
Demon in the Post-Apocalyptic world

*** Please Vote for my book so I can push it out **** Go read my other book Deadman Apocalypse. As disaster was about to strike, every human aged 18 to 59 was transmigrated into a desolated world and challenged to a game of survival. From terrifying acid rains to endless natural disasters, the heavens burn while the earth scorches. Radiation is rampant, and nobody is spared from the dangers of this hellscape. The only way to survive is by building a shelter and slowly upgrading it in hopes of making it through another day. Luckily, Sun Han awakened a Doomsday Survival System that allowed him to infinitely level up and upgrade his shelter! The main wooden shelter door could be upgraded into a metal door, which in turn could be upgraded into a composite gate. Wooden spears could be upgraded into bronze spears, eventually becoming electromagnetic spears... While everyone struggled to survive, Sun Han was fully loaded and well-equipped to dominate the post-apocalyptic world. "While some of us are lighting oil lamps, he's been using refrigerators!" "The walls of his shelter alone are tens of meters thick. It's the safest place on this planet." "Before I die, I wish to spend one day in his shelter..." And the planet is 100 times bigger than Earth. When they get teleported, a system shows their status screen, displaying their personal information and inventory, which only includes a level 1 underground house or a house on land.

BrownGhost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

A survivor

### Chapter 12: The Survivor

Sun Han woke up, the lingering warmth of the scorched earth beneath him a reminder of the previous day's chaos. He groaned slightly as he got to his feet, feeling the residual aches from his battle with the Arcadian Bear. As he opened the door of his underground house, the cool morning air rushed in, a stark contrast to the heated floor.

Stepping outside, Sun Han's eyes widened in surprise. Lying unconscious on the ground was a young woman who looked to be around college age. Her delicate features and graceful form immediately struck him as extraordinarily beautiful, even in her disheveled state. Her clothes were torn and dirty, evidence of the struggles she must have faced to survive.

Without hesitation, Sun Han carefully lifted her and carried her into his underground home. The cool, dim interior provided a welcome respite from the outside world. He gently laid her on the sofa, noting her shallow breathing and the pallor of her skin. She was clearly dehydrated and exhausted.

Opening the world chat, Sun Han quickly purchased two bottles of water, spending 20 gold coins. The bottles materialized in front of him, and he immediately opened one, lifting it to the girl's lips. He coaxed her to drink, supporting her head as the cool liquid flowed down her throat. After ensuring she had consumed enough to rehydrate, he took a long drink from the second bottle himself, feeling the refreshing coolness revive him.

With the immediate crisis handled, Sun Han turned his attention to his underground house. He had been thinking about upgrading it for a while, and now seemed like the perfect time. He opened the system interface and navigated to the upgrade options.

**System Prompt:** "Would you like to upgrade to a Level 3 Underground House? You need 5 kg of metal and 400 wooden logs, or you can immediately upgrade for 1500 gold coins."

Sun Han considered his options briefly. The cost in materials was steep, and he didn't want to waste time gathering resources when he could spend his energy elsewhere. He decided to use his gold coins for the upgrade. With a mental command, he confirmed the transaction.

The transformation was instantaneous. The underground house expanded, its walls pushing outward until the space was a spacious 50 meters in all directions. The ceilings lifted, providing a more open and airy feel. New rooms and corridors appeared, and the overall structure became more sophisticated and secure.

A new system prompt appeared:

**System Prompt:** "You can now buy a ventilation system for 1000 gold coins."

Realizing the importance of proper ventilation, especially with the expanded space, Sun Han purchased the system. A series of ducts and fans materialized, integrating seamlessly into the structure, ensuring a steady flow of fresh air throughout the underground house.

Next, he turned his attention to furnishing the new space. The system offered various options, and Sun Han quickly bought a comfortable bed for 800 gold coins and a plush sofa for 500 gold coins. The bed appeared in a newly designated sleeping area, and the sofa replaced the one where the girl lay, providing a more comfortable and supportive resting place for her.

As he finished arranging the new furnishings, he heard a soft groan from the direction of the sofa. Turning, Sun Han saw the girl stirring, her eyelids fluttering as she slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes, a striking shade of green, opened and focused on him, filled with a mixture of confusion and gratitude.

She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness overcame her, and she lay back down with a soft sigh. Sun Han knelt beside her, offering her more water. "Drink slowly," he advised, watching her carefully. "You're safe now."

The girl nodded weakly and took another sip. As she did, Sun Han couldn't help but notice the signs of her recovery. Her breathing was steadier, and the color was returning to her cheeks. He felt a surge of relief.

With the girl resting comfortably, Sun Han decided to check his own status screen. To his astonishment, he saw that his health had fully recovered. The boost from the system rewards and the rest had worked wonders. His endurance, strength, and overall vitality were at their peak. The system's rewards had indeed made him stronger, more capable of facing the trials ahead.

Sun Han took a moment to gather his thoughts and then turned back to the girl. He realized he didn't even know her name yet. "My name is Sun Han," he said softly. "What's your name?"

She opened her eyes and looked at him, her voice barely a whisper. "Mia."

The response startled Sun Han. "It's okay," he reassured her. "You're safe here. I've upgraded my base, so we have more space and better facilities. Rest for now. I'll make sure we're both well-provided for."

Leaving her to rest, Sun Han stood up and inspected the new features of his underground house. The additional space was impressive, with new rooms that could be used for storage, living quarters, or even a crafting area. The ventilation system was already working efficiently, circulating fresh air and making the environment more comfortable.

Satisfied with the improvements, Sun Han decided to explore the market options further. The bed and sofa had been good investments, providing necessary comfort and support. He browsed through other items, considering what else might be useful.

The system prompt reappeared, reminding him of the current market situation. The price of water had skyrocketed due to the Scorchwave disaster, with a single 500ml bottle now costing 10 gold coins. It was a stark reminder of the precariousness of their situation and the importance of securing a sustainable water source.

Returning to the girl's side, he noticed she was looking around the underground house with curiosity. "How are you feeling?" he asked gently.

"Better, thanks to you," she replied, her voice stronger now. "This place is amazing. You've done well to survive here."

Sun Han nodded. "It hasn't been easy, but we have to keep moving forward. There's still a lot to do, and the challenges won't stop."

As the girl settled back onto the sofa, clearly more comfortable, Sun Han couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The battle with the Arcadian Bear, the subsequent rewards, and now the responsibility of another survivor—all of it was shaping him into a stronger, more capable leader.

The day was far from over, and Sun Han knew there were more decisions to make and more plans to set into motion. But for now, he allowed himself a moment of respite, knowing that he had made significant strides in securing their safety and well-being.

The future remained uncertain, but with the support of his followers and the resilience of those around him, Sun Han felt more prepared than ever to face whatever came next. He was ready to protect, to lead, and to survive in this harsh new world.

As he glanced at the girl, now resting peacefully, he silently vowed to ensure their survival and to find a way to thrive despite the odds. The challenges ahead would be many, but Sun Han was determined to overcome them all.

Suddenly, the girl stirred and opened her eyes fully, looking at Sun Han with a mixture of confusion and gratitude.