instructions that she felt sweat started to form in her body.

But once again, she did not feel tired, but warm and lightweight. Even the pain in her back that had been torturing her due to continoues sitting had disappeared.

"Next pullups and then..'' It continued for hours when he started giving her instructions. He could see Anna talking to Rihanna from the corner of his eyes and Anna even turning to look at her but he feigned ignorance.

If she asked him, he would not deny. The girl was an adult and came to him by herself! There was nothing he had done wrong, yet he had helped her when she asked for favor.

Not to forget that he had earned 20 points by it.

"Are we done?" he looked back at the girl and nodded. She was her golden hen who gave her 50 points everyday!

"Yes! Go and change so that we can check your weight!"

"Phew!" The girl took a deep breath of relief and stood up when her ankle bent and she stumbled.

She closed her eyes instinctively when she was about to fall but the cold floor and pain she was about to face did not come.

Instead, she felt his warm body holding her in his embrace. But instead of being relieved, she frowned.

"How did you come here?" she asked with a frown on her face and his eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?" He spoke with a bit more pressure to oppress her thoughts but she only shook her head.

Letting go of his arms, she stood up properly and then looked at the other side of the room, where he was leaning on the wall.

Though the distance was not much, it would still take him a minute or at least a few seconds to get there but he was there in a blink as if he teleported from there.

"How were you able to catch me? You were standing far away from me!" this time her voice was more confident and he narrowed his eyes on her face.

"I have high speed, and I was not standing that far away!" his voice had always been cold and indifferent but this time it was laced with poison.

As if warning her to not interfere in the matters, you

do not understand!

But her determined and resolute eyes did not waver under his pressure.

"Can you show me how you crossed the distance?" feeling annoyed by the same question. He held her arms and looked straight into her eyes.

"I am capable of doing much more than that! But are you sure you can handle it?" the voice was so low as if it came straight from the Netherlands and she shivered.

"I. I will not tell others. But I want to see!" her tone was so scared yet her eyes were looking at him with determination that he smirked devilishly.

"If that is what your wish is! I would show you how a person should not ask for things that he could not handle. You curious greedy humans!" with that his eyes glowed and neon light came out from them and his face shed his human layer.

There was nothing but a neon soul standing in front of her with dark eyes!

Her whole body froze when she looked at him and her mouth turned agape, her eyes turned wide with trepidation. Even her heart stopped beating for a second.

"Now that you have seen me! Do you think I will let you live? Huh?" his soft voice rang like death bells in her ears but she was still not able to move and run away.

As if her body had been held by an unknown force, she could not even blink! It broke into cold sweats as she felt that her death was near.

The neon lights with darker shades, he was nothing more than some floating smoke yet his eyes were intimidating and she knew more than anyone how capable he was to kill her then and there.

"I.. I will not tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me since you are my benefactor!" she mumbled with a last attempt to stay alive and Hao smirked.

"What the hell did you do? Oh lord! Oh lord! Why did you shed your human body in front of others? `` Since the body was not there, Zhao Wei was thrown out of his mind too.

She was pulling her hair like crazies and shouting loud in panic. She could not believe that he did that just because she said so!

"Since when have you been so obedient, we both would be done for.. Oh lord! Oh lord!"