
Demon in the Post-Apocalyptic world

*** Please Vote for my book so I can push it out **** Go read my other book Deadman Apocalypse. As disaster was about to strike, every human aged 18 to 59 was transmigrated into a desolated world and challenged to a game of survival. From terrifying acid rains to endless natural disasters, the heavens burn while the earth scorches. Radiation is rampant, and nobody is spared from the dangers of this hellscape. The only way to survive is by building a shelter and slowly upgrading it in hopes of making it through another day. Luckily, Sun Han awakened a Doomsday Survival System that allowed him to infinitely level up and upgrade his shelter! The main wooden shelter door could be upgraded into a metal door, which in turn could be upgraded into a composite gate. Wooden spears could be upgraded into bronze spears, eventually becoming electromagnetic spears... While everyone struggled to survive, Sun Han was fully loaded and well-equipped to dominate the post-apocalyptic world. "While some of us are lighting oil lamps, he's been using refrigerators!" "The walls of his shelter alone are tens of meters thick. It's the safest place on this planet." "Before I die, I wish to spend one day in his shelter..." And the planet is 100 times bigger than Earth. When they get teleported, a system shows their status screen, displaying their personal information and inventory, which only includes a level 1 underground house or a house on land.

BrownGhost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Boss Fight Part 1

### Chapter 15: Boss Fight

The underground shelter was filled with a tense silence as Sun Han and Mia caught their breath after their recent fortifications. Just as they were about to discuss their next steps, a sudden system prompt flashed across their vision, casting a luminescent glow on their retinas.

**System Prompt:**

**First boss fight will begin on your continent in 1 hour.**

**Reach the coordinates: (X: 150, Y: -50, Z: 30)**

The coordinates were unsettlingly familiar—right at the entrance of their underground base. Sun Han and Mia exchanged a look of surprise and urgency.

"That's right here," Sun Han said, his voice low and urgent. "We don't have much time. We need to prepare."

Mia nodded, her expression steely. "Let's get ready. We don't know what we're up against."

They quickly moved into action. Sun Han checked his inventory, ensuring his katana was sharp and ready. Mia gathered her belongings, securing the small arsenal of weapons and supplies they had managed to accumulate. They filled their canteens with water and packed some food, knowing they might need it.

As they were finishing up, Mia turned to Sun Han with a determined expression. "I can read coordinates. I'll lead the way."

Sun Han nodded, trusting her ability. "Alright, Mia. Let's move out."

They stepped outside their shelter, feeling the weight of the impending battle pressing down on them. The sky was a dull gray, a foreboding canvas that seemed to mirror the tension in the air. The coordinates were a mere few steps from their base, but the proximity did nothing to lessen the anxiety coursing through their veins.

Mia took the lead, her eyes scanning the terrain as they navigated towards the exact location. Sun Han stayed close, his senses heightened and alert for any sign of danger. The landscape around them was eerily silent, as if the world itself was holding its breath in anticipation.

As they moved closer to the coordinates, the ground beneath them began to show signs of previous battles. Scorched earth, shattered trees, and deep gashes in the soil marked the path they were on. The remnants of past struggles served as a grim reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Suddenly, Mia stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening in shock. "Sun Han, look at that," she whispered, pointing ahead.

Sun Han followed her gaze and saw it—a massive, bleached bone jutting out of the ground. It was unmistakably the remains of a bear, but not just any bear. Sun Han's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the distinctive skeletal structure of the Arcadian Bear, the same formidable beast he had fought not long ago.

The sheer size of the bones was staggering, a testament to the bear's once-mighty presence. The ribcage rose like a skeletal cathedral, casting long shadows on the ground. Sun Han couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and dread as he approached the remnants of his previous adversary.

"It's the Arcadian Bear," Sun Han said quietly, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I can't believe it."

Mia looked at him, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "You fought this thing?"

Sun Han nodded, his mind flooded with memories of the fierce battle. "Yes, and it was no easy fight. If this is any indication of what we're up against, we need to be prepared for anything."

Mia's eyes hardened with determination. "Then let's make sure we're ready. We have to stay sharp and work together."

Sun Han agreed, his grip tightening on his katana. The presence of the Arcadian Bear's bones was a stark reminder of the dangers that awaited them. Whatever the boss fight entailed, they would face it head-on, relying on their skills, determination, and the bond they had forged through their shared struggles.

As they stood before the massive bones, the weight of their task settled heavily on their shoulders. The clock was ticking, and the first boss fight was imminent. Sun Han and Mia knew that they couldn't afford to hesitate. They had to be ready for whatever came next.